旧版VBA解决方案无法在Office 2007中运行

时间:2022-03-16 01:50:42


An existing system that was based on VBA was installed on a machine that has Office 2007 and it didn't work, the issues I faced are :

基于VBA的现有系统安装在具有Office 2007但未运行的计算机上,我遇到的问题是:

  1. A PowerPoint Add-in (.PPA) is no longer able to create the custom buttons in the shortcut menu, did Office 2007 change the commandbar names ?

    PowerPoint加载项(.PPA)不再能够在快捷菜单中创建自定义按钮,Office 2007是否更改了命令栏名称?

  2. The MSI (written in Wix) didn't install the files in XLStart folder as it was doing so in Office 2003, did Office 2007 use a new name for XLStart or another mechanism ?

    MSI(用Wix编写)没有像在Office 2003中那样在XLStart文件夹中安装文件,Office 2007是否为XLStart或其他机制使用了新名称?

Any advice on how to troubleshoot the issues above is highly appreciated


3 个解决方案


For issue one, I think you are going to be stuck modifying the add-in to cooperate with the ribbon.


For issue two, I suspect that the start up location was hard coded. If that is the case, try writing to Excel.Application.StartupPath (You will need to set a reference to Excel if you are doing this from PowerPoint.)



Have you ensured that you are using a trusted location or a certified project?





On point 1:


We understand that the intention is for you to customize the right-click menus with custom actions to navigate through the application and perform various tasks, however, right-click menu creation and functionality is not a feature in Power Point 2007. There is currently no upgrade path for previous Power Point solutions that have customized right click menu functionality. All previous Power Point solutions using this functionality will need to implement the Ribbon into their solution to drive user choices.

我们理解您的目的是通过自定义操作自定义右键单击菜单以浏览应用程序并执行各种任务,但是,右键单击菜单创建和功能不是Power Point 2007中的功能。目前没有以前具有自定义右键菜单功能的Power Point解决方案的升级路径。使用此功能的所有以前的Power Point解决方案都需要将功能区实施到其解决方案中以推动用户选择。



For issue one, I think you are going to be stuck modifying the add-in to cooperate with the ribbon.


For issue two, I suspect that the start up location was hard coded. If that is the case, try writing to Excel.Application.StartupPath (You will need to set a reference to Excel if you are doing this from PowerPoint.)



Have you ensured that you are using a trusted location or a certified project?





On point 1:


We understand that the intention is for you to customize the right-click menus with custom actions to navigate through the application and perform various tasks, however, right-click menu creation and functionality is not a feature in Power Point 2007. There is currently no upgrade path for previous Power Point solutions that have customized right click menu functionality. All previous Power Point solutions using this functionality will need to implement the Ribbon into their solution to drive user choices.

我们理解您的目的是通过自定义操作自定义右键单击菜单以浏览应用程序并执行各种任务,但是,右键单击菜单创建和功能不是Power Point 2007中的功能。目前没有以前具有自定义右键菜单功能的Power Point解决方案的升级路径。使用此功能的所有以前的Power Point解决方案都需要将功能区实施到其解决方案中以推动用户选择。
