
时间:2021-09-11 02:27:36

I have an excel file which contain information of the composite in 1 row and in below rows information of the components of this composite. Number of component rows below a composite are varied between 2 - 20 and there can be many composites in a file.

我有一个excel文件,其中包含了在1行和以下行中复合组件的信息。复合文件下面的组件行数在2 - 20之间变化,一个文件中可以有许多复合文件。


My question is: is it possible somehow to define how many rows are in the components and to extract information from each component in to one cell(concatenate). Problem I face is that number of rows are different each time and there can be multiple composites in the file containing components. So i do not know how to stop my loop and start a new composite aggregation.


Maybe there are ways to loop from Request1(ColumnA) and assign "Request1" as a text to every empty column below until it reaches Request2, after that is finished to concatenate based on Request"n"


Example what i want the data to look like



~~~~~~~~~~~~EDIT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I might have over complicated my question

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~编辑~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~我可能有复杂的问题

I was just looking to concatenate information from different set of rows(for simplicity just 1 consistent cell from every row) in to 1 cell(for example last cell in the first column) for each specific composite(which contains components) My problem is I do not know how to stop the concatenation and start a new one when i am working with a new composite(new set of rows).


So as an example from the first picture, I would like to have "Request 1 Green Yellow White" (cells: A1, F1, F2,F3) populated in cell J1, and "Request 2 Amber Red White Blue" (cells: A4,F4,F5,F6,F7)populated i cell J4

因此,作为第一张图片的示例,我想要“请求1个绿色的黄白色”(单元格:A1, F1, F2,F3),填充在cell J1中,“请求2个琥珀红色的白蓝色”(单元格:A4,F4,F5,F6,F7)填充I细胞J4。


I have established another way of doing but still struggle with concatenation formula. In this picture example https://i.stack.imgur.com/iQdNu.jpg


If my table stars from row 2


=IF(A2="",J1,A2) - by putting this in column J and dragging down i will get his Request 1 Request 1 Request 1 Request 2 Request 2 Request 2 Request 2

=IF(A2="" ",J1,A2) -通过将其放入第J列并拖拽,我将获得他的请求1请求1请求1请求1请求2请求2请求2请求2请求2

Then deleting duplicates i will be left only with Request 1 Request 2 Then I can concatenate columns i want going by Request 1 or request 2 criteria(index match), but I cant figure out how to do it...


2 个解决方案



You can use array formula to work out the start and end rows, like =SMALL(IF($A$2:$A$20<>"",ROW($A$2:$A$20)),ROW()) to find the next populated cell in A1:A20, where this would be in the cell G1. So in G1, I have a fixed 1, then in G2 down, I have =H1+1, then in each H filled down I have =SMALL(IF($A$2:$A$20<>"",ROW($A$2:$A$20)),ROW()) this gives the following

您可以使用数组公式计算开始和结束行,比如=SMALL(如果($ $2:$ 20<>"),行($ 2:$ 20)),ROW()来查找A1:A20中的下一个填充单元格,在G1中。所以在G1中,我有一个固定的1,然后在G2中,我有=H1+1,然后在每个H中我有=SMALL($2:$ 20<>"" ""行($ 2:$ 20)行()这就给出了下面的结果


Unfortunately we cant do the concat using what we have in Excel, so this will help with your loop start and ends. Number of products, is the difference in the 2




If I am reading your question correctly, then the following code may help. You want to be able to add element rows beneath categories rows, and when you do that it changes the row number for every row beneath the new row. This code will show you that it doesn't matter which row the category is on because you can find it's row number any time, and also the number of elements beneath it.


The trick is to add a word in col A of each category that will not be found in any element A value. For example, A1 might read "Category: Apples"," and there may be ten element rows under "Category: Apples" And then under those rows another category in col A will be "Category: Bananas." The code below looks for the value "Category:" in col A and gets the row number of each category line and how many elements are under it. With a little math you can figure out where to insert a new line for a new element row or what row to concatenate. And you won't need to hard code the rows numbers of the category. Just run this simple code and it will give you those row numbers to get and concatenate all rows beneath any category.

诀窍是在每个类别的col a中添加一个在任何元素a值中都找不到的词。例如,A1可能是“类别:苹果”,“类别:苹果”下可能有10个元素行,然后在这些行下面,col A中的另一个类别将是“类别:香蕉”。下面的代码查找col A中的值“Category:”,并获取每一行的行号以及它下面有多少元素。通过一些数学运算,您可以知道在哪里为新元素行插入新行,或者连接什么行。你不需要硬编码类别的行号。只要运行这个简单的代码,它就会给你这些行号来获取和连接任何类别下的所有行。

Sub findCategoryRows()
Dim lastRowColA As Long, myArray() As Variant
Dim rowOfCategoryNameArray, nameOfCategoryNameArray, categoryCounter As Long

    lastRowColA = ActiveSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    myArray = Range("A1:A" & lastRowColA)

    categoryCounter = 1
    ReDim rowOfCategoryNameArray(1 To 1)
    ReDim nameOfCategoryNameArray(1 To 1)
    For i = 1 To UBound(myArray)
        If InStr(1, Range("A" & i).Value, "Category: ") Then
            rowOfCategoryNameArray(categoryCounter) = i
            nameOfCategoryNameArray(categoryCounter) = Range("A" & i).Value
            categoryCounter = categoryCounter + 1
            ReDim Preserve rowOfCategoryNameArray(1 To categoryCounter)
            ReDim Preserve nameOfCategoryNameArray(1 To categoryCounter)
        End If
    Next i

    For i = 1 To UBound(rowOfCategoryNameArray) - 1
        If i <> UBound(rowOfCategoryNameArray) - 1 Then
            Debug.Print nameOfCategoryNameArray(i) & " has " & (rowOfCategoryNameArray(i + 1) - rowOfCategoryNameArray(i)) - 1 & " element rows under it."
             Debug.Print nameOfCategoryNameArray(i) & " has " & (lastRowColA - rowOfCategoryNameArray(i)) & " element rows under it."
        End If
    Next i

End Sub



You can use array formula to work out the start and end rows, like =SMALL(IF($A$2:$A$20<>"",ROW($A$2:$A$20)),ROW()) to find the next populated cell in A1:A20, where this would be in the cell G1. So in G1, I have a fixed 1, then in G2 down, I have =H1+1, then in each H filled down I have =SMALL(IF($A$2:$A$20<>"",ROW($A$2:$A$20)),ROW()) this gives the following

您可以使用数组公式计算开始和结束行,比如=SMALL(如果($ $2:$ 20<>"),行($ 2:$ 20)),ROW()来查找A1:A20中的下一个填充单元格,在G1中。所以在G1中,我有一个固定的1,然后在G2中,我有=H1+1,然后在每个H中我有=SMALL($2:$ 20<>"" ""行($ 2:$ 20)行()这就给出了下面的结果


Unfortunately we cant do the concat using what we have in Excel, so this will help with your loop start and ends. Number of products, is the difference in the 2




If I am reading your question correctly, then the following code may help. You want to be able to add element rows beneath categories rows, and when you do that it changes the row number for every row beneath the new row. This code will show you that it doesn't matter which row the category is on because you can find it's row number any time, and also the number of elements beneath it.


The trick is to add a word in col A of each category that will not be found in any element A value. For example, A1 might read "Category: Apples"," and there may be ten element rows under "Category: Apples" And then under those rows another category in col A will be "Category: Bananas." The code below looks for the value "Category:" in col A and gets the row number of each category line and how many elements are under it. With a little math you can figure out where to insert a new line for a new element row or what row to concatenate. And you won't need to hard code the rows numbers of the category. Just run this simple code and it will give you those row numbers to get and concatenate all rows beneath any category.

诀窍是在每个类别的col a中添加一个在任何元素a值中都找不到的词。例如,A1可能是“类别:苹果”,“类别:苹果”下可能有10个元素行,然后在这些行下面,col A中的另一个类别将是“类别:香蕉”。下面的代码查找col A中的值“Category:”,并获取每一行的行号以及它下面有多少元素。通过一些数学运算,您可以知道在哪里为新元素行插入新行,或者连接什么行。你不需要硬编码类别的行号。只要运行这个简单的代码,它就会给你这些行号来获取和连接任何类别下的所有行。

Sub findCategoryRows()
Dim lastRowColA As Long, myArray() As Variant
Dim rowOfCategoryNameArray, nameOfCategoryNameArray, categoryCounter As Long

    lastRowColA = ActiveSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    myArray = Range("A1:A" & lastRowColA)

    categoryCounter = 1
    ReDim rowOfCategoryNameArray(1 To 1)
    ReDim nameOfCategoryNameArray(1 To 1)
    For i = 1 To UBound(myArray)
        If InStr(1, Range("A" & i).Value, "Category: ") Then
            rowOfCategoryNameArray(categoryCounter) = i
            nameOfCategoryNameArray(categoryCounter) = Range("A" & i).Value
            categoryCounter = categoryCounter + 1
            ReDim Preserve rowOfCategoryNameArray(1 To categoryCounter)
            ReDim Preserve nameOfCategoryNameArray(1 To categoryCounter)
        End If
    Next i

    For i = 1 To UBound(rowOfCategoryNameArray) - 1
        If i <> UBound(rowOfCategoryNameArray) - 1 Then
            Debug.Print nameOfCategoryNameArray(i) & " has " & (rowOfCategoryNameArray(i + 1) - rowOfCategoryNameArray(i)) - 1 & " element rows under it."
             Debug.Print nameOfCategoryNameArray(i) & " has " & (lastRowColA - rowOfCategoryNameArray(i)) & " element rows under it."
        End If
    Next i

End Sub