
时间:2021-12-14 01:38:16

i am new in php especially laravel framework. could be someone help me to resolve it? i don't know how to retrieve data from database using php: laravel framework.


profile.blade.php file


<!doctype html>

    <title>Student Profile</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


            margin-left: 180px;
            margin-right: 180px;
            margin-bottom: 10px;
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            margin-top: 5px;
            margin-bottom: 5px;
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            background-attachment: fixed;

        h1 {
            font-family: "Georgia", Times, serif;
            font-size: 42px;
            color: firebrick;
            text-indent: 12%;

        table, th, td {
            border: 1px solid lightcoral;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            text-align: left;

        .header {
            background-color: lightcoral;
            width: 15%;
            background-color: black;
            color: white;
            font-weight: bold;
            padding: 10px;
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<h1>GUARDIAN PORTAL</h1><br>
<div id="navbar">

        <li>Student profile</li>
        <li>Exam result</li>
        <li>academic supervisor/Advisor</li>
        <li>change password</li>
        <li>contact us</li>


        <legend align="center"><b><font color="red">Student Profile</font></b></legend>
        <table width="100%">

                <td class="header">student id</td>
                <td class="header"> name</td>
                <td class="header">ic no</td>
                <td ></td>
                <td class="header">programme</td>
                <td class="header">semester</td>

                <td class="header">faculty</td>

        <table width="100%">
                <td class="header" width="15%">tel no</td>
                <td width="35%"></td>
                <td class="header" width="15%">email</td>
                <td width="35%"></td>
                <td class="header">race</td>
                <td class="header">religion</td>
                <td class="header">gender</td>
                <td class="header">marital status</td>
                <td class="header" width="15%">college name</td>
                <td width="35%"></td>
                <td class="header" width="15%">college no</td>
                <td width="35%"></td>
        <table width="100%">
                <td class="header"><b>status</b></td>
                <td width="85%"></td>
        <table width="100%">
            <td colspan="2" align="center"><b>permanent address</b></td>
            <td colspan="2" align="center"><b>current address</b></td>
                <td class="header" width="5%">address</td>
                <td width="35%"></td>
                <td class="header" width="5%">address</td>
                <td width="35%"></td>
                <td class="header">city</td>
                <td class="header">city</td>
                <td class="header">state</td>
                <td class="header">state</td>
                <td class="header">postcode</td>
                <td class="header">postcode</td>
                <td class="header">country</td>
                <td class="header">country</td>



public function index()
        $table = DB::table('student')->get();

        return view('profile', ['student_id' => $table]);



Route::get('student', array('as'=>'student', 'uses'=>'studentcontroller'));

database: student.php



use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations

class Student extends Migration {

    public function up()
            function(Blueprint $table)


        'student_name'=>'sumaliza ismail',
























        'student_name'=>'sumaliza ismail',
























     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()


2 个解决方案



In your view you will hav to do the following


@foreach($student_id as $student)
<p> {{ $student->name }} </p>

the name property is your table in database This is if you are using the blade engine else use normal php tags


And then in your route you have to tell what method in you controller you want to use eventhough your function is called index it is good pratice to specify the function on your route. To have a good code strutuce remember that Classes always starts with capital letters


I would strongly suggest you to use eloquent instead of the query builder




First of all, I would recommend you look through Laravel 5 Fundamentals in order to learn a bit about the framework. Now, a few things.

首先,我建议您浏览Laravel 5 Fundamentals以了解该框架。现在,有几件事。

  1. In Laravel, when writing migrations, don't name them things like Student.php. Use the command php artisan make:migration create_students_table. The standard naming convention is to describe the action of the migration.
  2. 在Laravel中,在编写迁移时,不要将它们命名为Student.php。使用命令php artisan make:migration create_students_table。标准命名约定是描述迁移的操作。
  3. If you want to insert certain data, don't do it in your migration. Instead, look at setting up a seeder.
  4. 如果要插入某些数据,请不要在迁移中执行此操作。相反,看看设置播种机。
  5. For your Student I would very much recommend that you create a model. Laravel is an MVC framework, and if you're not used to the MVC structure, this might be a bit different to what you're used to. A model is simply a representation of some collection of data that is logically bundled together. In your database, this data is what ends up being in one row. You could then do Student::all() to retrieve all data from your students table.
  6. 对于你的学生,我非常建议你创建一个模型。 Laravel是一个MVC框架,如果你不熟悉MVC结构,这可能与你习惯的有点不同。模型只是逻辑上捆绑在一起的一些数据集合的表示。在您的数据库中,这些数据最终会排在一行。然后,您可以执行Student :: all()以从学生表中检索所有数据。
  7. The naming convention in Laravel dictates the use of camelCase. Hence, all your files should be named, just as your classes, with camel case. This is to say StudentController.php and class StudentController
  8. Laravel中的命名约定决定了camelCase的使用。因此,所有文件都应该像驼峰一样命名,就像你的类一样。这就是StudentController.php和类StudentController
  9. In your routes.php, specify which method to call as well: Route::get('student', ['as' => 'student', 'uses' => 'StudentController@index']);
  10. 在routes.php中,指定要调用的方法:Route :: get('student',['as'=>'student','uses'=>'StudentController @ index']);

Again, please have a look at the Laravel 5 fundamentals series linked in the beginning. You will learn to handle Laravel properly there.

再次,请看一下开始时链接的Laravel 5基础系列。你将学会在那里妥善处理Laravel。



In your view you will hav to do the following


@foreach($student_id as $student)
<p> {{ $student->name }} </p>

the name property is your table in database This is if you are using the blade engine else use normal php tags


And then in your route you have to tell what method in you controller you want to use eventhough your function is called index it is good pratice to specify the function on your route. To have a good code strutuce remember that Classes always starts with capital letters


I would strongly suggest you to use eloquent instead of the query builder




First of all, I would recommend you look through Laravel 5 Fundamentals in order to learn a bit about the framework. Now, a few things.

首先,我建议您浏览Laravel 5 Fundamentals以了解该框架。现在,有几件事。

  1. In Laravel, when writing migrations, don't name them things like Student.php. Use the command php artisan make:migration create_students_table. The standard naming convention is to describe the action of the migration.
  2. 在Laravel中,在编写迁移时,不要将它们命名为Student.php。使用命令php artisan make:migration create_students_table。标准命名约定是描述迁移的操作。
  3. If you want to insert certain data, don't do it in your migration. Instead, look at setting up a seeder.
  4. 如果要插入某些数据,请不要在迁移中执行此操作。相反,看看设置播种机。
  5. For your Student I would very much recommend that you create a model. Laravel is an MVC framework, and if you're not used to the MVC structure, this might be a bit different to what you're used to. A model is simply a representation of some collection of data that is logically bundled together. In your database, this data is what ends up being in one row. You could then do Student::all() to retrieve all data from your students table.
  6. 对于你的学生,我非常建议你创建一个模型。 Laravel是一个MVC框架,如果你不熟悉MVC结构,这可能与你习惯的有点不同。模型只是逻辑上捆绑在一起的一些数据集合的表示。在您的数据库中,这些数据最终会排在一行。然后,您可以执行Student :: all()以从学生表中检索所有数据。
  7. The naming convention in Laravel dictates the use of camelCase. Hence, all your files should be named, just as your classes, with camel case. This is to say StudentController.php and class StudentController
  8. Laravel中的命名约定决定了camelCase的使用。因此,所有文件都应该像驼峰一样命名,就像你的类一样。这就是StudentController.php和类StudentController
  9. In your routes.php, specify which method to call as well: Route::get('student', ['as' => 'student', 'uses' => 'StudentController@index']);
  10. 在routes.php中,指定要调用的方法:Route :: get('student',['as'=>'student','uses'=>'StudentController @ index']);

Again, please have a look at the Laravel 5 fundamentals series linked in the beginning. You will learn to handle Laravel properly there.

再次,请看一下开始时链接的Laravel 5基础系列。你将学会在那里妥善处理Laravel。