
时间:2022-03-24 01:56:58

With jQuery, we can simulate submitting a form:


<form id="form1" method="post">
    <input name="key1" value="value1" />
    <input name="key2" value="value2" />

With an AJAX function call:


$.post('', { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }, function() {
   // do call back

If we use jquery.form.js


    success: function() {
        // do call back

Ok, now comes my question:

I don't have the form in the markup and I want to submit a form with some dynamic content using the method 'POST'.


I want to make a function call to simulate the procedure, maybe something like:


utils.post('/url', {key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'});

After that call, the effect is just the same as the form I have above and I submit it, with a natural synchronized way.


Is there a nice way to do this?


If the problem is not clear, I can make an ugly example to explain what I want:


util.post = function(url, fields) {
    var $form = $('<form action="'+url+'" method="post"></form>');
    var key, val;
    for(key in fields) {
        if(fields.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            val = fields[key];
            $form.append('<input type="hidden" name="'+key+'" value="'+val+'" />');

The above method works but I think it is not nice enough. When the fields have a special character or something else it may cause an error.


3 个解决方案



You can use jQuery to construct the form functionally, rather than by concatenating strings, so special characters won't be a problem.


You will need to attach this form to the HTML body before submitting it; recent versions of Chrome now require this.


var util = {};
util.post = function(url, fields) {
    var $form = $('<form>', {
        action: url,
        method: 'post'
    $.each(fields, function(key, val) {
             type: "hidden",
             name: key,
             value: val



Your only problem is that since you don't have form fields to get data from you can't use .serialize to build the array. You just have to build the array manually.


Key1...Keyn can be names you assign instead of form fields name attributes (that is what actually serialize do) and values can be whatever you want:

Key1 ... Keyn可以是您指定的名称而不是表单字段名称属性(实际上是序列化所做的),值可以是您想要的任何值:

  • html from a div;
  • 来自div的html;
  • values calculated by you;
  • 你计算的价值;
  • javascript variables;
  • javascript变量;
  • values coming from db;
  • 来自db的值;

The point is that you are not simulating posting a form in any case. With ajax you are just making it asyncronous and this helps you because you don't need to change/reload the page to elaborate the form results.




Since the accepted answer may no longer work in e.g. Chromium based browsers in some circumstances, here's a workaround:


util.post = function(url, fields) {
  var $form = $('<form>', {
    action: url,
    method: 'post'
    $.map(fields, function(key, val) {
      return $('<input>').attr({
         type: "hidden",
         name: key,
         value: val
  var w = window.open("about:blank")



You can use jQuery to construct the form functionally, rather than by concatenating strings, so special characters won't be a problem.


You will need to attach this form to the HTML body before submitting it; recent versions of Chrome now require this.


var util = {};
util.post = function(url, fields) {
    var $form = $('<form>', {
        action: url,
        method: 'post'
    $.each(fields, function(key, val) {
             type: "hidden",
             name: key,
             value: val



Your only problem is that since you don't have form fields to get data from you can't use .serialize to build the array. You just have to build the array manually.


Key1...Keyn can be names you assign instead of form fields name attributes (that is what actually serialize do) and values can be whatever you want:

Key1 ... Keyn可以是您指定的名称而不是表单字段名称属性(实际上是序列化所做的),值可以是您想要的任何值:

  • html from a div;
  • 来自div的html;
  • values calculated by you;
  • 你计算的价值;
  • javascript variables;
  • javascript变量;
  • values coming from db;
  • 来自db的值;

The point is that you are not simulating posting a form in any case. With ajax you are just making it asyncronous and this helps you because you don't need to change/reload the page to elaborate the form results.




Since the accepted answer may no longer work in e.g. Chromium based browsers in some circumstances, here's a workaround:


util.post = function(url, fields) {
  var $form = $('<form>', {
    action: url,
    method: 'post'
    $.map(fields, function(key, val) {
      return $('<input>').attr({
         type: "hidden",
         name: key,
         value: val
  var w = window.open("about:blank")