
时间:2021-07-26 02:13:18

through the discussion of another problem, see Debugging strange error that depends on the selected scheduler, I ran into some questions about the scheduling of my threads. I am on Linux 2.6.x, running with root-rights and using pthreads to do parallel things in a timing critical application written in C/C++.

通过讨论另一个问题,请参阅调试奇怪的错误,这取决于所选的调度程序,我遇到了一些关于我的线程调度的问题。我在Linux 2.6.x上,使用root权限运行并使用pthreads在用C / C ++编写的时序关键应用程序中执行并行操作。

I'll try to give some short, boiled down, snippets to explain my question:


In main I somewhere at the beginning do:


struct sched_param sp;
memset(&sp, 0, sizeof(sched_param));
sp.sched_priority = 99;
sched_setscheduler(getpid(), SCHED_RR, &sp);

I understand this to be the code that switches my program to use the RR-Scheduler, running at max. priority.


When starting a pthread, I do:


sched_param param;
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
pthread_attr_getschedparam(&attr, &param);
param.sched_priority = priority;
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_RR);
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &param);

I understand this, to be the code that switches the thread that's gonna be started to RR-Scheduler, using the priority given in 'priority'. Is that going to work equivalently if main would not switch the scheduler?


What I do not understand is, if it is necessary to call that code in main? (The main-function does not do anything than starting everything and then block on keyboard input.) Where can I find precise documentation of how this works. I don't think the manpages do a good job on explaining the background.

我不明白的是,如果有必要在main中调用该代码? (主要功能除了启动所有功能,然后阻止键盘输入外没有任何作用。)我在哪里可以找到有关其工作原理的精确文档。我不认为联机帮助页在解释背景方面做得很好。

Thanks in advance.


2 个解决方案



Linux by default, uses the ntpl (Native POSIX Thread Library) implementation which considers a thread as a light-weigth process, so the scheduler schedules threads with other processes.


On FreeBSD, you have the "original" pthread implementation that allows you to specify threads scheduling policy but threads are not scheduled as process on default (unless PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM parameter is set)


So, in your example, your thread is scheduled as a standard process with a high priority so it will be in competition with all others processes with the same level of priority, your main process also.


If your time-critical stuff is in your thread, avoid to give a high priority to your main process, it will make one less process in competition with your real time stuff.


I found a comparison between PThreads and NTPL here.




The NPTL implementation is 1:1 model; a thread in user space and a process in kernel space which is call LWP. A LWP scheduled by kernel has the content scope of PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM.




Linux by default, uses the ntpl (Native POSIX Thread Library) implementation which considers a thread as a light-weigth process, so the scheduler schedules threads with other processes.


On FreeBSD, you have the "original" pthread implementation that allows you to specify threads scheduling policy but threads are not scheduled as process on default (unless PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM parameter is set)


So, in your example, your thread is scheduled as a standard process with a high priority so it will be in competition with all others processes with the same level of priority, your main process also.


If your time-critical stuff is in your thread, avoid to give a high priority to your main process, it will make one less process in competition with your real time stuff.


I found a comparison between PThreads and NTPL here.




The NPTL implementation is 1:1 model; a thread in user space and a process in kernel space which is call LWP. A LWP scheduled by kernel has the content scope of PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM.
