
时间:2022-09-02 02:20:01

I'm changing password every month for all scheduled tasks I created in Task Scheduler. This is because our security policy expires our password every month.

我每个月都在为我在Task Scheduler中创建的所有计划任务更改密码。这是因为我们的安全策略每月都会使密码失效。

Due to increasing number of scheduled tasks I'm creating, it eats up a lot of time in just changing password within Task Scheduler.

由于我正在创建的计划任务数量不断增加,因此只需在Task Scheduler中更改密码就会花费大量时间。

My question is: Is there a way in script to change password in one run specifying the tasks, DOMAIN\username, and password?

我的问题是:脚本中是否有一种方法可以在一次运行中更改密码,指定任务,DOMAIN \用户名和密码?

I know there's a security risk in putting the password in script. The password in script will be removed after the running it.


1 个解决方案


It sounds like your security policy won't allow you to set up an account with a non-expiring password. Can you create a batch file with at.exe commands to schedule and execute jobs? Here is an example in case you haven't used the command before:


HOW TO: Use the At.exe Command to Schedule a Backup in Windows NT

HOW TO:使用At.exe命令在Windows NT中安排备份


It sounds like your security policy won't allow you to set up an account with a non-expiring password. Can you create a batch file with at.exe commands to schedule and execute jobs? Here is an example in case you haven't used the command before:


HOW TO: Use the At.exe Command to Schedule a Backup in Windows NT

HOW TO:使用At.exe命令在Windows NT中安排备份