
时间:2021-08-28 02:34:20

I'm pulling some data from a MongoDB collection using Mongoose. I'm getting back my array of objects with just the fields I've selected. All good. Here's my code:


var fieldsToReturn = 'username password';
User.find({username: {$exists: true}}, fieldsToReturn, {sort: {'created.when': 1}}, function(err, data){
  if (err) {
    return err;
  } else {
    // clever code needed here to manipulate the data!
    return res.json(data);

What I want to do is iterate through the array of JavaScript objects returned in data and if there is a password (it'll be a text string) replace password with a boolean true, but if it's null then return a boolean false.


I've tried a bit of underscore.js magic:


_.each(data, function(element, index, list){
  if (element.password !== null) {element.password = true};

But what I get in the JSON that's returned is "password":"true" and not "password":true. Also tried element.password = new Boolean(true). Any suggestions?

但是我在JSON中得到的是“password”:“true”而不是“password”:true。还试过element.password = new Boolean(true)。有什么建议?

3 个解决方案


You could use map for this.


data = {
  if (element.password) {
    element.password = true;
  return element;

var data = [
        password: 'secret'
        password: ''
        password: 'swordfish'

data = {
    if (element.password) {
        element.password = true;
    return element;

document.querySelector('pre').innerText = JSON.stringify(data);


Try using asyncjs lybrary. It will call the callback function when finished all the executions for the array objects. Please, also read carefully about asyncronous flow in javascript (nodejs) .

尝试使用asyncjs lybrary。完成数组对象的所有执行后,它将调用回调函数。请仔细阅读javascript(nodejs)中的异步流程。

Hope it helps!!


 //this should work if placed on your clever code and installed asyncjs, checkPassword, function(err, results){
  //when arrived here, all the array has been checked and modified

 //Remember This function must be placed outside of the find() method. 
 function checkPassword(obj, callback)
   if (obj.password) {
   obj.password = true;
   return callback(null, obj);


It's Mongoose. Something is happening before the data is returned which makes it look like straight JSON but if you try and manipulate the element in a _.each loop then the object you're working on (element) isn't a simple object mapping to the document in MongoDB. Any Mongoose experts out there that can shed light on this?


What I did to fix this is use LoDash's _.mapValues:


function renderUserKeys(obj){
  var newObj = _.mapValues(obj, function(n){return n});
  if (newObj.password !== null) {newObj.password = true};
  return newObj;

And then in the code:


} else {
  var newArray = [];
  _.each(data, function(element, index, list){
    newArray.push(renderUserKeys(element._doc)); // note the ._doc
  return res.json(newArray);

Maybe there is a better function that _.mapValues (maybe _.merge?) to perform the copy, I'll need to look into this, but for now this works and my Mongoose middleware is still running normally (as I'm not using lean()).


Lesson learned: Mongoose !== Duck. As in, it may look like an object but when you try and manipulate it, it doesn't behave as you expect it to!



You could use map for this.


data = {
  if (element.password) {
    element.password = true;
  return element;

var data = [
        password: 'secret'
        password: ''
        password: 'swordfish'

data = {
    if (element.password) {
        element.password = true;
    return element;

document.querySelector('pre').innerText = JSON.stringify(data);


Try using asyncjs lybrary. It will call the callback function when finished all the executions for the array objects. Please, also read carefully about asyncronous flow in javascript (nodejs) .

尝试使用asyncjs lybrary。完成数组对象的所有执行后,它将调用回调函数。请仔细阅读javascript(nodejs)中的异步流程。

Hope it helps!!


 //this should work if placed on your clever code and installed asyncjs, checkPassword, function(err, results){
  //when arrived here, all the array has been checked and modified

 //Remember This function must be placed outside of the find() method. 
 function checkPassword(obj, callback)
   if (obj.password) {
   obj.password = true;
   return callback(null, obj);


It's Mongoose. Something is happening before the data is returned which makes it look like straight JSON but if you try and manipulate the element in a _.each loop then the object you're working on (element) isn't a simple object mapping to the document in MongoDB. Any Mongoose experts out there that can shed light on this?


What I did to fix this is use LoDash's _.mapValues:


function renderUserKeys(obj){
  var newObj = _.mapValues(obj, function(n){return n});
  if (newObj.password !== null) {newObj.password = true};
  return newObj;

And then in the code:


} else {
  var newArray = [];
  _.each(data, function(element, index, list){
    newArray.push(renderUserKeys(element._doc)); // note the ._doc
  return res.json(newArray);

Maybe there is a better function that _.mapValues (maybe _.merge?) to perform the copy, I'll need to look into this, but for now this works and my Mongoose middleware is still running normally (as I'm not using lean()).


Lesson learned: Mongoose !== Duck. As in, it may look like an object but when you try and manipulate it, it doesn't behave as you expect it to!
