在SQL Server中存储日期值的货币数据类型?

时间:2021-10-22 01:50:21

I am looking into some performance issues on a database that I have just inherited. I can see that there are a lot of implicit conversions because of queries casting money data type into date. It looks like almost all the date fields are having money data type.


Can someone tell me a good and valid reason as to why someone would use money data type for dates?




2 个解决方案



There is absolutely no good and valid reason for this practice.


Both datetime and money are 8 bytes. datetime has 4 bytes reserved for the date and 4 for the time.


money has a range from -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807. When casting from money to datetime the integer portion is treated as the number of days since 1900-01-01 and the fractional portion as the percent of the day.

货币的取值范围从- 922337203,685,477.5808到922337,203,685,477.5807。当从货币转换到日期时间时,整数部分被视为1900-01-01之后的天数,小数部分被视为一天的百分比。

This means that you lose precision in the time part (each 0.0001 increment = 8.640 seconds) and gain useless extra scale in the date part by being able to store numbers far too large to ever cast successfully to datetime (which has a maximum bound of 9999 AD)

这意味着您在时间部分失去了精度(每增加0.0001秒= 8.640秒),而在日期部分增加了无用的额外比例,因为您能够存储太大的数字,以至于无法成功地转换到datetime(它的最大值为9999 AD)。

If possible fix the schema.




I think only for space-saving and to have sub-minute granularity, but design is obviously weird


May be to avoid with this the DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME bounds, but if you say that it is often casting to date - it is not likely so.




Since as @Martin Smith said - it is not saving space - then design is much more weird.

正如@Martin Smith所说——这并不能节省空间——那么设计就更奇怪了。

One more suggestion - the data was imported from old legacy DB system, where datetime values were stored in such a way.


Obvoiusly - if you look for good and valid reason - there is none.




There is absolutely no good and valid reason for this practice.


Both datetime and money are 8 bytes. datetime has 4 bytes reserved for the date and 4 for the time.


money has a range from -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807. When casting from money to datetime the integer portion is treated as the number of days since 1900-01-01 and the fractional portion as the percent of the day.

货币的取值范围从- 922337203,685,477.5808到922337,203,685,477.5807。当从货币转换到日期时间时,整数部分被视为1900-01-01之后的天数,小数部分被视为一天的百分比。

This means that you lose precision in the time part (each 0.0001 increment = 8.640 seconds) and gain useless extra scale in the date part by being able to store numbers far too large to ever cast successfully to datetime (which has a maximum bound of 9999 AD)

这意味着您在时间部分失去了精度(每增加0.0001秒= 8.640秒),而在日期部分增加了无用的额外比例,因为您能够存储太大的数字,以至于无法成功地转换到datetime(它的最大值为9999 AD)。

If possible fix the schema.




I think only for space-saving and to have sub-minute granularity, but design is obviously weird


May be to avoid with this the DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME bounds, but if you say that it is often casting to date - it is not likely so.




Since as @Martin Smith said - it is not saving space - then design is much more weird.

正如@Martin Smith所说——这并不能节省空间——那么设计就更奇怪了。

One more suggestion - the data was imported from old legacy DB system, where datetime values were stored in such a way.


Obvoiusly - if you look for good and valid reason - there is none.
