When I copy a cell, what includes a hyperlink formula, it is insert as a html link as formatted by the formula. That only works as long as the receiving applications is not another Excel 2010 instance/application object.
When I copy it from the origin instance to another instance, it copies only plain text.
当我复制一个包含超链接公式的单元格时,它将作为由公式格式化的html链接插入。只有接收应用程序不是另一个Excel 2010实例/应用程序对象时,它才有效。当我将它从原始实例复制到另一个实例时,它只复制纯文本。
Can I write code what put a html formatted text in the clipboard instead of Excel cell content object?
2 个解决方案
There is a work around what solves the Excel to Excel copy problem but now I have a problem when pasting it in any other application
Based on the following posts I adapted the code mentioned there for VBA. The problem is now, that Windows now pastes the plain text in other application but it works flawless in Excel. I added some GIFs at the end of this post for clarification.
* - Excel VBA code to copy a specific string to clipboard
Byte Comb Copy and Paste in VBA
* - How do I copy formatted HTML string into a Clipboard for paste using C#?
Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog - Copying HTML on the clipboard
The links above lead to the subroutine what puts the formated HTML link in the clipboard:
* - 用于将特定字符串复制到剪贴板的Excel VBA代码Byte Comb复制并粘贴到VBA *中 - 如何将格式化的HTML字符串复制到剪贴板中以使用C#进行粘贴? Mike Stall的.NET调试博客 - 在剪贴板上复制HTML上面的链接指向子程序,它将格式化的HTML链接放在剪贴板中:
Public Sub CopyCellHyperlinkToClipboard(sLink As String, sDescription As String)
Dim objData As Object
On Error Resume Next
' this is a late bound MSForms.DataObject
Set objData = CreateObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
' copy current cell formula to clipboard
With objData
.SetText CreateHTMLString(sLink, sDescription)
End With
End Sub
* - How to set HTML to clipboard in C#?
Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog - Copying HTML on the clipboard
The links above lead to the function what creates the actual HTML string:
* - 如何在C#中将HTML设置为剪贴板? Mike Stall的.NET调试博客 - 在剪贴板上复制HTML上面的链接指向创建实际HTML字符串的函数:
Function CreateHTMLString(sLink As String, sDescription As String)
Dim sContextStart As String, sContextEnd As String, m_sDescription As String, sHtmlFragment As String, sData As String, sSourceURL As String
m_sDescription = "Version:1.0" + Constants.vbCrLf _
+ "StartHTML:aaaaaaaaaa" + Constants.vbCrLf _
+ "EndHTML:bbbbbbbbbb" + Constants.vbCrLf _
+ "StartFragment:cccccccccc" + Constants.vbCrLf _
+ "EndFragment:dddddddddd" + Constants.vbCrLf
sContextStart = "<HTML><BODY><!--StartFragment -->"
'sSourceURL = "" + Constants.vbCrLf
sHtmlFragment = "<A HREF=" + Strings.Chr(34) + sLink + Strings.Chr(34) + ">" + sDescription + "</A>"
sContextEnd = "<!--EndFragment --></BODY></HTML>"
sData = m_sDescription + sContextStart + sHtmlFragment + sContextEnd
sData = Replace(sData, "aaaaaaaaaa", PadLeft(10, "0", Len(m_sDescription)))
sData = Replace(sData, "bbbbbbbbbb", PadLeft(10, "0", Len(sData)))
sData = Replace(sData, "cccccccccc", PadLeft(10, "0", Len(m_sDescription + sContextStart)))
sData = Replace(sData, "dddddddddd", PadLeft(10, "0", Len(m_sDescription + sContextStart + sHtmlFragment)))
CreateHTMLString = sData
End Function
Since padding isn't supported by VBA I created this function based on the the link below: * - Any method equivalent to PadLeft/PadRight?
由于VBA不支持填充,我基于以下链接创建了此函数:* - 任何等效于PadLeft / PadRight的方法?
Function PadLeft(iLength As Integer, cChar As String, sText As String)
cChar = Left(cChar, 1)
PadLeft = Right(String(iLength, cChar) & sText, iLength)
End Function
Insert a hyperlink from instance of Excel 2010 to another one, as you can see it insert only the label of the hyperlink: Insert a hyperlink in Excel in another application works flawless:
Therefore I wrote the code above. Now Excel2Excel works:
but it doesn't work for other applications:
从Excel 2010的实例插入一个超链接到另一个超链接,因为你可以看到它只插入超链接的标签:在Excel中插入一个超链接在另一个应用程序中完美无缺:因此我编写了上面的代码。现在Excel2Excel可以工作:但它不适用于其他应用程序:
If you can create the link via VBA, it should circumvent the issue about needing to copy a link to the clipboard.
You would take your sheet you are creating links for and use a loop similar to:
With Sheets(A)
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Cells(1,2), Address:=.Cells(1,1), TextToDisplay:="Example"
End With
This is a pretty general suggestion, and should allow you to look, e.g., .Cells(i,1) and .Cells(i,2) for the specific example.
Copying from one workbook to another, using a full hyperlink, rather than a cell that says =hyperlink(), will hopefully fix the issue.
使用完整的超链接而不是使用= hyperlink()的单元格从一个工作簿复制到另一个工作簿,将有望解决问题。
There is a work around what solves the Excel to Excel copy problem but now I have a problem when pasting it in any other application
Based on the following posts I adapted the code mentioned there for VBA. The problem is now, that Windows now pastes the plain text in other application but it works flawless in Excel. I added some GIFs at the end of this post for clarification.
* - Excel VBA code to copy a specific string to clipboard
Byte Comb Copy and Paste in VBA
* - How do I copy formatted HTML string into a Clipboard for paste using C#?
Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog - Copying HTML on the clipboard
The links above lead to the subroutine what puts the formated HTML link in the clipboard:
* - 用于将特定字符串复制到剪贴板的Excel VBA代码Byte Comb复制并粘贴到VBA *中 - 如何将格式化的HTML字符串复制到剪贴板中以使用C#进行粘贴? Mike Stall的.NET调试博客 - 在剪贴板上复制HTML上面的链接指向子程序,它将格式化的HTML链接放在剪贴板中:
Public Sub CopyCellHyperlinkToClipboard(sLink As String, sDescription As String)
Dim objData As Object
On Error Resume Next
' this is a late bound MSForms.DataObject
Set objData = CreateObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
' copy current cell formula to clipboard
With objData
.SetText CreateHTMLString(sLink, sDescription)
End With
End Sub
* - How to set HTML to clipboard in C#?
Mike Stall's .NET Debugging Blog - Copying HTML on the clipboard
The links above lead to the function what creates the actual HTML string:
* - 如何在C#中将HTML设置为剪贴板? Mike Stall的.NET调试博客 - 在剪贴板上复制HTML上面的链接指向创建实际HTML字符串的函数:
Function CreateHTMLString(sLink As String, sDescription As String)
Dim sContextStart As String, sContextEnd As String, m_sDescription As String, sHtmlFragment As String, sData As String, sSourceURL As String
m_sDescription = "Version:1.0" + Constants.vbCrLf _
+ "StartHTML:aaaaaaaaaa" + Constants.vbCrLf _
+ "EndHTML:bbbbbbbbbb" + Constants.vbCrLf _
+ "StartFragment:cccccccccc" + Constants.vbCrLf _
+ "EndFragment:dddddddddd" + Constants.vbCrLf
sContextStart = "<HTML><BODY><!--StartFragment -->"
'sSourceURL = "" + Constants.vbCrLf
sHtmlFragment = "<A HREF=" + Strings.Chr(34) + sLink + Strings.Chr(34) + ">" + sDescription + "</A>"
sContextEnd = "<!--EndFragment --></BODY></HTML>"
sData = m_sDescription + sContextStart + sHtmlFragment + sContextEnd
sData = Replace(sData, "aaaaaaaaaa", PadLeft(10, "0", Len(m_sDescription)))
sData = Replace(sData, "bbbbbbbbbb", PadLeft(10, "0", Len(sData)))
sData = Replace(sData, "cccccccccc", PadLeft(10, "0", Len(m_sDescription + sContextStart)))
sData = Replace(sData, "dddddddddd", PadLeft(10, "0", Len(m_sDescription + sContextStart + sHtmlFragment)))
CreateHTMLString = sData
End Function
Since padding isn't supported by VBA I created this function based on the the link below: * - Any method equivalent to PadLeft/PadRight?
由于VBA不支持填充,我基于以下链接创建了此函数:* - 任何等效于PadLeft / PadRight的方法?
Function PadLeft(iLength As Integer, cChar As String, sText As String)
cChar = Left(cChar, 1)
PadLeft = Right(String(iLength, cChar) & sText, iLength)
End Function
Insert a hyperlink from instance of Excel 2010 to another one, as you can see it insert only the label of the hyperlink: Insert a hyperlink in Excel in another application works flawless:
Therefore I wrote the code above. Now Excel2Excel works:
but it doesn't work for other applications:
从Excel 2010的实例插入一个超链接到另一个超链接,因为你可以看到它只插入超链接的标签:在Excel中插入一个超链接在另一个应用程序中完美无缺:因此我编写了上面的代码。现在Excel2Excel可以工作:但它不适用于其他应用程序:
If you can create the link via VBA, it should circumvent the issue about needing to copy a link to the clipboard.
You would take your sheet you are creating links for and use a loop similar to:
With Sheets(A)
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Cells(1,2), Address:=.Cells(1,1), TextToDisplay:="Example"
End With
This is a pretty general suggestion, and should allow you to look, e.g., .Cells(i,1) and .Cells(i,2) for the specific example.
Copying from one workbook to another, using a full hyperlink, rather than a cell that says =hyperlink(), will hopefully fix the issue.
使用完整的超链接而不是使用= hyperlink()的单元格从一个工作簿复制到另一个工作簿,将有望解决问题。