经典ASP Server.MapPath无法正常工作

时间:2022-04-11 01:45:32

The site I'm working on is done in Classic ASP, and I'm trying to do it as best as possible. I've abstracted it out into a Rails-like directory structure:


 - app
   - includes
     - helpers
     - lib
     - partials
  - public
    - stylesheets
    - images
    - javascripts

I've created some Rails-like helpers, for example:


Function ImageTag(ByVal imageFileName, ByVal altText)
  path = Server.MapPath(IMAGE_ROOT & imageFileName & ".jpg")
  ImageTag = "<img src=""" & path & """ title=""" & altText & """ alt=""" & altText & """ />"
End Function

Which is used thusly:


<%= ImageTag("my_pic") %>

With "IMAGE_ROOT" defined as "../public/images/" in a config file. I'm doing development on XP so the site is set as a virtual directory. However, the image won't load on the webpage at all. It's displaying the right path to it, because I can copy/paste it into my browser and view the image - it just won't display on the page for some reason. The same thing goes for my CSS stylesheet - the path is right but the page isn't rendering it at all.

在配置文件中将“IMAGE_ROOT”定义为“../public/images/”。我正在XP上进行开发,因此该站点被设置为虚拟目录。但是,图像根本不会加载到网页上。它正在显示正确的路径,因为我可以将其复制/粘贴到我的浏览器中并查看图像 - 由于某种原因它不会显示在页面上。我的CSS样式表也是如此 - 路径是正确的,但页面根本没有呈现它。

Any suggestions?

4 个解决方案



An excellent tool to use when troubleshooting these types of issues is Fiddler. It will show you the calls and responses directly bewtween your web browser and the server. It works out of the box with IE and FireFox support is just a config setting away.


I'ver personally used Fiddler to track down image load issues, CSS problems, caching issues, redirect errors, and even have used it to tamper with URL variables to try breaking/hacking my sites.


Fiddler Website



You're probably going to run into issues mixing server-side and web directories.


Server.MapPath will give you C:\InetPub\...\public\images\my_pic.jpg when you probably want /public/images/my_pic.jpg. The browser has no way of grabbing the first from your server.

当你想要/public/images/my_pic.jpg时,Server.MapPath会给你C:\ InetPub \ ... \ public \ images \ my_pic.jpg。浏览器无法从服务器中获取第一个。

The image has to be available via your domain: localhost/public/images/my_pid.jpg.

图像必须通过您的域提供:localhost / public / images / my_pid.jpg。

I assume, since you can view the image, that you're developing on the same box that's hosting it? If that's the case, you can view the image cause it's just opened as a local file by the browser. Everyone else has to use HTTP-only.




-Could it be an issue with the generated html?
-You might want to try making IMAGE_ROOT an absolute path like "/public/images" instead of the relative one (if possible).
-Also you could look at the IIS logs to see if you're getting 404 errors for the images and css files.

- 这是生成的HTML的问题吗? - 您可能想尝试将IMAGE_ROOT设为绝对路径,例如“/ public / images”而不是相对路径(如果可能)。 - 您还可以查看IIS日志,看看是否有图像和css文件的404错误。



If app_name/app is the root of your IIS-site then you must at app_name/app as a virtual directory in your IIS site. As it is only static content there you do not need to permissions to execute .asp scripts either.

如果app_name / app是IIS站点的根目录,则必须将app_name / app作为IIS站点中的虚拟目录。由于它只是静态内容,因此您无需执行.asp脚本的权限。



An excellent tool to use when troubleshooting these types of issues is Fiddler. It will show you the calls and responses directly bewtween your web browser and the server. It works out of the box with IE and FireFox support is just a config setting away.


I'ver personally used Fiddler to track down image load issues, CSS problems, caching issues, redirect errors, and even have used it to tamper with URL variables to try breaking/hacking my sites.


Fiddler Website



You're probably going to run into issues mixing server-side and web directories.


Server.MapPath will give you C:\InetPub\...\public\images\my_pic.jpg when you probably want /public/images/my_pic.jpg. The browser has no way of grabbing the first from your server.

当你想要/public/images/my_pic.jpg时,Server.MapPath会给你C:\ InetPub \ ... \ public \ images \ my_pic.jpg。浏览器无法从服务器中获取第一个。

The image has to be available via your domain: localhost/public/images/my_pid.jpg.

图像必须通过您的域提供:localhost / public / images / my_pid.jpg。

I assume, since you can view the image, that you're developing on the same box that's hosting it? If that's the case, you can view the image cause it's just opened as a local file by the browser. Everyone else has to use HTTP-only.




-Could it be an issue with the generated html?
-You might want to try making IMAGE_ROOT an absolute path like "/public/images" instead of the relative one (if possible).
-Also you could look at the IIS logs to see if you're getting 404 errors for the images and css files.

- 这是生成的HTML的问题吗? - 您可能想尝试将IMAGE_ROOT设为绝对路径,例如“/ public / images”而不是相对路径(如果可能)。 - 您还可以查看IIS日志,看看是否有图像和css文件的404错误。



If app_name/app is the root of your IIS-site then you must at app_name/app as a virtual directory in your IIS site. As it is only static content there you do not need to permissions to execute .asp scripts either.

如果app_name / app是IIS站点的根目录,则必须将app_name / app作为IIS站点中的虚拟目录。由于它只是静态内容,因此您无需执行.asp脚本的权限。