
时间:2022-01-12 02:27:11

I am new to rally and want to update bulk test cases status(Pass/Fail) in rally using excel macro or using java. Can anyone please help.


1 个解决方案



Agile Central (previously known as Rally), does not allow you to update the status of a testcase directly. You have to add a testcaseresult to it.

Agile Central(以前称为Rally)不允许您直接更新测试用例的状态。你必须添加一个testcaseresult。

If you look in the WSAPI docs (via the help), you may get a better understanding of what you can update in the artefact tables. SOme of the fields are shown as "Read Only" and are generated by the Agile Central backend when you read the artefact.

如果查看WSAPI文档(通过帮助),您可以更好地了解可以在artefact表中更新的内容。这些字段的SOY显示为“只读”,并且在您阅读人工制品时由Agile Central后端生成。



Agile Central (previously known as Rally), does not allow you to update the status of a testcase directly. You have to add a testcaseresult to it.

Agile Central(以前称为Rally)不允许您直接更新测试用例的状态。你必须添加一个testcaseresult。

If you look in the WSAPI docs (via the help), you may get a better understanding of what you can update in the artefact tables. SOme of the fields are shown as "Read Only" and are generated by the Agile Central backend when you read the artefact.

如果查看WSAPI文档(通过帮助),您可以更好地了解可以在artefact表中更新的内容。这些字段的SOY显示为“只读”,并且在您阅读人工制品时由Agile Central后端生成。