
时间:2022-01-03 02:23:06

I've been trying to set up a schedule to run a stored procedure every hour in Windows Task Scheduler (as I'm using SQL Express and can't install 3rd party tools) but after trying various methods such as running a .bat file from task scheduler, opening SqlCmd utility from task scheduler and passing either the command line syntax or a .sql script file I'm having no luck.

我一直在尝试设置一个计划,以便在Windows任务计划程序中每小时运行一次存储过程(因为我使用的是SQL Express并且无法安装第三方工具)但是在尝试各种方法(例如运行.bat文件)之后从任务调度程序,从任务调度程序打开SqlCmd实用程序并传递命令行语法或.sql脚本文件我没有运气。

I know this can be done and therefore I'm sure it's something I've missed but if anyone can share their experience of this I'd very much appreciate it.


Thanks a lot


2 个解决方案



If you are an admin on the sql instance (Since you are using SQLExpress I bet you are trying to do this on your own computer so there is a high chance your user is an admin of the sql instance) you should not use -E at all, just ignore it.

如果您是sql实例的管理员(因为您使用的是SQLExpress,我打赌您试图在自己的计算机上执行此操作,因此您的用户很可能是sql实例的管理员)您不应该使用-E at所有,只是忽略它。

Second, specify the server even if you are working on local.


Start with a simple sql command like below:


sqlcmd.exe -S "." -d MY_DATABASE -Q "SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE"

sqlcmd.exe -S“。” -d MY_DATABASE -Q“SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE”

Replace MY_DATABASE and MY_TABLE with your dbname and table name. Make sure you can run it from command line. It should return the data from your table. (Beware command line options are case-sensitive so -s is not same as -S)

用您的dbname和表名替换MY_DATABASE和MY_TABLE。确保您可以从命令行运行它。它应该从您的表中返回数据。 (注意命令行选项区分大小写,因此-s与-S不同)

Last, do not try to feed parameters through task scheduler. Put the command with all parameters in a .bat file and just run the batch from task scheduler.




I have recently had a similar issue and my experience may assist you. I was calling a small app i.e. EXE from a batch file. I was scheduling the batch file to run from the Windows Task Scheduler. The app was accessing the SQL data using Windows Authentication. I could run the app directly i.e. click on the EXE to run it. I could run the app from the batch file. But if I tried to run the scheduled task it seemed to start but did nothing and posted no errors that I could find. I found if I changed the app to run with SQL Authentication it could be run from the Task Scheduler.


I suspect there is something about the context of the Windows Authentication when it is run from Task Scheduler that is not recognised by SQL.




If you are an admin on the sql instance (Since you are using SQLExpress I bet you are trying to do this on your own computer so there is a high chance your user is an admin of the sql instance) you should not use -E at all, just ignore it.

如果您是sql实例的管理员(因为您使用的是SQLExpress,我打赌您试图在自己的计算机上执行此操作,因此您的用户很可能是sql实例的管理员)您不应该使用-E at所有,只是忽略它。

Second, specify the server even if you are working on local.


Start with a simple sql command like below:


sqlcmd.exe -S "." -d MY_DATABASE -Q "SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE"

sqlcmd.exe -S“。” -d MY_DATABASE -Q“SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE”

Replace MY_DATABASE and MY_TABLE with your dbname and table name. Make sure you can run it from command line. It should return the data from your table. (Beware command line options are case-sensitive so -s is not same as -S)

用您的dbname和表名替换MY_DATABASE和MY_TABLE。确保您可以从命令行运行它。它应该从您的表中返回数据。 (注意命令行选项区分大小写,因此-s与-S不同)

Last, do not try to feed parameters through task scheduler. Put the command with all parameters in a .bat file and just run the batch from task scheduler.




I have recently had a similar issue and my experience may assist you. I was calling a small app i.e. EXE from a batch file. I was scheduling the batch file to run from the Windows Task Scheduler. The app was accessing the SQL data using Windows Authentication. I could run the app directly i.e. click on the EXE to run it. I could run the app from the batch file. But if I tried to run the scheduled task it seemed to start but did nothing and posted no errors that I could find. I found if I changed the app to run with SQL Authentication it could be run from the Task Scheduler.


I suspect there is something about the context of the Windows Authentication when it is run from Task Scheduler that is not recognised by SQL.
