I want to create a script that will run whenever a server is turned on to do basic things like create a directory and copy a binary from an FTP server to it. I need it to run before a user logs in, as soon as the server is turned on. This will be deployed on my EC2 windows servers.
我想创建一个脚本,只要打开服务器来执行基本操作,例如创建目录并将二进制文件从FTP服务器复制到它,它就会运行。一旦打开服务器,我就需要在用户登录之前运行它。这将部署在我的EC2 Windows服务器上。
Checking around (http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/tutorial44.html) I saw that only services can run before a user logs in.
I saw that I can make my batch into a com (bat2exe) and set it as a service but that doesn't work with internal commands like ECHO, md, etc. I can also fake a service to be "cmd /k batch.cmd".
我看到我可以将我的批处理组成一个com(bat2exe)并将其设置为服务,但这不适用于内部命令,如ECHO,md等。我还可以伪造服务为“cmd / k批处理。 CMD”。
Both seem cumbersome. Is there an elegant way to do this?
2 个解决方案
You can use the Windows Task Scheduler and set it for when the system is booted. Here's more info on that Task Scheduler
You can use the Task Scheduler. Scheduled tasks can run at startup, even before a user logs on (they run in a specified user's context, however).
You can use the Windows Task Scheduler and set it for when the system is booted. Here's more info on that Task Scheduler
You can use the Task Scheduler. Scheduled tasks can run at startup, even before a user logs on (they run in a specified user's context, however).