
时间:2021-10-10 01:59:07

I have the responsibility of ensuring that a colleague who is just learning R knows the basics before a course where that is a requirement. The colleague has gone through a couple of tutorials so hopefully she is ok, but I would like to give her a test to gauge it.


I was therefore wondering if anyone knew if there were any materials on the web that would be suitable? and is possible had both questions and answers.


PS Cross-posted to r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch

通过PS r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch

2 个解决方案



There is a whole set of exercises with solutions from the book Data Analysis and Graphics Using R. (Maindonald & Braun, 2nd edn, CUP 2007) available online : http://maths.anu.edu.au/~johnm/r-book/2edn/exercises/

有一套完整的练习与解决方案从书数据分析和图形使用r (Maindonald & Braun,第2edn,第2edn, 2007年杯赛)可获得:http://maths.anu.edu.au/~johnm/r-book/2edn/exercise /

Next to that, a quick search using the obscure randomized pagecollector Google brought to me a set of exercises where you can pick out whatever you want. Try the magic phrase "R exercises". ;)


Some I found interesting :




If this is just a one time single person evaluation then a oral style exam is probably going to tell you a lot more than a set of fixed problems. Get a data set and have her read it into R, do some basic data manipulation, a couple of plots, and a standard analysis or two. Based on what she does well or has a challenge with you can modify the direction that you have things go and what additional questions you ask.




There is a whole set of exercises with solutions from the book Data Analysis and Graphics Using R. (Maindonald & Braun, 2nd edn, CUP 2007) available online : http://maths.anu.edu.au/~johnm/r-book/2edn/exercises/

有一套完整的练习与解决方案从书数据分析和图形使用r (Maindonald & Braun,第2edn,第2edn, 2007年杯赛)可获得:http://maths.anu.edu.au/~johnm/r-book/2edn/exercise /

Next to that, a quick search using the obscure randomized pagecollector Google brought to me a set of exercises where you can pick out whatever you want. Try the magic phrase "R exercises". ;)


Some I found interesting :




If this is just a one time single person evaluation then a oral style exam is probably going to tell you a lot more than a set of fixed problems. Get a data set and have her read it into R, do some basic data manipulation, a couple of plots, and a standard analysis or two. Based on what she does well or has a challenge with you can modify the direction that you have things go and what additional questions you ask.
