
时间:2021-11-25 01:49:51

Search the web for the phrase "I cosay". I run across this phrase being used from time to time by individuals in tech forums, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what it means or how it makes sense in the context of the conversations where it is used.


Am I just way behind the times? New slang?


5 个解决方案



As far as I can tell from the contexts Google pulls up, it is a very poorly machine-translated form of "codigo". "digo" or some variant is "I say", so it forms it as "I cosay" when it really shouldn't be translated at all. Roughly translated it should probably be "code" or "encoding".

据我所知,谷歌推出的内容是一种机器翻译形式很差的“codigo”。 “digo”或某些变体是“我说”,所以当它真的不应该被翻译时它形成为“我cosay”。大致翻译它应该是“代码”或“编码”。



It's pig latin for Psycho.




Without context, I'll have to say a cosay is the counter-say in the same vein that cosine is a counter to sine.




from the context of usage it looks like slang for agreement - you say X and I cosay X - possibly invented by non-native english speakers - but that does not cover all of the contexts of usage...

从使用的上下文来看,它看起来像是俚语用于协议 - 你说X和我cosay X - 可能是由非母语英语人士发明的 - 但这并未涵盖所有使用环境......



In french from Quebec (not France) it means : "I do not understand what you are talking about, can you repeat?" but it's a very low level of language... nothing official and shouldn't be used ... often kid use that type of expression...




As far as I can tell from the contexts Google pulls up, it is a very poorly machine-translated form of "codigo". "digo" or some variant is "I say", so it forms it as "I cosay" when it really shouldn't be translated at all. Roughly translated it should probably be "code" or "encoding".

据我所知,谷歌推出的内容是一种机器翻译形式很差的“codigo”。 “digo”或某些变体是“我说”,所以当它真的不应该被翻译时它形成为“我cosay”。大致翻译它应该是“代码”或“编码”。



It's pig latin for Psycho.




Without context, I'll have to say a cosay is the counter-say in the same vein that cosine is a counter to sine.




from the context of usage it looks like slang for agreement - you say X and I cosay X - possibly invented by non-native english speakers - but that does not cover all of the contexts of usage...

从使用的上下文来看,它看起来像是俚语用于协议 - 你说X和我cosay X - 可能是由非母语英语人士发明的 - 但这并未涵盖所有使用环境......



In french from Quebec (not France) it means : "I do not understand what you are talking about, can you repeat?" but it's a very low level of language... nothing official and shouldn't be used ... often kid use that type of expression...
