
时间:2021-07-07 01:35:50

in this post Stack Overflow Architecture i read about something called nosql, i didn't understand what it means, and i tried to search on google but seams that i can't get exactly whats it.

在这个post Stack Overflow架构中,我读到了一个叫做nosql的东西,我不明白它是什么意思,我试图在谷歌上搜索,但是我不能确切地知道它是什么。

Can anyone explain what nosql means in simple words?


7 个解决方案



If you've ever worked with a database, you've probably worked with a relational database. Examples would be an Access database, SQL Server, or MySQL. When you think about tables in these kinds of databases, you generally think of a grid, like in Excel. You have to name each column of your database table, and you have to specify whether all the values in that column are integers, strings, etc. Finally, when you want to look up information in that table, you have to use a language called SQL.


A new trend is forming around non-relational databases, that is, databases that do not fall into a neat grid. You don't have to specify which things are integers and strings and booleans, etc. These types of databases are more flexible, but they don't use SQL, because they are not structured that way.


Put simply, that is why they are "NoSQL" databases.


The advantage of using a NoSQL database is that you don't have to know exactly what your data will look like ahead of time. Perhaps you have a Contacts table, but you don't know what kind of information you'll want to store about each contact. In a relational database, you need to make columns like "Name" and "Address". If you find out later on that you need a phone number, you have to add a column for that. There's no need for this kind of planning/structuring in a NoSQL database. There are also potential scaling advantages, but that is a bit controversial, so I won't make any claims there.


Disadvantages of NoSQL databases is really the lack of SQL. SQL is simple and ubiquitous. SQL allows you to slice and dice your data easier to get aggregate results, whereas it's a bit more complicated in NoSQL databases (you'll probably use things like MapReduce, for which there is a bit of a learning curve).




From the NoSQL Homepage


NoSQL is a fast, portable, relational database management system without arbitrary limits, (other than memory and processor speed) that runs under, and interacts with, the UNIX 1 Operating System. It uses the "Operator-Stream Paradigm" described in "Unix Review", March, 1991, page 24, entitled "A 4GL Language". There are a number of "operators" that each perform a unique function on the data. The "stream" is supplied by the UNIX Input/Output redirection mechanism. Therefore each operator processes some data and then passes it along to the next operator via the UNIX pipe function. This is very efficient as UNIX pipes are implemented in memory. NoSQL is compliant with the "Relational Model".

NoSQL是一种快速、可移植的关系数据库管理系统,没有任何限制(除了内存和处理器速度),它运行在UNIX 1操作系统下,并与之交互。它使用《Unix评论》(1991年3月,第24页,标题为“4GL语言”)中描述的“操作-流范式”。有许多“操作符”,它们各自在数据上执行一个惟一的函数。“流”由UNIX输入/输出重定向机制提供。因此,每个操作符都要处理一些数据,然后通过UNIX管道函数将其传递给下一个操作符。这非常有效,因为UNIX管道是在内存中实现的。NoSQL符合“关系模型”。

I would also see this answer on *.




NoSql is the new database philosophy which talks about all the shortcomings of the relational database design, particularly the problems they have in scaling up for today's demanding web environments.


NoSql is quickly evolving into a movement with new tools, software and formats coming up as alternative to SQL.


RDBMS is as ubiquitous as OOP and while both of these design methodologies solve some problems wonderfully, they don't solve all.


So think of NoSql as the functional programmin of the database world.


Was this simple enough?




NoSQL is the idea that SQL-type databases don't satisfy the demands/requirements of a heavily-used database that requires transactions be reliable and failsafe (or close to it). This ties into the ideas of ACID and CAP, both things worth looking into but not something to lose sleep over unless you run a really popular site that is transaction-heavy (ie Amazon or Ebay). To get a great start on these subjects, I suggest:





Put simply, it means not using a relational database for data storage.


Here's a relevant article:




Something everyone considering a "nosql" approach should consider:


(I shan't risk putting the image into this post as it contains a curse word, and I don't want offensive flags. So clicker beware -- there's an f-word in there. Only click if you have a sense of humor.)




Found this nice article about no-sql


and this as well: NoSQL, Yes Search

还有,NoSQL, Yes Search



If you've ever worked with a database, you've probably worked with a relational database. Examples would be an Access database, SQL Server, or MySQL. When you think about tables in these kinds of databases, you generally think of a grid, like in Excel. You have to name each column of your database table, and you have to specify whether all the values in that column are integers, strings, etc. Finally, when you want to look up information in that table, you have to use a language called SQL.


A new trend is forming around non-relational databases, that is, databases that do not fall into a neat grid. You don't have to specify which things are integers and strings and booleans, etc. These types of databases are more flexible, but they don't use SQL, because they are not structured that way.


Put simply, that is why they are "NoSQL" databases.


The advantage of using a NoSQL database is that you don't have to know exactly what your data will look like ahead of time. Perhaps you have a Contacts table, but you don't know what kind of information you'll want to store about each contact. In a relational database, you need to make columns like "Name" and "Address". If you find out later on that you need a phone number, you have to add a column for that. There's no need for this kind of planning/structuring in a NoSQL database. There are also potential scaling advantages, but that is a bit controversial, so I won't make any claims there.


Disadvantages of NoSQL databases is really the lack of SQL. SQL is simple and ubiquitous. SQL allows you to slice and dice your data easier to get aggregate results, whereas it's a bit more complicated in NoSQL databases (you'll probably use things like MapReduce, for which there is a bit of a learning curve).




From the NoSQL Homepage


NoSQL is a fast, portable, relational database management system without arbitrary limits, (other than memory and processor speed) that runs under, and interacts with, the UNIX 1 Operating System. It uses the "Operator-Stream Paradigm" described in "Unix Review", March, 1991, page 24, entitled "A 4GL Language". There are a number of "operators" that each perform a unique function on the data. The "stream" is supplied by the UNIX Input/Output redirection mechanism. Therefore each operator processes some data and then passes it along to the next operator via the UNIX pipe function. This is very efficient as UNIX pipes are implemented in memory. NoSQL is compliant with the "Relational Model".

NoSQL是一种快速、可移植的关系数据库管理系统,没有任何限制(除了内存和处理器速度),它运行在UNIX 1操作系统下,并与之交互。它使用《Unix评论》(1991年3月,第24页,标题为“4GL语言”)中描述的“操作-流范式”。有许多“操作符”,它们各自在数据上执行一个惟一的函数。“流”由UNIX输入/输出重定向机制提供。因此,每个操作符都要处理一些数据,然后通过UNIX管道函数将其传递给下一个操作符。这非常有效,因为UNIX管道是在内存中实现的。NoSQL符合“关系模型”。

I would also see this answer on *.




NoSql is the new database philosophy which talks about all the shortcomings of the relational database design, particularly the problems they have in scaling up for today's demanding web environments.


NoSql is quickly evolving into a movement with new tools, software and formats coming up as alternative to SQL.


RDBMS is as ubiquitous as OOP and while both of these design methodologies solve some problems wonderfully, they don't solve all.


So think of NoSql as the functional programmin of the database world.


Was this simple enough?




NoSQL is the idea that SQL-type databases don't satisfy the demands/requirements of a heavily-used database that requires transactions be reliable and failsafe (or close to it). This ties into the ideas of ACID and CAP, both things worth looking into but not something to lose sleep over unless you run a really popular site that is transaction-heavy (ie Amazon or Ebay). To get a great start on these subjects, I suggest:





Put simply, it means not using a relational database for data storage.


Here's a relevant article:




Something everyone considering a "nosql" approach should consider:


(I shan't risk putting the image into this post as it contains a curse word, and I don't want offensive flags. So clicker beware -- there's an f-word in there. Only click if you have a sense of humor.)




Found this nice article about no-sql


and this as well: NoSQL, Yes Search

还有,NoSQL, Yes Search