需要帮助将批处理文件转换为linux shell脚本

时间:2022-01-05 02:19:53

I am switching my server's hosting provider from Windows Server to Linux Debian and I need help to convert my Run.bat to an executable shell script.

我正在将服务器的托管服务提供商从Windows Server切换到Linux Debian,我需要帮助才能将Run.bat转换为可执行的shell脚本。

The Windows batch file:


java -cp bin; deps/mail.jar; deps/xstream.jar; deps/xpp3-1.1.4c.jar;
deps/scheduling.jar -server server.Server

When I save this as a shell script it does not properly run when I "Run in terminal", the shell just opens and closes immediately.


1 个解决方案



In linux, the separator is : instead of ;, so try this instead:


$ java -cp bin:deps/mail.jar:deps/xstream.jar:deps/xpp3-1.1.4c.jar:deps/scheduling.jar -server server.Server

Copy the command without the $. The $ is used to indicate the command belongs in a linux shell.

复制没有$的命令。 $用于表示命令属于linux shell。



In linux, the separator is : instead of ;, so try this instead:


$ java -cp bin:deps/mail.jar:deps/xstream.jar:deps/xpp3-1.1.4c.jar:deps/scheduling.jar -server server.Server

Copy the command without the $. The $ is used to indicate the command belongs in a linux shell.

复制没有$的命令。 $用于表示命令属于linux shell。