在P / Invoking中找不到DLL时,如何获取有关缺少的特定非托管DLL的消息?

时间:2021-07-23 02:23:17

When you link to an unmanaged library (say 'A.dll') which in turn links to another library ('B.dll'), and B.dll is missing, you will get a run-time error message about failing to load 'B.dll'.


But when you P/Invoke into 'A.dll' from managed code, you'll get a general exception of this form:

但是当您从托管代码P / Invoke到'A.dll'时,您将获得此表单的一般例外:

Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'A.dll': The specified module could not be found.


How can I get an error message that pinpoints the specific unmanaged dll file that failed to load, when p/invoking from managed code ?


4 个解决方案



I don't think there's any specific API you can use to pinpoint why LoadLibrary (the underlying Win32 API) failed for 'A.dll'. I recommend the use of a tool like Dependency Walker to troubleshoot DLL loading errors.

我不认为您可以使用任何特定的API来确定为什么LoadLibrary(底层的Win32 API)因'A.dll'而失败。我建议使用像Dependency Walker这样的工具来解决DLL加载错误。



I'm not sure how you can get this in the form of an exception. When I run into this problem I usually try and open the DLL with depends.exe. It's pretty good and reporting missing dependencies that exist if the DLL is simply loaded from it's current location.




You won't be able to get an answer from the exception, but you can do it (with a lot of work) through Process Monitor. This article discusses how and also includes a tool to scan Process Monitor logs to find the specific problem.

您将无法从异常中获得答案,但您可以通过Process Monitor完成(通过大量工作)。本文讨论如何以及还包括扫描Process Monitor日志以查找特定问题的工具。




The Fusion Log Viewer is a good tool to debug assembly loading problems in .NET apps.

Fusion Log Viewer是调试.NET应用程序中的程序集加载问题的好工具。

For identifying general file-load problems, you can use Process Monitor.

要识别常规文件加载问题,可以使用Process Monitor。



I don't think there's any specific API you can use to pinpoint why LoadLibrary (the underlying Win32 API) failed for 'A.dll'. I recommend the use of a tool like Dependency Walker to troubleshoot DLL loading errors.

我不认为您可以使用任何特定的API来确定为什么LoadLibrary(底层的Win32 API)因'A.dll'而失败。我建议使用像Dependency Walker这样的工具来解决DLL加载错误。



I'm not sure how you can get this in the form of an exception. When I run into this problem I usually try and open the DLL with depends.exe. It's pretty good and reporting missing dependencies that exist if the DLL is simply loaded from it's current location.




You won't be able to get an answer from the exception, but you can do it (with a lot of work) through Process Monitor. This article discusses how and also includes a tool to scan Process Monitor logs to find the specific problem.

您将无法从异常中获得答案,但您可以通过Process Monitor完成(通过大量工作)。本文讨论如何以及还包括扫描Process Monitor日志以查找特定问题的工具。




The Fusion Log Viewer is a good tool to debug assembly loading problems in .NET apps.

Fusion Log Viewer是调试.NET应用程序中的程序集加载问题的好工具。

For identifying general file-load problems, you can use Process Monitor.

要识别常规文件加载问题,可以使用Process Monitor。