
时间:2021-12-11 02:28:31

I'm trying to write a windows batch file that can delete files from subdirectories. I would rather not hard code the directory structure in, so I can use this process with other projects.


  • I need to delete files of X type,
  • 我需要删除X类型的文件,

  • I have the parent folder C:\MyProject,
  • 我有父文件夹C:\ MyProject,

  • There are Y subfolders C:\MyProject\?,
  • 有Y个子文件夹C:\ MyProject \?,

  • There are N files to delete.
  • 有N个文件要删除。

Is there a quick del (of type) function I am simply missing?


2 个解决方案



Actually you can use the standard del command:


cd MyProject
del /S *.type

Where type is the extension you want to delete and the /S parameter will check in all subfolders of MyProject.

其中type是要删除的扩展名,而/ S参数将检查MyProject的所有子文件夹。



If the del command didn't have the /S flag to delete recursively, I'd use AWK to do something like this (you'd need the UNIX tools for Windows):

如果del命令没有递归删除/ S标志,我会使用AWK做这样的事情(你需要Windows的UNIX工具):

dir MyProject\*.* /ad /s /b | gawk "{print \"del \\\"\" $0 \"\\*.type\\\"\";}" | cmd

My 2 cents, in case you ever need to do something similar (applying a program to all files of X type in all subfolders) with a command that lacks a recursive flag.




Actually you can use the standard del command:


cd MyProject
del /S *.type

Where type is the extension you want to delete and the /S parameter will check in all subfolders of MyProject.

其中type是要删除的扩展名,而/ S参数将检查MyProject的所有子文件夹。



If the del command didn't have the /S flag to delete recursively, I'd use AWK to do something like this (you'd need the UNIX tools for Windows):

如果del命令没有递归删除/ S标志,我会使用AWK做这样的事情(你需要Windows的UNIX工具):

dir MyProject\*.* /ad /s /b | gawk "{print \"del \\\"\" $0 \"\\*.type\\\"\";}" | cmd

My 2 cents, in case you ever need to do something similar (applying a program to all files of X type in all subfolders) with a command that lacks a recursive flag.
