在sql server 2008中获取登录错误

时间:2021-02-06 01:54:46

I have SQL server 2008 and it was working fine ,but today while starting SQL server I am getting the following error : "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)"

我有SQL Server 2008,它工作正常,但今天启动SQL服务器时,我收到以下错误:“建立与SQL Server的连接时发生网络相关或特定于实例的错误。服务器未找到或是验证实例名称是否正确并且SQL Server配置为允许远程连接。(提供程序:命名管道提供程序,错误:40 - 无法打开与SQL Server的连接)(Microsoft SQL Server,错误:2) “

In SQL Server Configuration Manager--> sql server services --> MS sql server and all other service status is showing as stopped(previously it was running). I have tried to make it start but the request failed..I have checked the event log ,its showing "The SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service failed to start due to the following error: The service did not start due to a logon failure" ....My SQL server is taking windows authentication and few days back I have changed the PWD ..can it b the reason..pls help. Note: Its not remote connection..the server is My system only..

在SQL Server配置管理器 - > sql server services - > MS sql server和所有其他服务状态显示为已停止(之前它正在运行)。我试图让它启动,但请求失败..我检查了事件日志,显示“由于以下错误,SQL Server(MSSQLSERVER)服务无法启动:由于登录失败,服务未启动” ....我的SQL服务器正在进行Windows身份验证,几天前我已经更改了PWD ..扫描原因...请帮忙。注意:它不是远程连接..服务器只是我的系统..

2 个解决方案


Thanks Stuart for ur suggestions but the problem was a bit different. I got the sloution from http://dotnet.org.za/thea/archive/2004/06/09/2069.aspx Its working Now :-)



In server properties in security, check that server authentication is set to SQL SErver and Windows Authentication mode.

在安全性的服务器属性中,检查服务器身份验证是否设置为SQL SErver和Windows身份验证模式。

EDIT: I had similar error after installation of service pack, the install switched the server authentication mode to windows only. 1.Management Studio 2.Object browser should be open in the left hand pane 3.Right click on the server instance name 4.Select properties from the menu choices 5.Server Properties dialog opens 6.Select security on the left hand menu items 7.On the right, there will be server authentication, select 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode'

编辑:安装Service Pack后我遇到类似的错误,安装只将服务器身份验证模式切换到了Windows。 1.Management Studio 2.对象浏览器应在左侧窗格中打开3.右键单击服务器实例名称4.从菜单选项中选择属性5.Server Properties对话框打开6.在左侧菜单项上选择安全性7 。在右侧,将有服务器身份验证,选择“SQL Server和Windows身份验证模式”

This should allow you to log in as sa, once running and you are in, make changes if required to Logins and Roles



Thanks Stuart for ur suggestions but the problem was a bit different. I got the sloution from http://dotnet.org.za/thea/archive/2004/06/09/2069.aspx Its working Now :-)



In server properties in security, check that server authentication is set to SQL SErver and Windows Authentication mode.

在安全性的服务器属性中,检查服务器身份验证是否设置为SQL SErver和Windows身份验证模式。

EDIT: I had similar error after installation of service pack, the install switched the server authentication mode to windows only. 1.Management Studio 2.Object browser should be open in the left hand pane 3.Right click on the server instance name 4.Select properties from the menu choices 5.Server Properties dialog opens 6.Select security on the left hand menu items 7.On the right, there will be server authentication, select 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode'

编辑:安装Service Pack后我遇到类似的错误,安装只将服务器身份验证模式切换到了Windows。 1.Management Studio 2.对象浏览器应在左侧窗格中打开3.右键单击服务器实例名称4.从菜单选项中选择属性5.Server Properties对话框打开6.在左侧菜单项上选择安全性7 。在右侧,将有服务器身份验证,选择“SQL Server和Windows身份验证模式”

This should allow you to log in as sa, once running and you are in, make changes if required to Logins and Roles
