如何在Active Server Page上实现Paging(ASP Classic)

时间:2022-08-29 01:54:37

I have done an Active Server Page. It is running on a foyerdisplay and displays Meeting. I limited the displaying meetings to 6. I have 15 meetings in my Database. But the foyerdisplay can display only 6 meetings at a time. To Display the rest of the meetings i want to implement Paging, but i dont know how.

我做了一个Active Server Page。它在foyerdisplay上运行并显示Meeting。我将显示会议限制为6.我在我的数据库中有15次会议。但是,门厅显示器一次只能显示6个会议。要显示我希望实现分页的其余会议,但我不知道如何。

The Paging should happen automatically. For example: Displaying the first 6 meeting for 10 sec, then 10 sec the next 6 meeting, then 10 sec the last 3 meetings and then again the first 6 meetings and so on.


Can anyone help me with that? I have no idea how to do that. Thanks!


    set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
    set rsRaum=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")

    rs.Open "select distinct buchung_id, von, bis, abteilung, veranstalter, THEMA, THEMA_ENABLED " & _
            "  from RESERVIERUNGRAUM r  " & _
            "      ,BUCHUNG b  " & _
            " where r.BUCHUNG_ID = b.ID " & _
            "   and von >= convert(date, getdate(), 4) " & _
            "   and von < convert(date, dateadd(day,1, GETDATE()), 4) " & _
            "   and BIS >= getdate() " & _
            "   and STORNO is null  " & _
            " order by von, bis" _

    lineMax = 6
    lineCount = 1
    do until rs.EOF

      rsRaum.open "select DISPLAY_ENABLED from Buchung where ID = " & rs("buchung_id"), objConn
                displayanzeige = rsRaum("DISPLAY_ENABLED")

      rsRaum.open      "select distinct g.BEZEICHNUNG " & _
                       "from GEBAEUDE g, ETAGE e, RAUM r " & _
                       "Where g.ID = e.GEBAEUDE_ID and e.GEBAEUDE_ID = r.GEBAEUDE_ID and r.ID = " & raum_id, objConn

                       GebaeudeBezeichnung = rsRaum("BEZEICHNUNG")


      rsRaum.open "select bezeichnung from Raum where ID = " & raum_id, objConn

          raumname = rsRaum("bezeichnung")


      If lineCount > lineMax Then
        exit do
      End If 

      if ucase(displayanzeige) = "Y" or isnull(displayanzeige) then


<tr "margin-bottom:100px" height="70" valign="top">
    <td style="overflow:hidden;" class="<% =color%>"><% =thema %></td>
    <td class="<% =color%>"><% =Hinweistext %></td>
    <td align="center"; class="<% =color%>"><% =FormatDateTime( rs("von"), 4)%></td>
    <td align="center"; class="<% =color%>"><% =FormatDateTime( rs("bis"), 4) %></td>
    <td align="center"; class="<% =color%>"><% =GebaeudeBezeichnung %><br></td>
    <td align="center"; class="<% =color%>"><% =raumname %><br></td>





2 个解决方案



You'll need to do a couple of things:


  1. Enable your script to take a GET parameter which specifies which "page" to show. Something like:


    dim page = Request.QueryString("page")
    dim next_page = page + 1
    dim num_pages = [ you'll want to get this from your database table ]
  2. Modify your database query to use the new variable page appropriately


  3. Generate some javascript on the page which will cause the browser to load up a new URL for the next page after 10 seconds. If it's more than the total number of pages, wrap back to the start.


    <script type="text/javascript">
    function doNextPage(){
      window.location = "/my/display.asp?page=<% Response.Write next_page mod num_pages %>";
    function doNextPageDelayed(){
      setTimeout("doNextPage()", 10000);
  4. You'll also need to cause the function "doNextPageDelayed" to actually run. To do this, insert some code into the body tag of your HTML.


    <body onload="doNextPageDelayed()">

I found this link helpful trying to remember how to cause a delay on running a javascript function: http://www.geekpedia.com/KB55_How-do-I-make-a-JavaScript-function-wait-before-executing-(sleep-or-delay).html




Better if you see a working example... the whole page. Only it's too much code to indent here. See the attached file... pagination


This example also includes sortable columns and row deletion with the option of selecting all rows on a page.




You'll need to do a couple of things:


  1. Enable your script to take a GET parameter which specifies which "page" to show. Something like:


    dim page = Request.QueryString("page")
    dim next_page = page + 1
    dim num_pages = [ you'll want to get this from your database table ]
  2. Modify your database query to use the new variable page appropriately


  3. Generate some javascript on the page which will cause the browser to load up a new URL for the next page after 10 seconds. If it's more than the total number of pages, wrap back to the start.


    <script type="text/javascript">
    function doNextPage(){
      window.location = "/my/display.asp?page=<% Response.Write next_page mod num_pages %>";
    function doNextPageDelayed(){
      setTimeout("doNextPage()", 10000);
  4. You'll also need to cause the function "doNextPageDelayed" to actually run. To do this, insert some code into the body tag of your HTML.


    <body onload="doNextPageDelayed()">

I found this link helpful trying to remember how to cause a delay on running a javascript function: http://www.geekpedia.com/KB55_How-do-I-make-a-JavaScript-function-wait-before-executing-(sleep-or-delay).html




Better if you see a working example... the whole page. Only it's too much code to indent here. See the attached file... pagination


This example also includes sortable columns and row deletion with the option of selecting all rows on a page.
