
时间:2022-06-20 01:38:51

I am redirecting from a classic ASP page to an ASP.Net page on a different webserver. The landing aspx page seems to start a new session after postback i.e. my session variables which are set when the page is first hit after the redirect, are being reset after a button on the page is clicked. How do I work around this? Thanks in advance.


3 个解决方案



You might want to read "How to Share Session State Between Classic ASP and ASP.NET".


But you should know from start, there's no way to just pass the sessions between asp and asp.net using the session-object in both of them.


Read the above article and you'll know all about it!




Microsoft has a page explaining how to share session data between classic ASP en ASP.NET. You can find it here




OK, I had a look at the HTTP headers being sent to the server in each of the two cases: when redirecting from ASP and from ASP.Net. I noticed that in the case of ASP.Net a cookie was being sent ASP.Net_SessionID. This was not being sent from the ASP page. I did some reading and found out that you can set ASP.Net to run cookieless - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479314.aspx. I added the

好的,我查看了在这两种情况下发送到服务器的HTTP头:当从ASP和ASP.Net重定向时。我注意到在ASP的情况下。一个cookie正在被发送。net_sessionid。这不是从ASP页面发送的。我读了一些书,发现你可以设置ASP。Net运行无cookie - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479314.aspx。我增加了

    sessionState cookieless="true"

to my web.config and all is well. Your assistance is much appreciated.




You might want to read "How to Share Session State Between Classic ASP and ASP.NET".


But you should know from start, there's no way to just pass the sessions between asp and asp.net using the session-object in both of them.


Read the above article and you'll know all about it!




Microsoft has a page explaining how to share session data between classic ASP en ASP.NET. You can find it here




OK, I had a look at the HTTP headers being sent to the server in each of the two cases: when redirecting from ASP and from ASP.Net. I noticed that in the case of ASP.Net a cookie was being sent ASP.Net_SessionID. This was not being sent from the ASP page. I did some reading and found out that you can set ASP.Net to run cookieless - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479314.aspx. I added the

好的,我查看了在这两种情况下发送到服务器的HTTP头:当从ASP和ASP.Net重定向时。我注意到在ASP的情况下。一个cookie正在被发送。net_sessionid。这不是从ASP页面发送的。我读了一些书,发现你可以设置ASP。Net运行无cookie - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479314.aspx。我增加了

    sessionState cookieless="true"

to my web.config and all is well. Your assistance is much appreciated.
