VBScript / ASP-Classic“停止”语句不会破坏调试器

时间:2023-01-05 01:34:39

I've used to put a "stop" statement in my VBScript/ASP-Classic code to break into debugger (Microsoft Script Editor, that comes with Microsoft Office).

我曾经在我的VBScript / ASP-Classic代码中放入一个“停止”语句来打入调试器(微软脚本编辑器,Microsoft Office附带)。

But now it isn't breaking anymore. The "stop" is ignored and nothing happpens.

但现在它不再破坏了。 “停止”被忽略,没有任何好处。

The server-side debugging flag is already enabled in IIS


How to solve this?


Sample Code, hello.asp


Response.Write "Hello W."

3 个解决方案


Try this instead of Stop:


Dim I
I = 1 / 0


Are you running VBScript in an Office app? Wouldn't that be VBA?


For VBScript debugging you need to enable that with the /d switch on with wscript or cscript when running the vbs file:-

对于VBScript调试,您需要在运行vbs文件时使用/ d开关启用wscript或cscript: -

 wscript /d c:\myfolder\myscript.vbs

Edit: Did I miss the ASP-Classic bit?


In this case you have turned off debugging in the application configuration. In IIS6 open properties on the ASP application, select Home Directory tab, click "Configuration..." in the Application Settings section. Select the Debugging tab, select the debugging flags.



It may be a problem with the Registry - See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/252895

这可能是注册表的问题 - 请参阅http://support.microsoft.com/kb/252895


Try this instead of Stop:


Dim I
I = 1 / 0


Are you running VBScript in an Office app? Wouldn't that be VBA?


For VBScript debugging you need to enable that with the /d switch on with wscript or cscript when running the vbs file:-

对于VBScript调试,您需要在运行vbs文件时使用/ d开关启用wscript或cscript: -

 wscript /d c:\myfolder\myscript.vbs

Edit: Did I miss the ASP-Classic bit?


In this case you have turned off debugging in the application configuration. In IIS6 open properties on the ASP application, select Home Directory tab, click "Configuration..." in the Application Settings section. Select the Debugging tab, select the debugging flags.



It may be a problem with the Registry - See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/252895

这可能是注册表的问题 - 请参阅http://support.microsoft.com/kb/252895