SQL(VBA / ADO)命令用于从重复记录中填充NULL字段以及相应的非NULL值

时间:2020-12-11 02:32:57

I have a database where several hundred records have been duplicated. However the duplicated information is not the same across all fields. For any two lines, the first line will contain information in some fields while the duplicate line's fields are blank; but then for other fields, the duplicate (second) line will contain information while the first line's fields are blank. For example, it looks like this:


ID    Deleted    Reference    Name    Case_Date    Outcome    Outcome_Date
100   False      A123         Chris   2000-01-01   Yes
101   False      A123         Chris                           2000-03-31

The ID column is a unique primary key for the record. The Reference column is the one by which I can identify the duplicates. However as you can see, the first record (100) contains information in Case_Date and Outcome, but the second record (101) contains an Outcome_Date.


What I want to do is to copy the most amount of information into just one of each pair of records, and then mark the duplicate as deleted (I use a soft-delete, not actually removing records from the table but just flagging the Duplicate column as True). With the above example, I want it to look like this:


ID    Deleted    Reference    Name    Case_Date      Outcome    Outcome_Date
100   False      A123         Chris   2000-01-01     Yes        2000-03-31
101   True       A123         Chris   (2000-01-01)*  (Yes)*     2000-03-31
  • Technically it will not be necessary to also copy information into the blank fields of the record which will be marked as deleted, but I figure it's easier to just copy everything and then mark the "second" record as the duplicate, rather than trying to work out which one contains more information and which one contains less.
  • 从技术上讲,没有必要将信息复制到记录的空白字段中,这些字段将被标记为已删除,但我认为更容易复制所有内容然后将“第二”记录标记为重复,而不是尝试工作哪一个包含更多信息哪一个包含更少的信息。

I am also aware that it will be easier to run a separate SQL command for each column than to try to do them all at once. The columns shown above are a simplified example, and the information which may or may not be present across each column differs.


My select query for the record set of duplicates is:


FROM [Cohorts]
WHERE [Deleted] = False
 AND ([CaseType] = "Female" OR [CaseType] = "Family")
 AND [Reference] Is Not Null
 And [Reference] In (SELECT [Reference] FROM [Cohorts] As Tmp
                     WHERE [Deleted] = False
                       AND ([CaseType] = "Female" OR [CaseType]="Family")
                     GROUP BY [Reference]
                     HAVING Count(*) > 1)
ORDER BY [Reference];

This will return all (Female/Family) records in the table [Cohorts] where there exists more than one record with the same Reference (and where the records have not been marked as deleted).

这将返回表[Cohorts]中的所有(Female / Family)记录,其中存在多个具有相同Reference的记录(并且记录未被标记为已删除)。

I'm running my queries from VBA via ADO, so can execute UPDATE statements. My database is an Access-compatible .mdb using the JET engine.


Grateful if anyone could suggest a suitable SQL command which I can run per column in order to populate the NULL fields with the values of the non-NULL fields from the relevant duplicate records. It's a bit beyond my SQL understanding at present! Thanks.


1 个解决方案



My first UPDATE JOIN ever, hope it works (untested):

我的第一次UPDATE JOIN,希望它有效(未经测试):

update t1
  set t1.name = coalesce(t1.name, t2.name),
      t1.Case_Date = coalesce(t1.Case_Date, t2.Case_Date),
      t1.Outcome = coalesce(t1.Outcome, t2.Outcome),
      t1.Outcome_Date = coalesce(t1.Outcome_Date, t2.Outcome_Date),
      t1.deleted = case when t1.id < t2.id then FALSE else TRUE end
from Cohorts t1
  join Cohorts t2 on t1.Reference = t2.Reference and t1.id <> t2.id 

Edit: Alternative solution:


Create a copy table, do insert select:

创建一个副本表,执行insert select:

insert into CohortsCopy (Deleted, Reference, Name, Case_Date, Outcome, Outcome_Date)
select case when t1.id < t2.id or t2.id is null then FALSE else TRUE end,
       coalesce(t1.Reference, t2.Reference),
       coalesce(t1.name, t2.name),
       coalesce(t1.Case_Date, t2.Case_Date),
       coalesce(t1.Outcome, t2.Outcome),
       coalesce(t1.Outcome_Date, t2.Outcome_Date)
from Cohorts t1
  left join Cohorts t2 on t1.Reference = t2.Reference and t1.id <> t2.id

Then either rename, or copy back to original table.




My first UPDATE JOIN ever, hope it works (untested):

我的第一次UPDATE JOIN,希望它有效(未经测试):

update t1
  set t1.name = coalesce(t1.name, t2.name),
      t1.Case_Date = coalesce(t1.Case_Date, t2.Case_Date),
      t1.Outcome = coalesce(t1.Outcome, t2.Outcome),
      t1.Outcome_Date = coalesce(t1.Outcome_Date, t2.Outcome_Date),
      t1.deleted = case when t1.id < t2.id then FALSE else TRUE end
from Cohorts t1
  join Cohorts t2 on t1.Reference = t2.Reference and t1.id <> t2.id 

Edit: Alternative solution:


Create a copy table, do insert select:

创建一个副本表,执行insert select:

insert into CohortsCopy (Deleted, Reference, Name, Case_Date, Outcome, Outcome_Date)
select case when t1.id < t2.id or t2.id is null then FALSE else TRUE end,
       coalesce(t1.Reference, t2.Reference),
       coalesce(t1.name, t2.name),
       coalesce(t1.Case_Date, t2.Case_Date),
       coalesce(t1.Outcome, t2.Outcome),
       coalesce(t1.Outcome_Date, t2.Outcome_Date)
from Cohorts t1
  left join Cohorts t2 on t1.Reference = t2.Reference and t1.id <> t2.id

Then either rename, or copy back to original table.
