I wrote an angularjs service, which uses function shown below to generate tree-like array from "flat" one. This service is injected as a dependency for a controller(see below) and bound to scope via get() method returned in service object.
var arr = [
{"id": 1, "firstName": "Macko","parentId": 12},
{"id": 2, "firstName": "Jess","parentId": 1},
{"id": 3, "firstName": "Peter","parentId": 1},
{"id": 4, "firstName": "Lisa", "parentId": 1},
{"id": 5, "firstName": "Megan","parentId": 1},
{"id": 6, "firstName": "John", "parentId": 4},
{"id": 7, "firstName": "Joe", "parentId": 4},
{"id": 8, "firstName": "Matthew","parentId": 2},
{"id": 9, "firstName": "Peter","parentId": 2},
{"id": 10, "firstName": "Dio","parentId": 5},
{"id": 11, "firstName": "Hello","parentId": 5},
{"id": 12, "firstName": "Ana", "parentId": 4}
var getNestedChildren = function(arr, id, checked) {
var out = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].parentId === id && checked.indexOf(arr[i].id) === -1) {
var children = getNestedChildren(arr, arr[i].id, checked);
if (children.length) {
arr[i].children = children;
return out;
return {
get: function (element) {
return getNestedChildren(arr, element.id, []);
I bind this tree to $scope in controller like below. Parameter for generating tree is passed in URL.
我将这个树绑定到控制器中的$ scope,如下所示。生成树的参数在URL中传递。
$scope.tree = myService.get({elementId: $routeParams.elementId});
When I switch routes few times to see trees for different parameters, created tree has more elements each time, until at some point angular returns error
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
My guess is, because myService is a singleton it retains state through routes and that why I get inconsistent data.
How can I stop this behaviour? Maybe reset service after it generated particular tree?
Please help.
EDIT: I tried cleaning $templateCache and $scope while leaving particular view, but without effect. As of now, only browser refresh show correct tree after switching few routes.
编辑:我尝试清理$ templateCache和$ scope,同时留下特定的视图,但没有效果。截至目前,只有浏览器刷新后切换少数路径才能显示正确的树。
As per request showing html that renders tree:
angular.module('app').directive('showTree', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'app/tree/tree.tpl.html'
<h3> {{selectedElement.firstName}} {{selectedElement.lastName}}"></h3>
<li ng-repeat="element in tree" ng-include="'tree'"></li>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="tree">
<h3> {{element.firstName}} {{element.lastName}}"></h3>
<li ng-repeat="element in element.children" ng-include="'tree'"></li>
.controller('TreeController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', 'ElementFactory', 'myService',
function ($scope, $routeParams, ElementFactory, myService) {
$scope.selectedElement = ElementFactory.get({elementId: $routeParams.elementId});
$scope.tree = myService.get({elementId: $routeParams.elementId});
1 个解决方案
10 digest loops means that you made angulars detecting changes for 10 times in a row on the successive angular's loop.
Furthermore i don't see anything that make think that your service is retaining any states.
I think you have something wrong in your tree indeed, but not with what you posted here. Show us your HTML showing the tree and the controlleralong with it.
10 digest loops means that you made angulars detecting changes for 10 times in a row on the successive angular's loop.
Furthermore i don't see anything that make think that your service is retaining any states.
I think you have something wrong in your tree indeed, but not with what you posted here. Show us your HTML showing the tree and the controlleralong with it.