时间:2022-04-27 01:38:18

I have to convert some code from classic ASP to ASP.NET


1) How can I best handle syntax as below, where it seems to fail because the code is inside a tag, and also perhaps because the condition is split over several tags.


2) Any tools or guidelines that are good on this kind of code?


3) Classic ADO.


    <li><a<% if "" = myFolder then %> class="selected"<% end if %> href="http://<%= SERVER_NAME %>/"><%= getLocale("Home") %></a></li>
            <% SQL = "SP_TOPNAV  '" & lang & "'"
            Set maNav = conn.execute(SQL)
            do while not maNav.EOF %>
                <li><a<% if maNav(0) = myFolder then %> class="selected"<% end if %> href="http://<%= SERVER_NAME %>/<%= maNav(0) %>"><%= maNav(1) %></a></li>
            <% maNav.MoveNext
            Set maNav = Nothing %>

3 个解决方案


ASP.net handles code split between several <%%> tags just fine. The problem lies elsewhere. Please edit your question to include the error message.



If your using .net 2.0 look into a asp:repeater that can bind to a datasource, if your using .net 3.5 look into a asp:listview. Those controls give you the ability to iterate through data and generate markup which is essentially what your doing.

如果您使用.net 2.0查看可以绑定到数据源的asp:repeater,如果您使用.net 3.5查看asp:listview。这些控件使您能够迭代数据并生成标记,这基本上就是您的操作。


You can always use ASP.NET's data controls such as Repeater, GridView, DataList to display collections of item. And you can customize their looks by modifying the ItemTemplate. You can also include the rendering conditional inside ItemTemplate too.


For example:

   <asp:Repeater id="Repeater1" runat="server">

         <table border="1">

            <td> <%# Container.DataItem %> </td>



Taken from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.repeater.itemtemplate.aspx


You can always insert conditional logic inside <%# ... %> text. Or if the logic are complicated, you can code them inside the code behind file and call them from here.


Search for "ASP.NET If inside ItemTemplate" or "ASP.NET Condition in ItemTemplate" for more info.

搜索“ASP.NET If ItemTemplate”或“ItemTemplate中的ASP.NET条件”以获取更多信息。


ASP.net handles code split between several <%%> tags just fine. The problem lies elsewhere. Please edit your question to include the error message.



If your using .net 2.0 look into a asp:repeater that can bind to a datasource, if your using .net 3.5 look into a asp:listview. Those controls give you the ability to iterate through data and generate markup which is essentially what your doing.

如果您使用.net 2.0查看可以绑定到数据源的asp:repeater,如果您使用.net 3.5查看asp:listview。这些控件使您能够迭代数据并生成标记,这基本上就是您的操作。


You can always use ASP.NET's data controls such as Repeater, GridView, DataList to display collections of item. And you can customize their looks by modifying the ItemTemplate. You can also include the rendering conditional inside ItemTemplate too.


For example:

   <asp:Repeater id="Repeater1" runat="server">

         <table border="1">

            <td> <%# Container.DataItem %> </td>



Taken from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.repeater.itemtemplate.aspx


You can always insert conditional logic inside <%# ... %> text. Or if the logic are complicated, you can code them inside the code behind file and call them from here.


Search for "ASP.NET If inside ItemTemplate" or "ASP.NET Condition in ItemTemplate" for more info.

搜索“ASP.NET If ItemTemplate”或“ItemTemplate中的ASP.NET条件”以获取更多信息。