如何输出Excel *。xls文件来自经典的ASP

时间:2021-11-20 01:53:02

I have a number of generated html tables that I need to output as an Excel file. The site is codded in classic ASP. Is this possible? Could it be done by somehow using the Open Office libraries?


EDIT: Thus far, I have tried some of the suggestions, but it seems to fail. Ideally, I want the user to be able to click a link that will begin the download of a .xls file. This code:


<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<%  option explicit

Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AppendHeader "content-disposition", " filename=excelTest.xls"
        <th>Test Col 1</th>
        <th>Test Col 2</th>
        <th>Test Col 3</th>
        <th colspan="2">Test Col 4</th>
        <th>Test Col 6</th>
        <th>Test Col 7</th>

seems to fail when IE7 is used to get the page. IE says that it "cannot download excelTest.asp" and that "The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found."


6 个解决方案



It's AddHeader, not AppendHeader.


<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<%  Option Explicit

Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=excelTest.xls"

Update: I've written a blog post about how to generate Excel files in ASP Classic. It contains a rather useful piece of code to generate both xls and csv files.

更新:我写了一篇关于如何在ASP Classic中生成Excel文件的博文。它包含了一段非常有用的代码来生成xls和csv文件。



MS made a COM library called Office Web Components to do this. MSOWC.dll needs to be registered on the server. It can create and manipulate office document files.

MS制作了一个名为Office Web Components的COM库来实现这一点。MSOWC。需要在服务器上注册dll。它可以创建和操作office文档文件。

How To Use the Spreadsheet Web Component with Visual Basic

如何使用电子表格Web组件与Visual Basic

Working with the Office Web Components

与Office Web组件一起工作。



There's a 'cheap and dirty' trick that I have used... shhhh don't tell anyone. If you output tab delimited text and make the file name *.xls then Excel opens it without objection, question or warning. So just crank the data out into a text file with tab delimitation and you can open it with Excel or Open Office.

有一个我用过的“又便宜又脏”的把戏……嘘,不要告诉任何人。如果输出选项卡分隔文本并使文件名*。然后,xls将Excel打开,没有异议、问题或警告。因此,只需将数据转换成文本文件并使用tab分隔符,就可以使用Excel或open Office打开它。



You must specify the file to be downloaded (attachment) by the client in the http header:


Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AppendHeader "content-disposition", "attachment: filename=excelTest.xls"





You can always just export the HTML table to an XLS document. Excel does a pretty good job understanding HTML tables.


Another possiblitly is to export the HTML tables as a CSV or TSV file, but you would need to setup the formatting in your code. This isn't too difficult to accomplish.


There's some classes in the Microsoft.Office.Interop that allow you to create an Excel file programatically, but I have always found them to be a little clumsy. You can find a .NET version of creating a spreadsheet here, which should be pretty easy to modify for classic ASP.


As for .NET, I've always liked CarlosAG's Excel XML Writer Library. It has a nice generator so you can setup your Excel file, save it as an XML spreadsheet and it generates the code to do all the formatting and everything. I know it's not classic ASP, but I thought that I would throw it out there.

对于。net,我一直喜欢CarlosAG的Excel XML Writer库。它有一个很好的生成器,所以您可以设置您的Excel文件,将它保存为一个XML电子表格,它生成代码来完成所有的格式化和所有操作。我知道这不是经典的ASP,但我想我会把它扔到那里。

With what you're trying above, try adding the header:


"Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=excelTest.xls"

See if that works. Also, I always use this for the content type:


  Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
    Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"



I had the same issue until I added Response.Buffer = False. Try changing the code to the following.

我也有同样的问题,直到我增加了回应。缓冲= False。尝试将代码更改为以下代码。

Response.Buffer = False Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=excelTest.xls"

响应。缓冲= False响应。盾ContentType = "应用程序/。ms excel”反应。AddHeader“附加”,“附件;文件名= excelTest.xls”

The only problem I have now is that when Excel opens the file I get the following message.


The file you are trying to open, 'FileName[1].xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?


When you open the file the data all appears in separate columns, but the spreadsheet is all white, no borders between the cells.


Hope that helps.




It's AddHeader, not AppendHeader.


<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<%  Option Explicit

Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=excelTest.xls"

Update: I've written a blog post about how to generate Excel files in ASP Classic. It contains a rather useful piece of code to generate both xls and csv files.

更新:我写了一篇关于如何在ASP Classic中生成Excel文件的博文。它包含了一段非常有用的代码来生成xls和csv文件。



MS made a COM library called Office Web Components to do this. MSOWC.dll needs to be registered on the server. It can create and manipulate office document files.

MS制作了一个名为Office Web Components的COM库来实现这一点。MSOWC。需要在服务器上注册dll。它可以创建和操作office文档文件。

How To Use the Spreadsheet Web Component with Visual Basic

如何使用电子表格Web组件与Visual Basic

Working with the Office Web Components

与Office Web组件一起工作。



There's a 'cheap and dirty' trick that I have used... shhhh don't tell anyone. If you output tab delimited text and make the file name *.xls then Excel opens it without objection, question or warning. So just crank the data out into a text file with tab delimitation and you can open it with Excel or Open Office.

有一个我用过的“又便宜又脏”的把戏……嘘,不要告诉任何人。如果输出选项卡分隔文本并使文件名*。然后,xls将Excel打开,没有异议、问题或警告。因此,只需将数据转换成文本文件并使用tab分隔符,就可以使用Excel或open Office打开它。



You must specify the file to be downloaded (attachment) by the client in the http header:


Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AppendHeader "content-disposition", "attachment: filename=excelTest.xls"





You can always just export the HTML table to an XLS document. Excel does a pretty good job understanding HTML tables.


Another possiblitly is to export the HTML tables as a CSV or TSV file, but you would need to setup the formatting in your code. This isn't too difficult to accomplish.


There's some classes in the Microsoft.Office.Interop that allow you to create an Excel file programatically, but I have always found them to be a little clumsy. You can find a .NET version of creating a spreadsheet here, which should be pretty easy to modify for classic ASP.


As for .NET, I've always liked CarlosAG's Excel XML Writer Library. It has a nice generator so you can setup your Excel file, save it as an XML spreadsheet and it generates the code to do all the formatting and everything. I know it's not classic ASP, but I thought that I would throw it out there.

对于。net,我一直喜欢CarlosAG的Excel XML Writer库。它有一个很好的生成器,所以您可以设置您的Excel文件,将它保存为一个XML电子表格,它生成代码来完成所有的格式化和所有操作。我知道这不是经典的ASP,但我想我会把它扔到那里。

With what you're trying above, try adding the header:


"Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=excelTest.xls"

See if that works. Also, I always use this for the content type:


  Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
    Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"



I had the same issue until I added Response.Buffer = False. Try changing the code to the following.

我也有同样的问题,直到我增加了回应。缓冲= False。尝试将代码更改为以下代码。

Response.Buffer = False Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=excelTest.xls"

响应。缓冲= False响应。盾ContentType = "应用程序/。ms excel”反应。AddHeader“附加”,“附件;文件名= excelTest.xls”

The only problem I have now is that when Excel opens the file I get the following message.


The file you are trying to open, 'FileName[1].xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?


When you open the file the data all appears in separate columns, but the spreadsheet is all white, no borders between the cells.


Hope that helps.
