OOP PHP - 获取表单帖子

时间:2022-03-24 01:56:58

Hello I'm watching a tutorial about OOP PHP "How to make login form". And I can't understand how the form post was gotten from this code.

您好我正在观看有关OOP PHP“如何制作登录表单”的教程。我无法理解表格帖子是如何从这段代码中获得的。



class input
  public static function exists($type = 'post')
    switch ($type)
        case 'post':
            return (!empty($_POST)) ? true : false;
        case 'get':
            return (!empty($_GET)) ? true : false;
            return false;



if (input::exists())
  //the submit button was clicked

So I will be happy if someone explain how does that work and how can i specify it to a specific form. Like this.


if ($_POST['specific submit name'])
  // the specific submit button was clicked.

1 个解决方案



This function:


public static function exists($type = 'post')
    switch ($type)
        case 'post':
            return (!empty($_POST)) ? true : false;
        case 'get':
            return (!empty($_GET)) ? true : false;
            return false;

checks if the $_POST or $_GET superglobal arrays are empty. So let's say that you need to check if a POST requests has reached your page. You call input::exists('post'); That means the first case is true and this part of the code will be executed:

检查$ _POST或$ _GET超全局数组是否为空。因此,假设您需要检查POST请求是否已到达您的页面。你调用input :: exists('post');这意味着第一种情况是正确的,这部分代码将被执行:

return (!empty($_POST)) ? true : false;

return(!empty($ _ POST))?真假;

This code returns true if $_POST is not empty, which practically means there's data in it or false if it is empty. Truth be told, this statement could be more easily written like this:

如果$ _POST不为空,则此代码返回true,这实际上意味着其中包含数据,如果为空,则返回false。说实话,这句话可以更容易地写成:

return !empty($_POST);

return!empty($ _ POST);

The if/else logic is pretty reduntant as is most of that code. To check if a particular value is in the $_POST array you can use isset.

if / else逻辑与大多数代码一样非常简洁。要检查特定值是否在$ _POST数组中,您可以使用isset。

So let's say you submit a form or send an AJAX request and one of the fields has a name of 'foo', you can check if 'foo' exists in $_POST like this:

因此,假设您提交表单或发送一个AJAX请求,其中一个字段的名称为'foo',您可以检查$ _POST中是否存在'foo',如下所示:

    //do something with foo

As you can see there are simpler ways to check if $_POST is populated and with what values. As I said above I consider the input class and the exists method reduntant code. You could use this tutorial just for learning what OOP is but I wouldn't rely on it

正如您所看到的,有更简单的方法可以检查是否填充了$ _POST以及具有什么值。如上所述,我考虑输入类和存在方法reduntant代码。你可以使用本教程来学习OOP是什么,但我不会依赖它



This function:


public static function exists($type = 'post')
    switch ($type)
        case 'post':
            return (!empty($_POST)) ? true : false;
        case 'get':
            return (!empty($_GET)) ? true : false;
            return false;

checks if the $_POST or $_GET superglobal arrays are empty. So let's say that you need to check if a POST requests has reached your page. You call input::exists('post'); That means the first case is true and this part of the code will be executed:

检查$ _POST或$ _GET超全局数组是否为空。因此,假设您需要检查POST请求是否已到达您的页面。你调用input :: exists('post');这意味着第一种情况是正确的,这部分代码将被执行:

return (!empty($_POST)) ? true : false;

return(!empty($ _ POST))?真假;

This code returns true if $_POST is not empty, which practically means there's data in it or false if it is empty. Truth be told, this statement could be more easily written like this:

如果$ _POST不为空,则此代码返回true,这实际上意味着其中包含数据,如果为空,则返回false。说实话,这句话可以更容易地写成:

return !empty($_POST);

return!empty($ _ POST);

The if/else logic is pretty reduntant as is most of that code. To check if a particular value is in the $_POST array you can use isset.

if / else逻辑与大多数代码一样非常简洁。要检查特定值是否在$ _POST数组中,您可以使用isset。

So let's say you submit a form or send an AJAX request and one of the fields has a name of 'foo', you can check if 'foo' exists in $_POST like this:

因此,假设您提交表单或发送一个AJAX请求,其中一个字段的名称为'foo',您可以检查$ _POST中是否存在'foo',如下所示:

    //do something with foo

As you can see there are simpler ways to check if $_POST is populated and with what values. As I said above I consider the input class and the exists method reduntant code. You could use this tutorial just for learning what OOP is but I wouldn't rely on it

正如您所看到的,有更简单的方法可以检查是否填充了$ _POST以及具有什么值。如上所述,我考虑输入类和存在方法reduntant代码。你可以使用本教程来学习OOP是什么,但我不会依赖它