如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

时间:2021-01-13 01:49:21

I've enabled Enable Edit and Continue on the Web Properties page and it's also enabled in my configuration, yet Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition refuses to allow me to edit source files of an ASP.NET MVC project. I can edit the aspx file with no problem though.

我在“Web属性”页面上启用了“启用编辑并继续”,并且在我的配置中也启用了它,但Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition拒绝允许我编辑ASP.NET MVC项目的源文件。我可以编辑aspx文件,但没有问题。

Any ideas what's wrong or what's missing?


6 个解决方案



If you are targeting x64 or Any CPU on a 64 bit machine you cannot use edit and continue. It only works when you are targeting x32.


I set my Platform target to x32 for the Debug configuration for this reason.




My conclusion is that it just doesn't work.




Remember after ticking "Enable Edit and Continue" in your project properties to Save your changes before building and testing your app. I made this mistake which cost me more time than I care to share!


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?



It works fine at last in Visual Studio 2010 (MVC 4), below are all required steps to do it.

它在Visual Studio 2010(MVC 4)中最后工作正常,下面是执行它所需的所有步骤。

I can change e.g. action code in controller (when application is "paused" or stopped at break point) and all changes are automatically used after "Continue" or in step by step debugging.


Tools > Options > Debuging > Edit and Continue


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

Tools > Options > Debuging > General


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

Build > Configuration Manager...


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

In Solution Explorer right click on main (web) project name > Properties


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

Change build output path to \bin

将构建输出路径更改为\ bin

如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

Source: Changes are not allowed if the assembly has not been loaded




You have to enable this on two places. See this blog post about Edit and continue for Web Application Projects (WAP)




To anyone running Vista 64 bit...

对任何运行Vista 64位的人来说......

It may be that the IDE is not ready for Edit and Continue (EnC) web apps on Vista 64 bit without a tweek.

可能是IDE还没有为Vista 64位上的编辑和继续(EnC)Web应用做好准备而没有调整。

My situation: Migrated Web App to Vista 64 bit. Set platform to x86, set EnC in Tools/Options & Web properties, Debug flag in Web.Config, Debug mode set in Build configuration, etc, etc.

我的情况:将Web App迁移到Vista 64位。将平台设置为x86,在工具/选项和Web属性中设置EnC,在Web.Config中设置Debug标志,在Build配置中设置调试模式等。

No joy - Could hit break points, inspect variables, etc, but could not EnC.

没有快乐 - 可以达到破发点,检查变量等,但不能进行EnC。

There were 7 Google hits on Msg "Changes are not allowed if the assembly has not been loaded". No new advice there for this situation though.


After trying numerous things finally tried changing the Build output path from "bin\x86\debug" to "bin\".

尝试了很多事情后,最后尝试将Build输出路径从“bin \ x86 \ debug”更改为“bin”。

There was great joy across the land - Debug with EnC works now.

这片土地上充满了欢乐 - 现在使用EnC进行调试。



If you are targeting x64 or Any CPU on a 64 bit machine you cannot use edit and continue. It only works when you are targeting x32.


I set my Platform target to x32 for the Debug configuration for this reason.




My conclusion is that it just doesn't work.




Remember after ticking "Enable Edit and Continue" in your project properties to Save your changes before building and testing your app. I made this mistake which cost me more time than I care to share!


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?



It works fine at last in Visual Studio 2010 (MVC 4), below are all required steps to do it.

它在Visual Studio 2010(MVC 4)中最后工作正常,下面是执行它所需的所有步骤。

I can change e.g. action code in controller (when application is "paused" or stopped at break point) and all changes are automatically used after "Continue" or in step by step debugging.


Tools > Options > Debuging > Edit and Continue


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

Tools > Options > Debuging > General


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

Build > Configuration Manager...


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

In Solution Explorer right click on main (web) project name > Properties


如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

Change build output path to \bin

将构建输出路径更改为\ bin

如何在Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition和ASP.NET MVC中编辑和继续?

Source: Changes are not allowed if the assembly has not been loaded




You have to enable this on two places. See this blog post about Edit and continue for Web Application Projects (WAP)




To anyone running Vista 64 bit...

对任何运行Vista 64位的人来说......

It may be that the IDE is not ready for Edit and Continue (EnC) web apps on Vista 64 bit without a tweek.

可能是IDE还没有为Vista 64位上的编辑和继续(EnC)Web应用做好准备而没有调整。

My situation: Migrated Web App to Vista 64 bit. Set platform to x86, set EnC in Tools/Options & Web properties, Debug flag in Web.Config, Debug mode set in Build configuration, etc, etc.

我的情况:将Web App迁移到Vista 64位。将平台设置为x86,在工具/选项和Web属性中设置EnC,在Web.Config中设置Debug标志,在Build配置中设置调试模式等。

No joy - Could hit break points, inspect variables, etc, but could not EnC.

没有快乐 - 可以达到破发点,检查变量等,但不能进行EnC。

There were 7 Google hits on Msg "Changes are not allowed if the assembly has not been loaded". No new advice there for this situation though.


After trying numerous things finally tried changing the Build output path from "bin\x86\debug" to "bin\".

尝试了很多事情后,最后尝试将Build输出路径从“bin \ x86 \ debug”更改为“bin”。

There was great joy across the land - Debug with EnC works now.

这片土地上充满了欢乐 - 现在使用EnC进行调试。