
时间:2022-03-18 02:22:26

What is the equivalent of this statement in batch?


awk '/-imsi/ {print $NF "\r"}' "IMSI$r.txt" | tee -a out > "N$r"

This statement is in a loop were the variable r is incremented. It will search in the text file for -imsi and take the last recordfield after it, then save the output in 2 files, out and Nr.txt


I couldn't find any batch command that replaces the awk command.


1 个解决方案



Excuse me, I don't know UNIX awk feature. However, the Batch commands below search in the IMSIr.txt file for "-imsi" string and take the string immediately after it; then save the output in 2 files, out (with all output lines) and Nr.txt:

对不起,我不懂UNIX awk功能。但是,下面的Batch命令在IMSIr.txt文件中搜索“-imsi”字符串并在其后立即获取字符串;然后将输出保存在2个文件中,输出(包括所有输出行)和Nr.txt:

for /F "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /C:"-imsi" IMSIr.txt') do set line=%%a
for /F %%a in ("%line:*-imsi=%") do echo %%a>> out & echo %%a> Nr.txt

For example, with this input file:


Previous line
Target line: -imsi 376 another values
Posterior line

The output is "376".


The modification below include a loop where the variable %%r is incremented thru a certain range:

下面的修改包括一个循环,其中变量%% r递增到一定范围:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set N=3
for /L %%r in (1,1,%N%) do (
   for /F "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /C:"-imsi" IMSI%%r.txt') do set line=%%a
   for /F %%a in ("!line:*-imsi=!") do echo %%a>> out & echo %%a> N%%r.txt

If this is not what you want, please describe the desired changes.




Excuse me, I don't know UNIX awk feature. However, the Batch commands below search in the IMSIr.txt file for "-imsi" string and take the string immediately after it; then save the output in 2 files, out (with all output lines) and Nr.txt:

对不起,我不懂UNIX awk功能。但是,下面的Batch命令在IMSIr.txt文件中搜索“-imsi”字符串并在其后立即获取字符串;然后将输出保存在2个文件中,输出(包括所有输出行)和Nr.txt:

for /F "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /C:"-imsi" IMSIr.txt') do set line=%%a
for /F %%a in ("%line:*-imsi=%") do echo %%a>> out & echo %%a> Nr.txt

For example, with this input file:


Previous line
Target line: -imsi 376 another values
Posterior line

The output is "376".


The modification below include a loop where the variable %%r is incremented thru a certain range:

下面的修改包括一个循环,其中变量%% r递增到一定范围:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set N=3
for /L %%r in (1,1,%N%) do (
   for /F "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /C:"-imsi" IMSI%%r.txt') do set line=%%a
   for /F %%a in ("!line:*-imsi=!") do echo %%a>> out & echo %%a> N%%r.txt

If this is not what you want, please describe the desired changes.
