
时间:2022-10-27 01:55:15

We have developed a large number of websites using ASP (jscript flavour), talking to the underlying intelligence layer (written in Delphi) through COM. These websites are running on IIS (5 and 6).


Over the years this ASP layer has grown into something quite heavy (no business logic, but lots of controller/scenario/view/ajax/etc handling), and we'd like to do a bit of performance tuning on it. According to the creator, AQTime (we have the latest version) can be used for this purpose (profiling both the serverside script and the underlying com objects in one go), but I simply can't figure out how to get it to work.

多年来,这个ASP层已经变得非常繁重(没有业务逻辑,但是很多控制器/场景/视图/ ajax / etc处理),我们想对它进行一些性能调优。根据创建者的说法,AQTime(我们有最新版本)可以用于此目的(一次性分析服务器端脚本和底层com对象),但我根本无法弄清楚如何让它工作。

The help files explain how to profile COM dll's, ISAPI dll's and even client-side scripting, but not a word on how to profile the server-side script running on the ASP pages. Can't select .asp files as a "profiling module". Google is not helpful either.

帮助文件解释了如何分析COM dll,ISAPI dll甚至客户端脚本,但没有说明如何分析在ASP页面上运行的服务器端脚本。无法选择.asp文件作为“性能分析模块”。谷歌也没有帮助。

Any word of advice on how to accomplish this? Alternative suggestions for profiling classic asp pages is welcome, too.


1 个解决方案


Well, as it turns out, this isn't possible (according to Official Support). Of the tree layers in our application,


  1. Delphi code running on the server
  2. Delphi代码在服务器上运行

  3. ASP code (jscript) running on the server
  4. 在服务器上运行的ASP代码(jscript)

  5. Client-side jscript running on the client (ajax, etc)
  6. 在客户端上运行的客户端jscript(ajax等)

AQTime can only profile (1) and (3). Although it can perfectly well profile windows scripting host .js files on the server, it will not profile .asp code. Which I was really hoping it would, seeing how both are executed through the same jscript.dll.



Well, as it turns out, this isn't possible (according to Official Support). Of the tree layers in our application,


  1. Delphi code running on the server
  2. Delphi代码在服务器上运行

  3. ASP code (jscript) running on the server
  4. 在服务器上运行的ASP代码(jscript)

  5. Client-side jscript running on the client (ajax, etc)
  6. 在客户端上运行的客户端jscript(ajax等)

AQTime can only profile (1) and (3). Although it can perfectly well profile windows scripting host .js files on the server, it will not profile .asp code. Which I was really hoping it would, seeing how both are executed through the same jscript.dll.
