
时间:2022-07-02 02:40:14

I would like to create a report designer that has the same functionality and ease of use as the Visual Studio IDE. The ability to drag controls onto a form, select various subsets of those controls, align left, evenly space, etc.

我想创建一个与Visual Studio IDE具有相同功能和易用性的报表设计器。能够将控件拖到窗体上,选择这些控件的各种子集,左对齐,均匀空间等。

The only tools I have ever encountered are really bad. Crystal Reports, the MS Access report crapola, ComponentOne, etc. Is there a third party tool that does this right, or do I have to roll my own?

我遇到的唯一工具真的很糟糕。 Crystal Reports,MS Access报告crapola,ComponentOne等。有没有第三方工具可以做到这一点,还是我必须自己动手?

4 个解决方案



Um, sounds like you want to do ad-hoc reporting. I have never seen one of these done well outside of a COTS product like BusinessObjects Web Intelligence, which I am using right now on one of my projects.

嗯,听起来你想做临时报道。我从未见过其中一个在BusinessObjects Web Intelligence之类的COTS产品之外做得很好,我现在在其中一个项目中使用它。




I think you'll have to roll your own here.
The problem here is one of balance. Third party reporting tools have to be flexible, open and highly customizable to the whims of every potential user. As a result, these tools end being not usable to a lay person.
That said creating a visual report designer is not a trivial task. So my suggestion would be to distill the user's voice to find the minimal set of functionality (report elements, formatting, etc.) done first in a usable manner... may not be pretty the first time. And then iterate.
I'm working on a similar need and currently evaluating if MS Word with some custom add-ins would get the job done.

我想你必须在这里自己动手。这里的问题是平衡问题。第三方报告工具必须灵活,开放且高度可定制,以适应每个潜在用户的想法。结果,这些工具最终无法用于外行人。这就是说创建一个可视化报表设计器并不是一项简单的任务。因此,我的建议是提炼用户的声音,以便以可用的方式找到最先完成的最小功能集(报表元素,格式等)......可能不是第一次。然后迭代。我正在研究类似的需求,目前正在评估带有一些自定义加载项的MS Word是否可以完成工作。



Some years ago I used Active Reports from a company called Data Dynamics. It was nice in that it allowed my users to create their own reports - and they loved not having to contact me to create some ad-hoc report. I am sure the product has evolved since 2001, might want to give it a look.

几年前,我使用了一家名为Data Dynamics的公司的Active Reports。很高兴它允许我的用户创建他们自己的报告 - 他们喜欢不必联系我来创建一些临时报告。我确信该产品自2001年以来一直在发展,可能想看一看。



There is an SQL MS Reports Solution. It's called SSRS and you may have heard of it, but what you might not know it there is an OK end user targeted reporting tool. It works especially well if you are using datasets. The reports can be saved as files and run and/or built inside a VS project, within SQL SSRS, or using the free standing tool (i'd start here). They can also be run from a web control. They can export to excel and even PDF I think.

有一个SQL MS Reports解决方案。它被称为SSRS,您可能已经听说过它,但您可能不知道它有一个确定的最终用户目标报告工具。如果您使用数据集,它的效果尤其好。报告可以保存为文件,在VS项目中运行和/或构建,在SQL SSRS中,或使用独立工具(我从这里开始)。它们也可以从Web控件运行。我认为他们可以导出excel甚至PDF。

See SQL2008 Tool here - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9f783224-9871-4eea-b1d5-f3140a253db6&displaylang=en

请参阅SQL2008工具 - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9f783224-9871-4eea-b1d5-f3140a253db6&displaylang=en

More info here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_Server_Reporting_Services

更多信息在这里 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_Server_Reporting_Services

This is also available in SQL2005 also I believe.




Um, sounds like you want to do ad-hoc reporting. I have never seen one of these done well outside of a COTS product like BusinessObjects Web Intelligence, which I am using right now on one of my projects.

嗯,听起来你想做临时报道。我从未见过其中一个在BusinessObjects Web Intelligence之类的COTS产品之外做得很好,我现在在其中一个项目中使用它。




I think you'll have to roll your own here.
The problem here is one of balance. Third party reporting tools have to be flexible, open and highly customizable to the whims of every potential user. As a result, these tools end being not usable to a lay person.
That said creating a visual report designer is not a trivial task. So my suggestion would be to distill the user's voice to find the minimal set of functionality (report elements, formatting, etc.) done first in a usable manner... may not be pretty the first time. And then iterate.
I'm working on a similar need and currently evaluating if MS Word with some custom add-ins would get the job done.

我想你必须在这里自己动手。这里的问题是平衡问题。第三方报告工具必须灵活,开放且高度可定制,以适应每个潜在用户的想法。结果,这些工具最终无法用于外行人。这就是说创建一个可视化报表设计器并不是一项简单的任务。因此,我的建议是提炼用户的声音,以便以可用的方式找到最先完成的最小功能集(报表元素,格式等)......可能不是第一次。然后迭代。我正在研究类似的需求,目前正在评估带有一些自定义加载项的MS Word是否可以完成工作。



Some years ago I used Active Reports from a company called Data Dynamics. It was nice in that it allowed my users to create their own reports - and they loved not having to contact me to create some ad-hoc report. I am sure the product has evolved since 2001, might want to give it a look.

几年前,我使用了一家名为Data Dynamics的公司的Active Reports。很高兴它允许我的用户创建他们自己的报告 - 他们喜欢不必联系我来创建一些临时报告。我确信该产品自2001年以来一直在发展,可能想看一看。



There is an SQL MS Reports Solution. It's called SSRS and you may have heard of it, but what you might not know it there is an OK end user targeted reporting tool. It works especially well if you are using datasets. The reports can be saved as files and run and/or built inside a VS project, within SQL SSRS, or using the free standing tool (i'd start here). They can also be run from a web control. They can export to excel and even PDF I think.

有一个SQL MS Reports解决方案。它被称为SSRS,您可能已经听说过它,但您可能不知道它有一个确定的最终用户目标报告工具。如果您使用数据集,它的效果尤其好。报告可以保存为文件,在VS项目中运行和/或构建,在SQL SSRS中,或使用独立工具(我从这里开始)。它们也可以从Web控件运行。我认为他们可以导出excel甚至PDF。

See SQL2008 Tool here - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9f783224-9871-4eea-b1d5-f3140a253db6&displaylang=en

请参阅SQL2008工具 - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9f783224-9871-4eea-b1d5-f3140a253db6&displaylang=en

More info here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_Server_Reporting_Services

更多信息在这里 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_Server_Reporting_Services

This is also available in SQL2005 also I believe.
