如何将现有的asp.net应用程序迁移到asp.net MVC模式格式

时间:2022-04-27 01:38:30

I want to migrate existing asp.net application to asp.net MVC pattern format now. What procedure should I will follow? Any step-by-step instructions would be very helpful.

我现在想将现有的asp.net应用程序迁移到asp.net MVC模式格式。我应该遵循什么程序?任何一步一步的指导都非常有用。

4 个解决方案



These is my step-by-step guide, based on steps we have taken at my company during our move from a classic ASP.Net Webforms to ASP.Net MVC. It's not perfect, and still ongoing since we have to do this in stages because of the size of the site, but perhaps someone else will find and file an improved answer based on our results.

这是我的一步一步指导,基于我们在公司从一个典型的ASP中所采取的步骤。净Webforms ASP。净MVC。它并不完美,而且还在进行中,因为由于站点的大小,我们必须分阶段进行,但是也许其他人会根据我们的结果找到并提交一个改进的答案。

Stages: 1. Planning - moving to MVC from Web Forms in ASP.Net requires some careful planning. The mistake we made in our move is not realising that there are are really two aspects to this stage of planning, route planning and model/controller/action planning. Not doing this will cause serious issues later on as you try to extend functionality of your site or hit more complex migrations.


Tips: - Look at your current sitemap, and design the improved sitemap/directory structure to be used in the ASP.Net MVC application. Figure out a 'language' for your website, e.g. the default behaviour of ASP.Net MVC is to have a http://sitename/{controller}/{action}/{id} behavior, but you can override this as you gain more experience hacking routing rules.

提示:-查看您当前的站点地图,并设计改进的站点地图/目录结构将在ASP中使用。净MVC应用程序。为你的网站找出一种“语言”,例如ASP的默认行为。Net MVC将具有http://sitename/{controller}/{action}/{id}行为,但随着您获得更多破解路由规则的经验,您可以重写此行为。

  • Remember by default each Controller will be routed to via a virtual subdirectory of your application, e.g. http://sitename/X would route to XController (and by default its Index method), http://sitename/Y/Get would route to YController's Get() method. You can change this as you please (routing's really powerful), but that's beyond the scope of this answer.


  • Using the existing sitemap, specify what folder in the MVC structure each current .aspx page should fall (of course, first ask if it should exist at all).


  • If Scripts, Images etc are not stored together, or in some 'reserved name' folders within each subdirectory, consider doing so now as you're redesigning. This is as it would greatly simplify your design by allowing you to use a Map.IgnoreRoute() routing rule command in the Global.aspx.cs file to bypass processing these folders as routes.


In our case we mirrored the real subdirectory layout of the current site, where each subdirectory became a controller, e.g. /Account would have an AccountController, /X would have XController. All pages that fell inside there were replaced by actions within each Controller. e.g. http://sitename/profile/about.aspx now became http://sitename/profile/about and mapped to the "about" ActionResult method inside the profileController. This is allowing us to stay agile by doing a partial migration of one or two directories (or several files inside one directory) over a series of sprints, rather than having to migrate the entire site in one go over a much longer duration.

在我们的例子中,我们反映了当前站点的实际子目录布局,其中每个子目录成为一个控制器,例如,/Account将有一个AccountController, /X将有XController。所有位于其中的页面都被每个控制器中的操作所取代。例如,http://sitename/profile/about。aspx现在变成了http://sitename/profile/about并映射到profileController的“about”ActionResult方法。这允许我们通过在一系列的sprint中进行一两个目录(或者一个目录中的几个文件)的部分迁移,而不是在一段时间内迁移整个站点,从而保持敏捷。

  1. Create a new ASP.Net MVC application in Visual Studio and immediately create the rules in the Global.asax file that ignore routing rules for the folders that exist in the current site.

    创建一个新的ASP。Net MVC应用程序在Visual Studio中,并立即在全局中创建规则。忽略当前站点中存在的文件夹的路由规则的asax文件。

  2. Copy the folders from the ASP.Net Web Application to the ASP.Net MVC Application folders. Run the website and ensure it works properly (it should as no routing rules are being used yet).

    从ASP拷贝文件夹。Net Web应用程序到ASP。净MVC应用程序文件夹。运行网站并确保它正常工作(它应该还没有使用路由规则)。

  3. Pick a subdirectory or subset of files within a subdirectory to migrate.


  4. For each .aspx page inside this subdirectory:


    a. Create its View first. I tend to use the web-browser rendered version of the page as my base HTML, and then put placeholders in the locations that I know are filled with dynamic data.


    b. Using the placeholders for the dynamic data, create a first-draft of the Model using simple data types. This model will start off simple, but be constantly refactored as you migrate more pages from the original site, so don't worry if it starts looking a little heavy. If you find yourself with too many Properties in one Model for your taste, or see a logical grouping beyond just the Model of certain subset of items, perhaps this is a sign the Model needs to be refactored to have an object instead with these simple data types as properties but is composed in the business logic layer.


    c. Create the controller if it hasnt been created yet, and put the appropriate ActionResult method for the Action your planning has determined should route to this view. If you realise something that there is a new action that doesn't map to a page from the old site, then create the View for the controller, and include appropriate //TODO: tags so you can keep track of this to implement after you have migrated the existing pages.


    d. Consider putting in some handling code for unknown actions as well, if you don't have a {*catchall} Routing rule for this already in your global.asax.cs file.

    d.如果您没有在您的global.asax中已经有这样的{* *catch - all}路由规则,那么考虑为未知操作输入一些处理代码。cs文件。

    e. Create the constructor classes for the Model so that given certain parameters that the Controller will have (passed in as your {id} or possibly a Request.QueryString parameter from the URL, or an HTTP header or cookie), the Model will know how to reach out to your existing business logic classes and build up itself for rendering by the View.


    f. Go to next page in the list and start again from step a.


  5. Finally create the routing rule that will call your new Controller and allow the Actions you have written to be implemented. Debug, debug, debug...Once you're happy all is well, remove the existing folder and files you've migrated from your main site, as well as the IgnoreRoute rule in the global.asax.cs.


  6. Create a redirect in whatever manner you prefer if you wish to preserve old directory and file names for continuity (e.g. users may have bookmarked certain pages in the old site already).


Note: If you are keeping the exact names of the old subdirectories in your MVC site during the porting phase, it's preferable to migrate a whole subdirectory at a time I've realised, because by only doing a few files the routing rules you need to write become more complex since if an existing folder exists with the same name as a routing rule's path and that folder has a Default.aspx file then (/foldername/) will default to the Default.aspx page, as it takes precidence over the routing rules.


Tip: Seriously consider using a tool like RouteDebug for route debugging so you can figure out strange things like above, or when you have multiple routing rules firing and causing unexpected behaviors.


This is my first draft, please give me feedback if I've missed any steps or if you see any holes in the guide, and I'll modify the answer appropriately.




I don't think there is such a thing as a "step-by-step migration" from ASP.NET WebForms to ASP.NET MVC. They are two completely different design patterns built on the same framework, but there are (in most cases) a lot of things that need not only to be moved, but completely re-designed, if you don't just want to build a web app on the MVC template project instead of the WebForms template.

我不认为存在从ASP“逐步迁移”这样的事情。净WebForms ASP。净MVC。他们是两个完全不同的设计模式建立在相同的框架,但有(在大多数情况下)很多东西,不仅需要移动,但是完全重新设计的,如果你不只是想要构建一个web应用程序的MVC项目模板的WebForms模板。

The main reason for this is the separation of concerns, which is much stricter in MVC than in WebForms. I am currently working (well, I should be...) on migrating an old and pretty buggy hobby-project from WebForms to MVC and my approach has basically been "look at the functionality, re-build it from scratch." Of course I had some helper methods for formatting output etc that I just included in my new project, but most of the basic stuff I chose just to redo completely. You'd be surprised how little it takes me to reach the same goals with MVC now, that I set up for the WebForms app a year-and-a-half ago - with the use of Entity Framework, jQuery and other sweet stuff, you'll be able to produce results within a couple of hours.

这样做的主要原因是关注点分离,这在MVC中比在WebForms中更加严格。我现在正在工作(嗯,我应该是…),从WebForms迁移到MVC,我的方法基本上是“看一下功能,从头重新构建它”。当然,我在新项目中包含了一些格式化输出的辅助方法等,但是我选择的大部分基本方法都是完全重做。你会惊奇地发现,我现在用MVC实现相同的目标是多么的少,我在一年半前就为WebForms应用设置了这个应用——使用实体框架、jQuery和其他的sweet stuff,你将能够在几个小时内产生结果。



May these few additional tips will assist


  • Replace <%-- comment tags with @*
  • 以@*替换<%——注释标签。
  • use @RenderSection("Footer",false) for @section footer { } and so on,if you have any additional ContentPlaceHolder except the main body in View which RenderBody() .

    对于@section Footer{}等,可以使用@RenderSection(“Footer”,false),如果您有任何额外的ContentPlaceHolder,除了RenderBody()视图中的主体之外。

  • all the old normal runat="server" tags are harmless and do not prevent compile and can be cleaned afterwards


  • all controls Visibility which was easily controlled in code behind and markup (Visible="True") and controlled in code_behind by use of Control Id must be refactored to ViewBag Collection and @if blocks in Razor view.


  • you can also watch this excellent course of Pluralsight around this topic (3h 49m)

    你也可以在这个主题(3h 49m)中观看这一精彩的过程。



My answer would be "You don't" :). If you really want to do this, you can use the current asp.net site as your end goal, or as a requirements 'document'. And maybe you can use the datalayer in your model, but you'll have to redesign the whole site.


As Tomas already pointed out, it's VERY different from classic asp.net.




These is my step-by-step guide, based on steps we have taken at my company during our move from a classic ASP.Net Webforms to ASP.Net MVC. It's not perfect, and still ongoing since we have to do this in stages because of the size of the site, but perhaps someone else will find and file an improved answer based on our results.

这是我的一步一步指导,基于我们在公司从一个典型的ASP中所采取的步骤。净Webforms ASP。净MVC。它并不完美,而且还在进行中,因为由于站点的大小,我们必须分阶段进行,但是也许其他人会根据我们的结果找到并提交一个改进的答案。

Stages: 1. Planning - moving to MVC from Web Forms in ASP.Net requires some careful planning. The mistake we made in our move is not realising that there are are really two aspects to this stage of planning, route planning and model/controller/action planning. Not doing this will cause serious issues later on as you try to extend functionality of your site or hit more complex migrations.


Tips: - Look at your current sitemap, and design the improved sitemap/directory structure to be used in the ASP.Net MVC application. Figure out a 'language' for your website, e.g. the default behaviour of ASP.Net MVC is to have a http://sitename/{controller}/{action}/{id} behavior, but you can override this as you gain more experience hacking routing rules.

提示:-查看您当前的站点地图,并设计改进的站点地图/目录结构将在ASP中使用。净MVC应用程序。为你的网站找出一种“语言”,例如ASP的默认行为。Net MVC将具有http://sitename/{controller}/{action}/{id}行为,但随着您获得更多破解路由规则的经验,您可以重写此行为。

  • Remember by default each Controller will be routed to via a virtual subdirectory of your application, e.g. http://sitename/X would route to XController (and by default its Index method), http://sitename/Y/Get would route to YController's Get() method. You can change this as you please (routing's really powerful), but that's beyond the scope of this answer.


  • Using the existing sitemap, specify what folder in the MVC structure each current .aspx page should fall (of course, first ask if it should exist at all).


  • If Scripts, Images etc are not stored together, or in some 'reserved name' folders within each subdirectory, consider doing so now as you're redesigning. This is as it would greatly simplify your design by allowing you to use a Map.IgnoreRoute() routing rule command in the Global.aspx.cs file to bypass processing these folders as routes.


In our case we mirrored the real subdirectory layout of the current site, where each subdirectory became a controller, e.g. /Account would have an AccountController, /X would have XController. All pages that fell inside there were replaced by actions within each Controller. e.g. http://sitename/profile/about.aspx now became http://sitename/profile/about and mapped to the "about" ActionResult method inside the profileController. This is allowing us to stay agile by doing a partial migration of one or two directories (or several files inside one directory) over a series of sprints, rather than having to migrate the entire site in one go over a much longer duration.

在我们的例子中,我们反映了当前站点的实际子目录布局,其中每个子目录成为一个控制器,例如,/Account将有一个AccountController, /X将有XController。所有位于其中的页面都被每个控制器中的操作所取代。例如,http://sitename/profile/about。aspx现在变成了http://sitename/profile/about并映射到profileController的“about”ActionResult方法。这允许我们通过在一系列的sprint中进行一两个目录(或者一个目录中的几个文件)的部分迁移,而不是在一段时间内迁移整个站点,从而保持敏捷。

  1. Create a new ASP.Net MVC application in Visual Studio and immediately create the rules in the Global.asax file that ignore routing rules for the folders that exist in the current site.

    创建一个新的ASP。Net MVC应用程序在Visual Studio中,并立即在全局中创建规则。忽略当前站点中存在的文件夹的路由规则的asax文件。

  2. Copy the folders from the ASP.Net Web Application to the ASP.Net MVC Application folders. Run the website and ensure it works properly (it should as no routing rules are being used yet).

    从ASP拷贝文件夹。Net Web应用程序到ASP。净MVC应用程序文件夹。运行网站并确保它正常工作(它应该还没有使用路由规则)。

  3. Pick a subdirectory or subset of files within a subdirectory to migrate.


  4. For each .aspx page inside this subdirectory:


    a. Create its View first. I tend to use the web-browser rendered version of the page as my base HTML, and then put placeholders in the locations that I know are filled with dynamic data.


    b. Using the placeholders for the dynamic data, create a first-draft of the Model using simple data types. This model will start off simple, but be constantly refactored as you migrate more pages from the original site, so don't worry if it starts looking a little heavy. If you find yourself with too many Properties in one Model for your taste, or see a logical grouping beyond just the Model of certain subset of items, perhaps this is a sign the Model needs to be refactored to have an object instead with these simple data types as properties but is composed in the business logic layer.


    c. Create the controller if it hasnt been created yet, and put the appropriate ActionResult method for the Action your planning has determined should route to this view. If you realise something that there is a new action that doesn't map to a page from the old site, then create the View for the controller, and include appropriate //TODO: tags so you can keep track of this to implement after you have migrated the existing pages.


    d. Consider putting in some handling code for unknown actions as well, if you don't have a {*catchall} Routing rule for this already in your global.asax.cs file.

    d.如果您没有在您的global.asax中已经有这样的{* *catch - all}路由规则,那么考虑为未知操作输入一些处理代码。cs文件。

    e. Create the constructor classes for the Model so that given certain parameters that the Controller will have (passed in as your {id} or possibly a Request.QueryString parameter from the URL, or an HTTP header or cookie), the Model will know how to reach out to your existing business logic classes and build up itself for rendering by the View.


    f. Go to next page in the list and start again from step a.


  5. Finally create the routing rule that will call your new Controller and allow the Actions you have written to be implemented. Debug, debug, debug...Once you're happy all is well, remove the existing folder and files you've migrated from your main site, as well as the IgnoreRoute rule in the global.asax.cs.


  6. Create a redirect in whatever manner you prefer if you wish to preserve old directory and file names for continuity (e.g. users may have bookmarked certain pages in the old site already).


Note: If you are keeping the exact names of the old subdirectories in your MVC site during the porting phase, it's preferable to migrate a whole subdirectory at a time I've realised, because by only doing a few files the routing rules you need to write become more complex since if an existing folder exists with the same name as a routing rule's path and that folder has a Default.aspx file then (/foldername/) will default to the Default.aspx page, as it takes precidence over the routing rules.


Tip: Seriously consider using a tool like RouteDebug for route debugging so you can figure out strange things like above, or when you have multiple routing rules firing and causing unexpected behaviors.


This is my first draft, please give me feedback if I've missed any steps or if you see any holes in the guide, and I'll modify the answer appropriately.




I don't think there is such a thing as a "step-by-step migration" from ASP.NET WebForms to ASP.NET MVC. They are two completely different design patterns built on the same framework, but there are (in most cases) a lot of things that need not only to be moved, but completely re-designed, if you don't just want to build a web app on the MVC template project instead of the WebForms template.

我不认为存在从ASP“逐步迁移”这样的事情。净WebForms ASP。净MVC。他们是两个完全不同的设计模式建立在相同的框架,但有(在大多数情况下)很多东西,不仅需要移动,但是完全重新设计的,如果你不只是想要构建一个web应用程序的MVC项目模板的WebForms模板。

The main reason for this is the separation of concerns, which is much stricter in MVC than in WebForms. I am currently working (well, I should be...) on migrating an old and pretty buggy hobby-project from WebForms to MVC and my approach has basically been "look at the functionality, re-build it from scratch." Of course I had some helper methods for formatting output etc that I just included in my new project, but most of the basic stuff I chose just to redo completely. You'd be surprised how little it takes me to reach the same goals with MVC now, that I set up for the WebForms app a year-and-a-half ago - with the use of Entity Framework, jQuery and other sweet stuff, you'll be able to produce results within a couple of hours.

这样做的主要原因是关注点分离,这在MVC中比在WebForms中更加严格。我现在正在工作(嗯,我应该是…),从WebForms迁移到MVC,我的方法基本上是“看一下功能,从头重新构建它”。当然,我在新项目中包含了一些格式化输出的辅助方法等,但是我选择的大部分基本方法都是完全重做。你会惊奇地发现,我现在用MVC实现相同的目标是多么的少,我在一年半前就为WebForms应用设置了这个应用——使用实体框架、jQuery和其他的sweet stuff,你将能够在几个小时内产生结果。



May these few additional tips will assist


  • Replace <%-- comment tags with @*
  • 以@*替换<%——注释标签。
  • use @RenderSection("Footer",false) for @section footer { } and so on,if you have any additional ContentPlaceHolder except the main body in View which RenderBody() .

    对于@section Footer{}等,可以使用@RenderSection(“Footer”,false),如果您有任何额外的ContentPlaceHolder,除了RenderBody()视图中的主体之外。

  • all the old normal runat="server" tags are harmless and do not prevent compile and can be cleaned afterwards


  • all controls Visibility which was easily controlled in code behind and markup (Visible="True") and controlled in code_behind by use of Control Id must be refactored to ViewBag Collection and @if blocks in Razor view.


  • you can also watch this excellent course of Pluralsight around this topic (3h 49m)

    你也可以在这个主题(3h 49m)中观看这一精彩的过程。



My answer would be "You don't" :). If you really want to do this, you can use the current asp.net site as your end goal, or as a requirements 'document'. And maybe you can use the datalayer in your model, but you'll have to redesign the whole site.


As Tomas already pointed out, it's VERY different from classic asp.net.
