
时间:2021-02-25 02:44:29

I have an NSCollectionView that shows a grid of prototype items, this is all handled via Core Data, Interface Bindings and an NSValueTransformer to show a placeholder image inside the NSCollectionViewItem if no real image exists.

我有一个NSCollectionView,它显示了一个原型项目的网格,这些都是通过Core Data、接口绑定和一个NSValueTransformer来处理的,如果没有真实的图像,就在NSCollectionViewItem中显示一个占位符图像。

When I want to delete an item from the NSCollectionView it removes it from the collection view but flashes up my placeholder image (triggered from my NSValueTransformer subclass) for a micro second just before it vanishes from view.


I can not find a way to stop the NSValueTransformer running when it detects that an object in the MOC has been deleted. Why is it even running?


The steps I take are:


for (MyEntityClass * obj in [myArrayController selectedObjects]) {

    [myArrayController removeObject: obj];    // This on its own works fine.
    [managedObjectContext deleteObject: obj]; // This causes a flash


If I just delete the object from the MOC (without removing from the arrayController) it flashes the placeholder image for a micro second.


Is there a way to stop the deletion of a MOC object from causing the CollectionView to run the NSValueTransformer before removing it from the view?


I tried adding a delay between ArrayController removeObject and the MOC deleteObject which fixes the flashing of the icon but then causes a Core Data field can not be nil errors if the user deletes a group of items in one go.

我尝试在ArrayController removeObject和MOC deleteObject之间添加一个延迟,它修复了图标的闪烁,但是如果用户一次删除了一组条目,则导致核心数据字段不能为nil。

Any ideas to stop the placeholder image flashing up just before it removes the object from the collection view?


1 个解决方案



Solved it.


The problem was due to saving the managedObjectContext inside the for loop (not shown in sample code above). When the MOC saves it was refreshing the collectionView while it was still removing the object due to the animation which caused the glitch.




Solved it.


The problem was due to saving the managedObjectContext inside the for loop (not shown in sample code above). When the MOC saves it was refreshing the collectionView while it was still removing the object due to the animation which caused the glitch.
