![[转]html5 js 访问 sqlite 数据库的操作类 [转]html5 js 访问 sqlite 数据库的操作类](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9ia3FzaW1nLmlrYWZhbi5jb20vdXBsb2FkL2NoYXRncHQtcy5wbmc%2FIQ%3D%3D.png?!?w=700&webp=1)
webkit 核心的浏览器提供了 3个 api接口,用于访问本地sqlite数据,但使用起来很不方便 故而做这个js封装,以方便使用
sqlite API 说明
sqlite 语法
- /**
- * js 操作数据库类
- *
- * @author 肖武<phpxiaowu@gmail.com>
- */
- /**
- * 1、数据库名(mydb)
- 2、版本号(1.0)
- 3、描述(Test DB)
- 4、数据库大小(2*1024*1024)
- */
- var DB = function( db_name, size ){
- var _db = openDatabase(db_name, '1.0.0','', size );
- return {
- /**
- * 执行sql,回调返回影响条数
- */
- execute:function( sql, param, callback ) {
- //参数处理
- if( !param ){
- param = [];
- }else if(typeof param == 'function' ){
- callback = param;
- param = [];
- }
- this.query( sql, param, function(result){
- if( typeof callback == 'function' ){
- callback(result.rowsAffected);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * 执行sql,回调返回sql查询对象
- * 查询时,有数据返回数组,无数据返回0
- * 增删改时:返回int,影响条数
- * void query( string[, function])
- * void query( string[, array[, function]])
- */
- query:function(sql, param, callback){
- //参数处理
- if( !param ){
- param = [];
- }else if(typeof param == 'function' ){
- callback = param;
- param = [];
- }
- var self=this;
- //只有一个参数
- _db.transaction(function (tx) {
- //4个参数:sql,替换sql中问号的数组,成功回调,出错回调
- tx.executeSql(sql,param,function(tx,result){
- if (typeof callback == 'function' ){
- callback(result);
- }
- },self.onfail) ;
- })
- },
- /**
- * 插入,回调返回last id
- * void insert( string, object[, function])
- */
- insert:function( table, data, callback ){
- if( typeof data != 'object' && typeof callback == 'function' ){
- callback(0);
- }
- var k=[];
- var v=[];
- var param=[];
- for(var i in data ){
- k.push(i);
- v.push('?');
- param.push(data[i]);
- }
- var sql="INSERT INTO "+table+"("+k.join(',')+")VALUES("+v.join(',')+")";
- this.query(sql, param, function(result){
- if ( typeof callback == 'function' ){
- callback(result.insertId);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * 修改,回调返回影响条数
- * void update( string, object[, string[, function]])
- * void update( string, object[, string[, array[, function]]])
- */
- update:function( table, data, where, param, callback ){
- //参数处理
- if( !param ){
- param = [];
- }else if(typeof param == 'function' ){
- callback = param;
- param = [];
- }
- var set_info = this.mkWhere(data);
- for(var i=set_info.param.length-1;i>=0; i--){
- param.unshift(set_info.param[i]);
- }
- var sql = "UPDATE "+table+" SET "+set_info.sql;
- if( where ){
- sql += " WHERE "+where;
- }
- this.query(sql, param, function(result){
- if( typeof callback == 'function' ){
- callback(result.rowsAffected);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * 删除
- * void toDelete( string, string[, function]])
- * void toDelete( string, string[, array[, function]])
- */
- toDelete:function( table, where, param, callback ){
- //参数处理
- if( !param ){
- param = [];
- }else if(typeof param == 'function' ){
- callback = param;
- param = [];
- }
- var sql = "DELETE FROM "+table+" WHERE "+where;
- this.query(sql, param, function(result){
- if( typeof callback == 'function' ){
- callback(result.rowsAffected);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * 查询,回调返回结果集数组
- * void fetch_all( string[, function] )
- * void fetch_all( string[, param[, function]] )
- */
- fetchAll:function( sql, param, callback ){
- //参数处理
- if( !param ){
- param = [];
- }else if(typeof param == 'function' ){
- callback = param;
- param = [];
- }
- this.query( sql, param, function(result){
- if (typeof callback == 'function' ){
- var out=[];
- if (result.rows.length){
- for (var i=0;i<result.rows.length;i++){
- out.push(result.rows.item(i));
- }
- }
- callback(out);
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * 查询表的信息
- * table_name: 表名称,支持 % *,
- */
- showTables:function( table_name, callback){
- this.fetchAll("select * from sqlite_master where type='table' and name like ?", [table_name], callback);
- },
- /**
- * 组装查询条件
- */
- mkWhere:function(data){
- var arr=[];
- var param=[];
- if( typeof data === 'object' ){
- for (var i in data){
- arr.push(i+"=?");
- param.push(data[i]);
- console.log('data.i:'+i);
- }
- }
- return {sql:arr.join(' AND '),param:param};
- },
- /**
- * 错误处理
- */
- onfail:function(tx,e){
- console.log('sql error: '+e.message);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- //使用示例:
- //1.获取db对象,连接数据库 test,分配2M大小
- var db = new DB('test',1024*1024*2);
- //2.创建表
- d.query("CREATE TABLE ids (id integer primary key autoincrement , ctime integer)");
- //3.查看已经创建的表,支持表名通配符搜索。如:"%"查询所有表,"user_%"查询"user_"开头的表
- db.showTables("%",function(ret){console.log(ret)})
- //4.查询表里数据
- db.fetchAll('select * from ids',function(ret){console.log(ret)});
- //5.修改
- db.update('ids',{ctime:123},"id=?",[1],function(ret){console.log(ret)});
- //6.删除
- db.toDelete('ids',"id=?",[1],function(ret){console.log(ret)});
- //7.其它,如删表
- db.query('drop table ids');
- */