经典ASP - 服务器时间与本地时间

时间:2022-04-07 01:57:44

I have a Classic ASP application that I am working with date cut offs. My server resides in Central Time, but I am in Eastern time. What happens is my app thinks it is an hour earlier and my cut offs are an hour late. I am sure they would be 2 hours early if a user was in Pacific time.


What I am trying to figure out is if there is a way to either


  1. tell the server to show me local time when you do a GetDate() on SQL or Now() in ASP
  2. 当您在SQL上执行GetDate()或在ASP中执行Now()时,告诉服务器显示本地时间

  3. figure out some way to do an offset that I can run when the page first loads and use as needed.
  4. 找出一些方法来做一个偏移,我可以在页面首次加载并根据需要使用时运行。

I tried server side javascript, it returns Central Time too. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!



UPDATE - 4/11/12 @ 1:12pm:

更新 - 4/11/12 @ 1:12 pm:

I think that I found a work around for my application, but it would not work generically. I have geographic data for the location I am working with - zip code. I can grab the timezone from that - it would not fully work right for users in other timezones looking at the location, but it does not matter for my app since I just need to be focused on the end time for that location.

我认为我找到了一个适用于我的应用程序的工作,但它通常不会起作用。我有我正在使用的位置的地理数据 - 邮政编码。我可以从中获取时区 - 它不能完全适用于查看该位置的其他时区的用户,但这对我的应用程序无关紧要,因为我只需要关注该位置的结束时间。

This is the other other way(s) I found were provided by JohnB below (specifically #4). thanks everyone. http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum47/600.htm (bottom)

这是我发现的其他方式由JohnB提供(特别是#4)。感谢大家。 http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum47/600.htm(下)

5 个解决方案




I tried server side javascript, it returns Central Time too.


Did you mean to say client side JavaScript? You definitely need to use client side script to get the user's device time (not server side script).


You should read this:


Primer on dealing with multiple time zones:


1) Make sure your database server is set to the correct Date/Time in its time zone. Properly account for Daylight Savings Time in its location. Set the server to do this automatically.


2) Create a table in your database with time zones and their offset from UTC (GMT).


3) Always store Now() Date/Time in UTC. Every database vendor should have a UTC Date/Time Now() function (i.e. SYSUTCDATETIME() for SQL Server). This way all times are stored in a universal format agnostic to where the user happens to be sitting. Call Now() from your database, not the client, because mobile devices could be anywhere, but your database server stays in one spot.

3)始终以UTC格式存储Now()日期/时间。每个数据库供应商都应具有UTC Date / Time Now()函数(即SQL Server的SYSUTCDATETIME())。这样,所有时间都以通用格式存储,与用户恰好坐在的位置无关。从您的数据库而不是客户端调用Now(),因为移动设备可以在任何地方,但您的数据库服务器保留在一个位置。

4) Have user input their local time zone and store it in your database.


5) When displaying Date/Time stored in UTC back to the user, convert the UTC Date/Time back to the user's time zone using the user's time zone offset. SQL Server makes this a little easier with datetimeoffset.

5)当以UTC格式显示日期/时间返回给用户时,使用用户的时区偏移将UTC日期/时间转换回用户的时区。使用datetimeoffset,SQL Server使这更容易一些。

6) If the user is setting an alarm, have them enter the trigger Date/Time in their local time zone. This way the user can change their local time zone if they move. Also, if time zone rules change you can just fix your time zone table (#2) and then the alarm will still trigger correctly. In your code, to test for alarm trigger, convert trigger time to UTC, and then compare against server time in UTC (i.e. SYSUTCDATETIME()).


7) Daylight Savings Time is tricky! (see 1st link)

7)夏令时很棘手! (见第1个链接)



In general, Time zone manipulation can't be done directly in classic ASP.


However, if you have full control of the server where the code is running, you can install a COM component written in a language that does have time zone support, then use that component from your classic ASP environment.


For example, you might write the following component in .NET with C#:


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace TimeZoneInfoCom
    public class TimeZoneConverter
        public DateTime NowInZone(string timeZoneId)
            return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTime.UtcNow, timeZoneId);

        public DateTime Convert(DateTime dateTime, string sourceZoneId, string targetZoneId)
            TimeZoneInfo sourceTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(sourceZoneId);
            TimeZoneInfo targetTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(targetZoneId);
            return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dateTime, sourceTimeZone, targetTimeZone);

You would then compile this, copy the DLL to your server, and register it as a COM component (using RegAsm.exe).


Then you could call it in your Classic ASP page, like so:



Server Time: <%= Now() %><br>

Dim tzconverter
Set tzconverter = Server.CreateObject("TimeZoneInfoCom.TimeZoneConverter")

US Pacific Time:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("Pacific Standard Time") %><br>
US Mountain Time:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("Mountain Standard Time") %><br>
US Central Time:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("Central Standard Time") %><br>
US Eastern Time:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("Eastern Standard Time") %><br>
UTC:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("UTC") %><br>


Conversion Example:

Dim originalTime, convertedTime
originalTime = #12/31/2014 00:00:00#
convertedTime = tzconverter.Convert(originalTime, "UTC", "Tokyo Standard Time")


' Don't forget to destroy the com object!
Set tzconverter = Nothing


If you get an "ActiveX component can't create object" error, be sure that you have set "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to True in IIS, under the advanced settings for your application pool.


With regard to SQL Server - If you search, you may find a handful of posts showing ways you can manipulate time in SQL Server, through elaborate stored procedures that either have fixed offsets, fixed time zone rules, or rely on tables of time zone data. I usually advise against any of these approaches because they are too brittle.

关于SQL Server - 如果你搜索,你可能会发现一些帖子显示你可以在SQL Server中操作时间的方法,通过精心设计的存储过程,它们有固定的偏移量,固定的时区规则,或者依赖于时区数据表。我通常建议不要采用任何这些方法,因为它们太脆弱了。

  • Fixed offsets are bad because they don't account for daylight saving time.
  • 固定偏移是不好的,因为它们不考虑夏令时。

  • Fixed rules are bad because time zone rules can (and do) change. Editing stored procs to keep up with these changes is too fragile (IMHO).
  • 固定规则很糟糕,因为时区规则可以(并且确实)发生变化。编辑存储过程以跟上这些变化太脆弱了(恕我直言)。

  • Maintaining tables of time zone data is a little better, but usually I find these tables to not be maintained well. If you go down this route, be sure to put a procedure in place for updating the tables periodically.
  • 维护时区数据表略好一些,但通常我发现这些表不能很好地维护。如果沿着这条路走下去,请务必设置一个程序来定期更新表格。



Getting the users time zone


From what I understand about this JavaScript code it is very accurate and will be able to return the offset from UST, the corresponding Olson Database timezone name, and handle the daylight savings time issue (ex. -5:00, America/New_york, true).

根据我对这个JavaScript代码的理解,它非常准确,并且能够从UST返回偏移量,相应的Olson数据库时区名称,并处理夏令时问题(例如-5:00,America / New_york,true )。

The only hurdle you will face after getting this code working on your html page will likely be getting these values to asp and then to sql if that is what you need. I achieved this by sending these values as a $.post using JQuery. I think this is the easiest way to do it. I believe the other alternatives are using an AJAX command or cookies.

在将此代码用于html页面后,您将面临的唯一障碍可能是将这些值传递给asp,然后再获取sql,如果这是您需要的。我通过使用JQuery将这些值作为$ .post发送来实现这一点。我认为这是最简单的方法。我相信其他选择使用AJAX命令或cookie。

After I got the values from the JavaScript code to the server I stored them as session variables so they would change if the user on my site logged in from a different timezone then usual. However they could easily be saved to the database as well.


//replace this comment with the most updated timezonedetect code from that first link
var timezone = jstz.determine_timezone();
var tzoffset = timezone.offset();
var tzname = timezone.name();
var tzdst = timezone.dst();
$.post("tzdetect.asp", { tzoffset: tzoffset, tzname: tzname, tzdst: tzdst } );

Then you need to set up the receiving file tzdetect.asp on the server to store the time zone once it's sent.


Working with the time zone once you have it

This article has a good solution to your problem: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/31146/SQL-2005-Time-Zone-Conversion-Functions


Approach is to set up a scalar function called NEW_TIME that takes three parameters:


  • date to convert
  • 转换日期

  • original time zone value
  • 原始时区价值

  • conversion time zone
  • 转换时区

and the function returns the converted value.




New solution to an old question...


We just had this issue when moving a server from "eastern standard time" to "utc", with all our asp classic apps.
But, we're using SQL server 2017.

我们在使用所有asp经典应用程序将服务器从“东部标准时间”移动到“utc”时遇到了这个问题。但是,我们正在使用SQL Server 2017。

And, if you're using SQL server 2016+, you can use the new "at time zone" keyword.

而且,如果您使用的是SQL Server 2016+,则可以使用新的“at time zone”关键字。

Get your current "offset" from that query:


select datediff(hour, GETUTCDATE() at time zone 'eastern standard time', GETUTCDATE()) as offset

Then, use that offset to handle all your dates in your ASP code, with functions like:


function fromUTC(dt)
    fromUTC = dateadd("h", tzOFFSET, dt)
end function

function toUTC(dt)
    toUTC = dateadd("h", -1 * tzOFFSET, dt)
end function

function getNow
    getNow = fromUTC(now)
end function

You can replace all "now" with "getNow" in your code.


Warning: that this offset is fixed according to the current date. If you need to handle dates from different daylight period, you can use the "at time zone" syntax directly in your SQL query, like:

警告:此偏移量根据当前日期确定。如果您需要处理来自不同日光周期的日期,可以直接在SQL查询中使用“at time zone”语法,例如:

DECLARE @timezone NVARCHAR(100) = N'eastern standard time'
    u.last_visit   at time zone @timezone as last_visit_tz,
    u.date_created at time zone @timezone as date_created_tz
FROM users u



I think if you choose from below the one you need and then put at the top of your page it will default to that location instead of the server - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524330(v=vs.90).aspx

我想如果你从你需要的那个下面选择,然后把它放在你的页面的顶部它将默认为该位置而不是服务器 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524330(v = VS.90)的.aspx

' This file does not need @LCID or @CODEPAGE and 
'  it does not need to be saved in UTF-8 format because  
'  there are no literal strings that need formatting or encoding. 

Response.Codepage = 65001 
Response.Charset = "utf-8" 

' See what happens when you uncomment the lines below. 
'Response.Codepage = 1252 
'Response.Charset = "windows-1252" 

ShowDateTimeCurrency 1033, "North America" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1041, "Japan" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1049, "Russia" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1031, "Germany" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1025, "Saudi Arabia" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1081, "India" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 2052, "China" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1042, "Korea" 

Sub ShowDateTimeCurrency(iLCID, sLocale) 
  Response.LCID = iLCID 
  Response.Write "<B>" & sLocale & "</B><BR>" 
  Response.Write FormatDateTime(Date, 1) & "<BR>" 
  Response.Write FormatDateTime(Time, 3) & "<BR>" 
  Response.Write FormatCurrency(1000) & "<BR>" 
  Response.Write FormatNumber(50, 3, 0, 0, -1) & " & " & FormatNumber(.02, 3, 0, 0, -1) & "<BR><BR>" 
End Sub

Have a look here - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524330(v=vs.90).aspx

看看这里 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524330(v=vs.90).aspx

or another way would be to use date addadd function for time

或者另一种方法是使用date addadd函数来表示时间

Please Mark as answer if it helps thanks





I tried server side javascript, it returns Central Time too.


Did you mean to say client side JavaScript? You definitely need to use client side script to get the user's device time (not server side script).


You should read this:


Primer on dealing with multiple time zones:


1) Make sure your database server is set to the correct Date/Time in its time zone. Properly account for Daylight Savings Time in its location. Set the server to do this automatically.


2) Create a table in your database with time zones and their offset from UTC (GMT).


3) Always store Now() Date/Time in UTC. Every database vendor should have a UTC Date/Time Now() function (i.e. SYSUTCDATETIME() for SQL Server). This way all times are stored in a universal format agnostic to where the user happens to be sitting. Call Now() from your database, not the client, because mobile devices could be anywhere, but your database server stays in one spot.

3)始终以UTC格式存储Now()日期/时间。每个数据库供应商都应具有UTC Date / Time Now()函数(即SQL Server的SYSUTCDATETIME())。这样,所有时间都以通用格式存储,与用户恰好坐在的位置无关。从您的数据库而不是客户端调用Now(),因为移动设备可以在任何地方,但您的数据库服务器保留在一个位置。

4) Have user input their local time zone and store it in your database.


5) When displaying Date/Time stored in UTC back to the user, convert the UTC Date/Time back to the user's time zone using the user's time zone offset. SQL Server makes this a little easier with datetimeoffset.

5)当以UTC格式显示日期/时间返回给用户时,使用用户的时区偏移将UTC日期/时间转换回用户的时区。使用datetimeoffset,SQL Server使这更容易一些。

6) If the user is setting an alarm, have them enter the trigger Date/Time in their local time zone. This way the user can change their local time zone if they move. Also, if time zone rules change you can just fix your time zone table (#2) and then the alarm will still trigger correctly. In your code, to test for alarm trigger, convert trigger time to UTC, and then compare against server time in UTC (i.e. SYSUTCDATETIME()).


7) Daylight Savings Time is tricky! (see 1st link)

7)夏令时很棘手! (见第1个链接)



In general, Time zone manipulation can't be done directly in classic ASP.


However, if you have full control of the server where the code is running, you can install a COM component written in a language that does have time zone support, then use that component from your classic ASP environment.


For example, you might write the following component in .NET with C#:


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace TimeZoneInfoCom
    public class TimeZoneConverter
        public DateTime NowInZone(string timeZoneId)
            return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTime.UtcNow, timeZoneId);

        public DateTime Convert(DateTime dateTime, string sourceZoneId, string targetZoneId)
            TimeZoneInfo sourceTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(sourceZoneId);
            TimeZoneInfo targetTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(targetZoneId);
            return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dateTime, sourceTimeZone, targetTimeZone);

You would then compile this, copy the DLL to your server, and register it as a COM component (using RegAsm.exe).


Then you could call it in your Classic ASP page, like so:



Server Time: <%= Now() %><br>

Dim tzconverter
Set tzconverter = Server.CreateObject("TimeZoneInfoCom.TimeZoneConverter")

US Pacific Time:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("Pacific Standard Time") %><br>
US Mountain Time:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("Mountain Standard Time") %><br>
US Central Time:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("Central Standard Time") %><br>
US Eastern Time:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("Eastern Standard Time") %><br>
UTC:  <%= tzconverter.NowInZone("UTC") %><br>


Conversion Example:

Dim originalTime, convertedTime
originalTime = #12/31/2014 00:00:00#
convertedTime = tzconverter.Convert(originalTime, "UTC", "Tokyo Standard Time")


' Don't forget to destroy the com object!
Set tzconverter = Nothing


If you get an "ActiveX component can't create object" error, be sure that you have set "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to True in IIS, under the advanced settings for your application pool.


With regard to SQL Server - If you search, you may find a handful of posts showing ways you can manipulate time in SQL Server, through elaborate stored procedures that either have fixed offsets, fixed time zone rules, or rely on tables of time zone data. I usually advise against any of these approaches because they are too brittle.

关于SQL Server - 如果你搜索,你可能会发现一些帖子显示你可以在SQL Server中操作时间的方法,通过精心设计的存储过程,它们有固定的偏移量,固定的时区规则,或者依赖于时区数据表。我通常建议不要采用任何这些方法,因为它们太脆弱了。

  • Fixed offsets are bad because they don't account for daylight saving time.
  • 固定偏移是不好的,因为它们不考虑夏令时。

  • Fixed rules are bad because time zone rules can (and do) change. Editing stored procs to keep up with these changes is too fragile (IMHO).
  • 固定规则很糟糕,因为时区规则可以(并且确实)发生变化。编辑存储过程以跟上这些变化太脆弱了(恕我直言)。

  • Maintaining tables of time zone data is a little better, but usually I find these tables to not be maintained well. If you go down this route, be sure to put a procedure in place for updating the tables periodically.
  • 维护时区数据表略好一些,但通常我发现这些表不能很好地维护。如果沿着这条路走下去,请务必设置一个程序来定期更新表格。



Getting the users time zone


From what I understand about this JavaScript code it is very accurate and will be able to return the offset from UST, the corresponding Olson Database timezone name, and handle the daylight savings time issue (ex. -5:00, America/New_york, true).

根据我对这个JavaScript代码的理解,它非常准确,并且能够从UST返回偏移量,相应的Olson数据库时区名称,并处理夏令时问题(例如-5:00,America / New_york,true )。

The only hurdle you will face after getting this code working on your html page will likely be getting these values to asp and then to sql if that is what you need. I achieved this by sending these values as a $.post using JQuery. I think this is the easiest way to do it. I believe the other alternatives are using an AJAX command or cookies.

在将此代码用于html页面后,您将面临的唯一障碍可能是将这些值传递给asp,然后再获取sql,如果这是您需要的。我通过使用JQuery将这些值作为$ .post发送来实现这一点。我认为这是最简单的方法。我相信其他选择使用AJAX命令或cookie。

After I got the values from the JavaScript code to the server I stored them as session variables so they would change if the user on my site logged in from a different timezone then usual. However they could easily be saved to the database as well.


//replace this comment with the most updated timezonedetect code from that first link
var timezone = jstz.determine_timezone();
var tzoffset = timezone.offset();
var tzname = timezone.name();
var tzdst = timezone.dst();
$.post("tzdetect.asp", { tzoffset: tzoffset, tzname: tzname, tzdst: tzdst } );

Then you need to set up the receiving file tzdetect.asp on the server to store the time zone once it's sent.


Working with the time zone once you have it

This article has a good solution to your problem: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/31146/SQL-2005-Time-Zone-Conversion-Functions


Approach is to set up a scalar function called NEW_TIME that takes three parameters:


  • date to convert
  • 转换日期

  • original time zone value
  • 原始时区价值

  • conversion time zone
  • 转换时区

and the function returns the converted value.




New solution to an old question...


We just had this issue when moving a server from "eastern standard time" to "utc", with all our asp classic apps.
But, we're using SQL server 2017.

我们在使用所有asp经典应用程序将服务器从“东部标准时间”移动到“utc”时遇到了这个问题。但是,我们正在使用SQL Server 2017。

And, if you're using SQL server 2016+, you can use the new "at time zone" keyword.

而且,如果您使用的是SQL Server 2016+,则可以使用新的“at time zone”关键字。

Get your current "offset" from that query:


select datediff(hour, GETUTCDATE() at time zone 'eastern standard time', GETUTCDATE()) as offset

Then, use that offset to handle all your dates in your ASP code, with functions like:


function fromUTC(dt)
    fromUTC = dateadd("h", tzOFFSET, dt)
end function

function toUTC(dt)
    toUTC = dateadd("h", -1 * tzOFFSET, dt)
end function

function getNow
    getNow = fromUTC(now)
end function

You can replace all "now" with "getNow" in your code.


Warning: that this offset is fixed according to the current date. If you need to handle dates from different daylight period, you can use the "at time zone" syntax directly in your SQL query, like:

警告:此偏移量根据当前日期确定。如果您需要处理来自不同日光周期的日期,可以直接在SQL查询中使用“at time zone”语法,例如:

DECLARE @timezone NVARCHAR(100) = N'eastern standard time'
    u.last_visit   at time zone @timezone as last_visit_tz,
    u.date_created at time zone @timezone as date_created_tz
FROM users u



I think if you choose from below the one you need and then put at the top of your page it will default to that location instead of the server - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524330(v=vs.90).aspx

我想如果你从你需要的那个下面选择,然后把它放在你的页面的顶部它将默认为该位置而不是服务器 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524330(v = VS.90)的.aspx

' This file does not need @LCID or @CODEPAGE and 
'  it does not need to be saved in UTF-8 format because  
'  there are no literal strings that need formatting or encoding. 

Response.Codepage = 65001 
Response.Charset = "utf-8" 

' See what happens when you uncomment the lines below. 
'Response.Codepage = 1252 
'Response.Charset = "windows-1252" 

ShowDateTimeCurrency 1033, "North America" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1041, "Japan" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1049, "Russia" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1031, "Germany" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1025, "Saudi Arabia" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1081, "India" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 2052, "China" 
ShowDateTimeCurrency 1042, "Korea" 

Sub ShowDateTimeCurrency(iLCID, sLocale) 
  Response.LCID = iLCID 
  Response.Write "<B>" & sLocale & "</B><BR>" 
  Response.Write FormatDateTime(Date, 1) & "<BR>" 
  Response.Write FormatDateTime(Time, 3) & "<BR>" 
  Response.Write FormatCurrency(1000) & "<BR>" 
  Response.Write FormatNumber(50, 3, 0, 0, -1) & " & " & FormatNumber(.02, 3, 0, 0, -1) & "<BR><BR>" 
End Sub

Have a look here - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524330(v=vs.90).aspx

看看这里 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms524330(v=vs.90).aspx

or another way would be to use date addadd function for time

或者另一种方法是使用date addadd函数来表示时间

Please Mark as answer if it helps thanks
