
时间:2021-06-23 02:04:26

Basically I have a dictionary with 10 elements and I'm replacing user input string with those stored in the dictionary like so


abc_dict { 'a':'Apple','b':'Banana','c':'Cat'}:
str = user input
for key, value in abc_dict.iteritems():
    str = str.replace(key, value)
        print str

However when I print this it prints a line for each element in the dictionary and only the last line is fully replaced. Example of my output


I like a, b, and c
I like apple, banana, and c
I like apple, banana, and cat

What concept must I use in order for it to only print the last line


1 个解决方案



Right code:

abc_dict { 'a':'Apple','b':'Banana','c':'Cat'}:
str = user input
for key, value in abc_dict.iteritems():
    str = str.replace(key, value)
print str

Your error: you use print str inside the for loop

您的错误:您在for循环中使用print str



Right code:

abc_dict { 'a':'Apple','b':'Banana','c':'Cat'}:
str = user input
for key, value in abc_dict.iteritems():
    str = str.replace(key, value)
print str

Your error: you use print str inside the for loop

您的错误:您在for循环中使用print str