
时间:2021-12-09 01:40:15

My team and I have a asp.net web forms application and are using several class libraries. In one of those libraries, we are trying to consume a web service. The web reference was added in the web app project and the appropriate references have been added. The app compiles. When attempting to consume said web service in the class library, the credentials don't seem to work, and the call fails. However, if we take the web service call out of the class library, and consume it within the web app, it works.

我的团队和我有一个asp.net Web表单应用程序,并使用几个类库。在其中一个库中,我们尝试使用Web服务。 Web引用已添加到Web应用程序项目中,并添加了相应的引用。该应用程序编译。尝试在类库中使用所述Web服务时,凭据似乎不起作用,并且调用失败。但是,如果我们从类库中取出Web服务调用,并在Web应用程序中使用它,它就可以工作。

Any ideas why this is not working in the class library.


6 个解决方案



May be you called it wrong!! Here is an example:


var serviceName = new ServiceName
        Credentials = new NetworkCredential("Username", "Password", "Domain"),
        Url = "Here you put the correct url of the web service if you published somewhere else"

make sure that you entered the correct Credential username and password and make sure the you published the webservice to a place you access it.




Double check your configuration file includes the correct information for the Web service.


Try changing the URL behavior to dynamic as well.


Also, as John stated, I'm assuming you're adding the service to the class library because you intend to use it from the library, as opposed to other areas of the Web application.


"the credentials don't seem to work, and the call fails"...can you give a small stack trace of the error?


Just to clarify, in my current project, we use WCF endpoints within a class library with bindings and credentials. The same can be done for a SOAP ASMX Web reference as you're attempting.

只是为了澄清一下,在我当前的项目中,我们使用带有绑定和凭据的类库中的WCF端点。在您尝试时,可以对SOAP ASMX Web引用执行相同的操作。



You can add a web service reference by doing the following steps:


  1. right click on the project on the Solution Explorer
  2. 右键单击Solution Explorer上的项目

  3. click Add Service Reference
  4. 单击添加服务引用

  5. click Advanced
  6. you will find "Add Web Reference" at the end of the form
  7. 您将在表单的末尾找到“添加Web引用”



If you are adding the reference in application and then consuming it from class library... How you call the class library.. by adding reference and invoking the method of class library and then how you are accessing proxy from the class library you need to reference it... It seems to me a circular reference. Which shouldn't be compiled at first place... Are you describing your structure correctly???


It's always better to add a simple project with just web reference and then add the reference of this project on all the projects which requires it.




Have you defined any credential information in a config file in the web app? If so, the class library probably can't fetch them correctly. Just a guess though. And John Saunders is right. Seems a bit backwards reading your description of your apps structure.




You can add a web service reference by doing the following steps:


right click on the project on the Solution Explorer click Add Service Reference click Advanced you will find "Add Web Reference" at the end of the form

右键单击Solution Explorer上的项目单击Add Service Reference,单击Advanced,您将在表单的末尾找到“Add Web Reference”

By @AMgdy 's solution,It'll auto generate a Reference.cs class.It defined all of method of webservices.




May be you called it wrong!! Here is an example:


var serviceName = new ServiceName
        Credentials = new NetworkCredential("Username", "Password", "Domain"),
        Url = "Here you put the correct url of the web service if you published somewhere else"

make sure that you entered the correct Credential username and password and make sure the you published the webservice to a place you access it.




Double check your configuration file includes the correct information for the Web service.


Try changing the URL behavior to dynamic as well.


Also, as John stated, I'm assuming you're adding the service to the class library because you intend to use it from the library, as opposed to other areas of the Web application.


"the credentials don't seem to work, and the call fails"...can you give a small stack trace of the error?


Just to clarify, in my current project, we use WCF endpoints within a class library with bindings and credentials. The same can be done for a SOAP ASMX Web reference as you're attempting.

只是为了澄清一下,在我当前的项目中,我们使用带有绑定和凭据的类库中的WCF端点。在您尝试时,可以对SOAP ASMX Web引用执行相同的操作。



You can add a web service reference by doing the following steps:


  1. right click on the project on the Solution Explorer
  2. 右键单击Solution Explorer上的项目

  3. click Add Service Reference
  4. 单击添加服务引用

  5. click Advanced
  6. you will find "Add Web Reference" at the end of the form
  7. 您将在表单的末尾找到“添加Web引用”



If you are adding the reference in application and then consuming it from class library... How you call the class library.. by adding reference and invoking the method of class library and then how you are accessing proxy from the class library you need to reference it... It seems to me a circular reference. Which shouldn't be compiled at first place... Are you describing your structure correctly???


It's always better to add a simple project with just web reference and then add the reference of this project on all the projects which requires it.




Have you defined any credential information in a config file in the web app? If so, the class library probably can't fetch them correctly. Just a guess though. And John Saunders is right. Seems a bit backwards reading your description of your apps structure.




You can add a web service reference by doing the following steps:


right click on the project on the Solution Explorer click Add Service Reference click Advanced you will find "Add Web Reference" at the end of the form

右键单击Solution Explorer上的项目单击Add Service Reference,单击Advanced,您将在表单的末尾找到“Add Web Reference”

By @AMgdy 's solution,It'll auto generate a Reference.cs class.It defined all of method of webservices.
