
时间:2021-02-19 01:47:12

I'm trying to execute a wget command with a variable inside it but it just ignores it, any idea what am I doing wrong?




echo $(date) 'Running wget...'
wget -O - -q "$URL/something/something2"

2 个解决方案


Four things:

  1. Add quotes around your URL: http::// ==> "http:://"
  2. 在您的网址周围添加引号:http :: // ==>“http :: //”

  3. Remove the double colon: "http:://" ==> ""
  4. 删除双冒号:“http :: //”==>“”

  5. Get rid of the extra flags and hyphen on the wget command: "wget -O - -q "$URL/something/something2"" ==> wget "$URL/something/something2"
  6. 摆脱wget命令中的额外标志和连字符:“wget -O - -q”$ URL / something / something2“”==> wget“$ URL / something / something2”

  7. Add curly braces around your variable: "wget "$URL/something/something2"" ==> "wget "${URL}/something/something2""
  8. 在变量周围添加花括号:“wget”$ URL / something / something2“”==>“wget”$ {URL} / something / something2“”

This works:



echo $(date) 'Running wget...'
wget "${URL}"


Another handy option in Bash (or other shells) is to create a simple helper function that calls wget with the common options required by nearly all sites and any specific options you generally use. This reduces the typing involved and can also be useful in your scripts. I place the following in my ~/.bashrc to make it available to all shells/subshells. It validates input, checks that wget is available, and then passes all command line arguments to wget with the default options set in the script:

Bash(或其他shell)中另一个方便的选项是创建一个简单的帮助函数,该函数使用几乎所有站点所需的公共选项以及您通常使用的任何特定选项来调用wget。这减少了所涉及的输入,并且在脚本中也很有用。我将以下内容放在〜/ .bashrc中,以使其可用于所有shell /子shell。它验证输入,检查wget是否可用,然后使用脚本中设置的默认选项将所有命令行参数传递给wget:

wgnc () {
    if [ -z $1 ]; then
        printf "  usage:  wg <filename>\t\t(runs wget --no-check-certificate --progress=bar)\n"
    elif ! type wget &>/dev/null; then
        printf "  error: 'wget' not found on system\n"
        printf "  wget --no-check-certificate --progress=bar %s\n" "$@"
        wget --no-check-certificate --progress=bar "$@"

You can cut down typing even more by aliasing the function further. I use:


alias wg='wgnc'

Which reduces the normal wget --no-check-certificate --progress=bar URL to simply wg URL. Obviously, you can set the options to suit your needs, but this is a further way to utilize wget in your scripts.

这减少了正常的wget --no-check-certificate --progress = bar URL以简化wg URL。显然,您可以设置选项以满足您的需求,但这是在脚本中使用wget的另一种方法。


Four things:

  1. Add quotes around your URL: http::// ==> "http:://"
  2. 在您的网址周围添加引号:http :: // ==>“http :: //”

  3. Remove the double colon: "http:://" ==> ""
  4. 删除双冒号:“http :: //”==>“”

  5. Get rid of the extra flags and hyphen on the wget command: "wget -O - -q "$URL/something/something2"" ==> wget "$URL/something/something2"
  6. 摆脱wget命令中的额外标志和连字符:“wget -O - -q”$ URL / something / something2“”==> wget“$ URL / something / something2”

  7. Add curly braces around your variable: "wget "$URL/something/something2"" ==> "wget "${URL}/something/something2""
  8. 在变量周围添加花括号:“wget”$ URL / something / something2“”==>“wget”$ {URL} / something / something2“”

This works:



echo $(date) 'Running wget...'
wget "${URL}"


Another handy option in Bash (or other shells) is to create a simple helper function that calls wget with the common options required by nearly all sites and any specific options you generally use. This reduces the typing involved and can also be useful in your scripts. I place the following in my ~/.bashrc to make it available to all shells/subshells. It validates input, checks that wget is available, and then passes all command line arguments to wget with the default options set in the script:

Bash(或其他shell)中另一个方便的选项是创建一个简单的帮助函数,该函数使用几乎所有站点所需的公共选项以及您通常使用的任何特定选项来调用wget。这减少了所涉及的输入,并且在脚本中也很有用。我将以下内容放在〜/ .bashrc中,以使其可用于所有shell /子shell。它验证输入,检查wget是否可用,然后使用脚本中设置的默认选项将所有命令行参数传递给wget:

wgnc () {
    if [ -z $1 ]; then
        printf "  usage:  wg <filename>\t\t(runs wget --no-check-certificate --progress=bar)\n"
    elif ! type wget &>/dev/null; then
        printf "  error: 'wget' not found on system\n"
        printf "  wget --no-check-certificate --progress=bar %s\n" "$@"
        wget --no-check-certificate --progress=bar "$@"

You can cut down typing even more by aliasing the function further. I use:


alias wg='wgnc'

Which reduces the normal wget --no-check-certificate --progress=bar URL to simply wg URL. Obviously, you can set the options to suit your needs, but this is a further way to utilize wget in your scripts.

这减少了正常的wget --no-check-certificate --progress = bar URL以简化wg URL。显然,您可以设置选项以满足您的需求,但这是在脚本中使用wget的另一种方法。