ASP.NET C#语言文件不起作用

时间:2021-07-28 01:42:04

I just started using explicit resource files. I performed these steps:


  • In the root create the folder: App_GlobalResources
  • 在根目录中创建文件夹:App_GlobalResources

  • Add two resx files: LocalizedText.en-us.resx and LocalizedText.resx
  • 添加两个resx文件:LocalizedText.en-us.resx和LocalizedText.resx

  • In both files I have a value called 'InstitutionTitle'
  • 在这两个文件中,我有一个名为'InstitutionTitle'的值

  • In LocalizedText.en-us.resx the value is 'Institution' and in the LocalizedText.resx the value is 'Instelling'
  • 在LocalizedText.en-us.resx中,值为“Institution”,在LocalizedText.resx中,值为“Instelling”

  • In my .aspx file I have the following label:


    <asp:Label ID="lblInstitution" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:LocalizedText, InstitutionTitle %>" />

When I run this page, I always get the dutch version. Whether I set the language in my browser (FF and IE7) or not, I always get the dutch version. When I request the browsers' language I get en-us (using: Response.Write(Request.Headers["Accept-Language"]);).

当我运行这个页面时,我总是得到荷兰语版本。无论我是否在我的浏览器(FF和IE7)中设置语言,我总是得到荷兰语版本。当我请求浏览器的语言时,我得到了en-us(使用:Response.Write(Request.Headers [“Accept-Language”]);)。

What's the issue and how can I fix it?


2 个解决方案


Setting the language preferences in the browser is not enough. You have to make sure that the current thread's Culture and UICulture properties are set accordingly in ASP.NET.


You can do this either programmatically or declaratively on your page (Culture and UICulture attributes of the <%@Page %> directive).

您可以在页面上以编程方式或声明方式执行此操作(<%@ Page%>指令的Culture和UICulture属性)。

Or you can let ASP.NET set them automatically by setting the web.config entry shown below and setting the Culture/UICulture properties of the page/masterpage to "auto".

或者,您可以通过设置下面显示的web.config条目并将页面/母版页的Culture / UICulture属性设置为“auto”来让ASP.NET自动设置它们。

// web.config:
<globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" ...>

// page/masterpage:
<%@ Page ... Culture="auto" UICulture="auto" %>

Check this page for details.




  1. check the browsers caching settings. Caching should be off all the time when developing.


  2. Install Firebug (FF) and Fiddler(IE) to see what's being transfered over the wire.


Hope this helps...



A fellow countryman



Setting the language preferences in the browser is not enough. You have to make sure that the current thread's Culture and UICulture properties are set accordingly in ASP.NET.


You can do this either programmatically or declaratively on your page (Culture and UICulture attributes of the <%@Page %> directive).

您可以在页面上以编程方式或声明方式执行此操作(<%@ Page%>指令的Culture和UICulture属性)。

Or you can let ASP.NET set them automatically by setting the web.config entry shown below and setting the Culture/UICulture properties of the page/masterpage to "auto".

或者,您可以通过设置下面显示的web.config条目并将页面/母版页的Culture / UICulture属性设置为“auto”来让ASP.NET自动设置它们。

// web.config:
<globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" ...>

// page/masterpage:
<%@ Page ... Culture="auto" UICulture="auto" %>

Check this page for details.




  1. check the browsers caching settings. Caching should be off all the time when developing.


  2. Install Firebug (FF) and Fiddler(IE) to see what's being transfered over the wire.


Hope this helps...



A fellow countryman
