
时间:2021-03-09 01:59:39

I don't come here for help often but I am pretty frustrated by this and I am hoping someone has encountered it before.


Whenever I try to fetch records from a table using more than one join I get this error:


#126 - Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_64d_0.MYI'; try to repair it

So this query will produce the error:


SELECT * FROM `core_username`
INNER JOIN `core_person` ON (`core_username`.`person_id` = `core_person`.`id`)
INNER JOIN `core_site` ON (`core_username`.`site_id` = `core_site`.`id`)
ORDER BY `core_username`.`name` ASC LIMIT 1

But this one won't:


SELECT * FROM `core_username`
INNER JOIN `core_person` ON (`core_username`.`person_id` = `core_person`.`id`)
ORDER BY `core_username`.`name` ASC LIMIT 1

And neither will this one:


SELECT * FROM `core_username`
INNER JOIN `core_site` ON (`core_username`.`site_id` = `core_site`.`id`)
ORDER BY `core_username`.`name` ASC LIMIT 1

What could be causing this? I don't really know how to go about repairing a tmp table but I don't really think that's the problem as it is a new tmp table every time. The username table is fairly large (233,718 records right now) but I doubt that has anything to do with it.


Any help would be much appreciated.


UPDATE: After some further testing, it appears that the error only happens when I try to order the results. That is, this query will give me what I expect:


SELECT * FROM `core_username`
INNER JOIN `core_person` ON (`core_username`.`person_id` = `core_person`.`id`)
INNER JOIN `core_site` ON (`core_username`.`site_id` = `core_site`.`id`)

But if I add the:


ORDER BY `core_username`.`name` ASC

The error is triggered. This is only happening on the specific webserver I am currently using. If I download the database and try the same thing on my localhost as well as other servers it runs fine. The MySQL version is 5.0.77.


Knowing this I am fairly confident that what is happening is that the tmp table being created is way too big and MySQL chokes as described in this blog post. I am still not sure what the solution would be, though...

知道了这一点,我很有信心,正在发生的事情是,正在创建的tmp表太大了,而MySQL chokes在这篇博文中描述了。我仍然不确定解决方案是什么,尽管……

11 个解决方案



Sometimes when this error happens with temp tables:


#126 - Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_64d_0.MYI'; try to repair it

It can be because the /tmp folder is running out of space. On some Linux installations, /tmp is in its own partition and does not have much space - big MySQL queries will fill it up.


You can use df -h to check whether \tmp is in its own partition, and how much space is allocated to it.

您可以使用df -h来检查\tmp是否在它自己的分区中,以及分配给它多少空间。

If it is in its own partition and short of space, you can either:


(a) modify /tmp so that its parition has more space (either by reallocating or moving it to the main partition - e.g. see here)
(b) changing MySql config so that it uses a different temp folder on a different partition, e.g. /var/tmp




Check your MySQL tmpdir available space (/tmp in your case) while running the queries as it can eat hundreds of MBs when working with big tables. Something like this worked for me:

在运行查询时,检查MySQL tmpdir可用空间(/tmp),因为它可以在处理大表时消耗数百mb。这对我来说很有用:

$ while true; do df -h /tmp; sleep .5; done



run this


REPAIR TABLE `core_username`,`core_site`,`core_person`;

or do this:


select * from (
 SELECT * FROM `core_username`
 INNER JOIN `core_person` ON (`core_username`.`person_id` = `core_person`.`id`)
 INNER JOIN `core_site` ON (`core_username`.`site_id` = `core_site`.`id`)



I had this problem with a query on a table that had 500K+ records. It was giving me the same exact type of error, pointing to a .MYI file in the /tmp directory that was rarely there upon checking. I had already increased the heap and temp file sizes in the /etc/my.cnf file.

我在一个有500K+记录的表上查询了这个问题。它给了我相同的错误类型,指向/tmp目录中的. myi文件,在检查时很少出现。我已经在/etc/my.cnf文件中增加了堆和临时文件大小。

The problem with the query was the it did indeed contain a ORDER clause at the end, omitting it made the query work without error. It also had a LIMIT. I was trying to look at the most recent 5 records in the table. With the ORDER clause included it choked and gave the error.


What was happening was the mysqld was creating an internal temp table with ALL the records from the giant table to apply the ORDER.


The way that I got around this is to apply an additional WHERE condition, limiting the records from the giant table to some smaller set. I conveniently had a datetime field to do the filtering from.


I hope that helps someone.




You may find running "ANALYZE TABLE " helps.


We had this problem suddenly appear on a large table (~100M rows) and MySQL tried to use /tmp to write a temporary table of over 1GB, which failed as /tmp was limited to ~600M.


It turned out that the statistics for the InnoDB table were rather stale. After running "ANALYZE TABLE ...", the statistics were updated and the problem cleared. With the more accurate statistics, MySQL was able to optimize the query correctly and the large tmp file was no longer required.


We now run "mysqlcheck -Aa" periodically to keep all table statistics fresh.

我们现在定期运行“mysqlcheck -Aa”,以保持所有表统计信息的新鲜。



On Unix, MySQL uses the value of the TMPDIR environment variable as the path name of the directory in which to store temporary files. If TMPDIR is not set, MySQL uses the system default, which is usually /tmp, /var/tmp, or /usr/tmp.


On Windows, Netware and OS2, MySQL checks in order the values of the TMPDIR, TEMP, and TMP environment variables. For the first one found to be set, MySQL uses it and does not check those remaining. If none of TMPDIR, TEMP, or TMP are set, MySQL uses the Windows system default, which is usually C:\windows\temp.

在Windows、Netware和OS2中,MySQL会检查TMPDIR、TEMP和TMP环境变量的值。对于第一个发现的设置,MySQL使用它并且不检查剩余的。如果TMPDIR、TEMP或TMP没有设置,MySQL使用Windows系统默认值,通常是C:\ Windows \ TEMP。

If the file system containing your temporary file directory is too small, you can use the --tmpdir option to mysqld to specify a directory in a file system where you have enough space.


In MySQL 5.0, the --tmpdir option can be set to a list of several paths that are used in round-robin fashion. Paths should be separated by colon characters (“:”) on Unix and semicolon characters (“;”) on Windows, NetWare, and OS/2.

在MySQL 5.0中,—tmpdir选项可以设置为几种循环使用的路径的列表。在Windows、NetWare和OS/2上,在Unix和分号上的冒号(“:”)应该分隔路径。



I experience the same problem.


Here is my solution : 1. Dont use "select *". Just select field that you need. 2. Split the query. If the field you select is too much, splitting it to some query can be a result. You can "array_merge()" the result later if you want the variable that contain the result not changed.

这是我的解:1。不要使用“select *”。选择您需要的字段。2。将查询。如果选择的字段太多,将其拆分为一些查询可能会导致结果。如果您想要包含结果不变的变量,您可以“array_merge()”的结果。

On my case, I split the query to 5 queries, then array merge it using PHP.


The problem is lies on the mysql server. It is just a thing that application developer (such us me) don't has a previlege.




I had similar problem. In my own case, the problem occurred due to incorrect owner/permission. I just had to change the owner on my data directory to mysql user and this resolved the problem.




Only increase the file tmp, because mysql doesn't have space in it, for queries...


mount -o remount,size=[NEW MAX SIZE HERE] tmpfs /tmp

Links reference:


General error: 126 Incorrect key file for table ‘/tmp/#sql_254c_0.MYI’; try to repair it


[ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Incorrect key file for table '/mysqltmp/#sql_ca1a_0.MYI'; try to repair it


How to increase /tmp partition size




the index keys for one of the 3 tables might be bad, try running a repair command on all 3 tables.




Using the EXPLAIN keyword may help find out how to best optimize this query. Essentially, what you need to do is get the result set as small as possible as quickly as possible. If you have a result set of every row in core_username until the end, when you order it you run the risk of... this.


If you can do the ordering on core_username alone without a problem, you may want to get the min() row as a subquery.




Sometimes when this error happens with temp tables:


#126 - Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_64d_0.MYI'; try to repair it

It can be because the /tmp folder is running out of space. On some Linux installations, /tmp is in its own partition and does not have much space - big MySQL queries will fill it up.


You can use df -h to check whether \tmp is in its own partition, and how much space is allocated to it.

您可以使用df -h来检查\tmp是否在它自己的分区中,以及分配给它多少空间。

If it is in its own partition and short of space, you can either:


(a) modify /tmp so that its parition has more space (either by reallocating or moving it to the main partition - e.g. see here)
(b) changing MySql config so that it uses a different temp folder on a different partition, e.g. /var/tmp




Check your MySQL tmpdir available space (/tmp in your case) while running the queries as it can eat hundreds of MBs when working with big tables. Something like this worked for me:

在运行查询时,检查MySQL tmpdir可用空间(/tmp),因为它可以在处理大表时消耗数百mb。这对我来说很有用:

$ while true; do df -h /tmp; sleep .5; done



run this


REPAIR TABLE `core_username`,`core_site`,`core_person`;

or do this:


select * from (
 SELECT * FROM `core_username`
 INNER JOIN `core_person` ON (`core_username`.`person_id` = `core_person`.`id`)
 INNER JOIN `core_site` ON (`core_username`.`site_id` = `core_site`.`id`)



I had this problem with a query on a table that had 500K+ records. It was giving me the same exact type of error, pointing to a .MYI file in the /tmp directory that was rarely there upon checking. I had already increased the heap and temp file sizes in the /etc/my.cnf file.

我在一个有500K+记录的表上查询了这个问题。它给了我相同的错误类型,指向/tmp目录中的. myi文件,在检查时很少出现。我已经在/etc/my.cnf文件中增加了堆和临时文件大小。

The problem with the query was the it did indeed contain a ORDER clause at the end, omitting it made the query work without error. It also had a LIMIT. I was trying to look at the most recent 5 records in the table. With the ORDER clause included it choked and gave the error.


What was happening was the mysqld was creating an internal temp table with ALL the records from the giant table to apply the ORDER.


The way that I got around this is to apply an additional WHERE condition, limiting the records from the giant table to some smaller set. I conveniently had a datetime field to do the filtering from.


I hope that helps someone.




You may find running "ANALYZE TABLE " helps.


We had this problem suddenly appear on a large table (~100M rows) and MySQL tried to use /tmp to write a temporary table of over 1GB, which failed as /tmp was limited to ~600M.


It turned out that the statistics for the InnoDB table were rather stale. After running "ANALYZE TABLE ...", the statistics were updated and the problem cleared. With the more accurate statistics, MySQL was able to optimize the query correctly and the large tmp file was no longer required.


We now run "mysqlcheck -Aa" periodically to keep all table statistics fresh.

我们现在定期运行“mysqlcheck -Aa”,以保持所有表统计信息的新鲜。



On Unix, MySQL uses the value of the TMPDIR environment variable as the path name of the directory in which to store temporary files. If TMPDIR is not set, MySQL uses the system default, which is usually /tmp, /var/tmp, or /usr/tmp.


On Windows, Netware and OS2, MySQL checks in order the values of the TMPDIR, TEMP, and TMP environment variables. For the first one found to be set, MySQL uses it and does not check those remaining. If none of TMPDIR, TEMP, or TMP are set, MySQL uses the Windows system default, which is usually C:\windows\temp.

在Windows、Netware和OS2中,MySQL会检查TMPDIR、TEMP和TMP环境变量的值。对于第一个发现的设置,MySQL使用它并且不检查剩余的。如果TMPDIR、TEMP或TMP没有设置,MySQL使用Windows系统默认值,通常是C:\ Windows \ TEMP。

If the file system containing your temporary file directory is too small, you can use the --tmpdir option to mysqld to specify a directory in a file system where you have enough space.


In MySQL 5.0, the --tmpdir option can be set to a list of several paths that are used in round-robin fashion. Paths should be separated by colon characters (“:”) on Unix and semicolon characters (“;”) on Windows, NetWare, and OS/2.

在MySQL 5.0中,—tmpdir选项可以设置为几种循环使用的路径的列表。在Windows、NetWare和OS/2上,在Unix和分号上的冒号(“:”)应该分隔路径。



I experience the same problem.


Here is my solution : 1. Dont use "select *". Just select field that you need. 2. Split the query. If the field you select is too much, splitting it to some query can be a result. You can "array_merge()" the result later if you want the variable that contain the result not changed.

这是我的解:1。不要使用“select *”。选择您需要的字段。2。将查询。如果选择的字段太多,将其拆分为一些查询可能会导致结果。如果您想要包含结果不变的变量,您可以“array_merge()”的结果。

On my case, I split the query to 5 queries, then array merge it using PHP.


The problem is lies on the mysql server. It is just a thing that application developer (such us me) don't has a previlege.




I had similar problem. In my own case, the problem occurred due to incorrect owner/permission. I just had to change the owner on my data directory to mysql user and this resolved the problem.




Only increase the file tmp, because mysql doesn't have space in it, for queries...


mount -o remount,size=[NEW MAX SIZE HERE] tmpfs /tmp

Links reference:


General error: 126 Incorrect key file for table ‘/tmp/#sql_254c_0.MYI’; try to repair it


[ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Incorrect key file for table '/mysqltmp/#sql_ca1a_0.MYI'; try to repair it


How to increase /tmp partition size




the index keys for one of the 3 tables might be bad, try running a repair command on all 3 tables.




Using the EXPLAIN keyword may help find out how to best optimize this query. Essentially, what you need to do is get the result set as small as possible as quickly as possible. If you have a result set of every row in core_username until the end, when you order it you run the risk of... this.


If you can do the ordering on core_username alone without a problem, you may want to get the min() row as a subquery.
