
时间:2022-03-20 01:38:46

Here's my scenario:


A desktop application posts to a specific ASP page in my web application with XML data. The web application is being re-written to ASP.Net; however, the Url for that specific page can not change (due to the desktop application).

桌面应用程序使用XML数据发布到我的Web应用程序中的特定ASP页面。 Web应用程序正在重写为ASP.Net;但是,该特定页面的Url无法更改(由于桌面应用程序)。

My original idea was to simply 'forward' the requests from the classic ASP page to a new ASPX page, which would handle the request, by changing the ASP page like so:


<% Server.Transfer("MyApp/NewXmlHandler.aspx") %>

However, this doesn't work:


Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0221' Invalid @ Command directive /MyApp/NewXmlHandler.aspx, line 1

Active Server Pages错误'ASP 0221'无效@ Command指令/MyApp/NewXmlHandler.aspx,第1行

Is there a simple way I can take the posted data in the ASP page, and forward it on to another page?



4 个解决方案


Put the form values into querystrings (URL encode them) and then use Response.Redirect instead. Server.Transfer resumes execution and you cannot execute an ASP.NET page in ASP 3.0.

将表单值放入查询字符串(URL编码),然后使用Response.Redirect。 Server.Transfer恢复执行,您无法在ASP 3.0中执行ASP.NET页面。


In case anyone else runs into this, I ended up passing the request along like so:


    Dim postData
    Dim xmlhttp 

    'Forward the request to let .Net handle
    Set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    xmlhttp.Open "POST","",false


    Response.Write xmlhttp.responseText

    Set xmlhttp = nothing


Can you use ASP.NET routing? If so, just route the POST to the .aspx page instead of the .asp page.



I'm working on a similar problem just like this one but i have to deal with authorization also. In your case it is much simpler and for those who might run into this problem, I think URLRewrite or .htaccess will do the trick.



Put the form values into querystrings (URL encode them) and then use Response.Redirect instead. Server.Transfer resumes execution and you cannot execute an ASP.NET page in ASP 3.0.

将表单值放入查询字符串(URL编码),然后使用Response.Redirect。 Server.Transfer恢复执行,您无法在ASP 3.0中执行ASP.NET页面。


In case anyone else runs into this, I ended up passing the request along like so:


    Dim postData
    Dim xmlhttp 

    'Forward the request to let .Net handle
    Set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    xmlhttp.Open "POST","",false


    Response.Write xmlhttp.responseText

    Set xmlhttp = nothing


Can you use ASP.NET routing? If so, just route the POST to the .aspx page instead of the .asp page.



I'm working on a similar problem just like this one but i have to deal with authorization also. In your case it is much simpler and for those who might run into this problem, I think URLRewrite or .htaccess will do the trick.
