iOS:记一次Mac OS X 测试版(OS X EL Capitan) APP发布过程

时间:2022-12-14 02:41:15


Invalid Toolchain. New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, and iOS 8 SDK or later. Don't submit apps built with beta software. 

说明xcode 必须是release版,好吧 beta版pass掉,然后下载xcode(6.4),继续发布 ,但是 还是 

Invalid Toolchain. New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, and iOS 8 SDK or later. Don't submit apps built with beta software. 

仔细一看,OS X EL Capitan 由于不是正式版 也不行,难道要重装系统,好麻烦,查了一段资料

It is this build nubmer that causes the problem. iTunes Connect reads this value and determines that the app was built using a pre-release version of OS X, thus rejecting the build. Unfortunately, you can't simply modify the plist because this invalidates the codesigning—you'll be allowed to submit the app to iTunes Connect but it will fail review because the app can't be installed on any device (except jailbroken devices with AppSync).

大意是,iTunes Connect中读取系统版本号值,并确定该应用程序使用OS X的预发布版本的过程,来构建应用。因为签名的原因会审查失       败....balabalabala(原谅我渣英语)












