GetJSON并使用Show More链接

时间:2023-01-07 01:29:45

I'm using getJSON to get data from the facebook pages api, and it works just fine, using this code:





           var output='';

        //here I add to output, as this example line:

            output += '<div"><a href="''>''</a>';



However, what I'd like to do is similar to what facebook does in it's social plug in where it starts off with 5 entries and has a Show More link, which when clicked, brings in 5 more entries.

但是,我想要做的是类似于facebook在其社交插件中所做的事情,它以5个条目开始,并且有一个Show More链接,点击后会带来5个以上的条目。

Is there a way to do this by altering the code I have?



1 个解决方案



Well, sure there is. Do you want to fetch the other results when a user clicks the "more link" to save bandwidth or is it OK to fetch it at the same time? (async vs sync)

嗯,确定有。当用户单击“更多链接”以节省带宽或是否可以同时获取时,是否要获取其他结果? (异步vs同步)

This answer considers the bold text:


output += '<div' + (i >= 5 ? ' style="display: none;"' : '') + '><a href="' + +'>''</a></div>';

Oh, and check that line in your code, you had a syntax error and an unmatched div. Also you should have quotation marks around your HTML element's attributes.


For showing the links when the more link is clicked you could do something like:


$('.more').click(function() {
    // Find the closest ancestor which is a parent of both
    // the more link and the actual results list
    var $parent = $(this).closest('.parentSelector');
    $('.listSelector', $parent).children().show();
    return false; // Don't follow the link

The parts with the parent stuff above is for the case when you have multiple such results list on the same page and you need to separate them. If you don't need it, here is a simpler variant:


$('.more').click(function() {
    $('#results').children().show(); // Show all other list items
    return false; // Don't follow the link



Well, sure there is. Do you want to fetch the other results when a user clicks the "more link" to save bandwidth or is it OK to fetch it at the same time? (async vs sync)

嗯,确定有。当用户单击“更多链接”以节省带宽或是否可以同时获取时,是否要获取其他结果? (异步vs同步)

This answer considers the bold text:


output += '<div' + (i >= 5 ? ' style="display: none;"' : '') + '><a href="' + +'>''</a></div>';

Oh, and check that line in your code, you had a syntax error and an unmatched div. Also you should have quotation marks around your HTML element's attributes.


For showing the links when the more link is clicked you could do something like:


$('.more').click(function() {
    // Find the closest ancestor which is a parent of both
    // the more link and the actual results list
    var $parent = $(this).closest('.parentSelector');
    $('.listSelector', $parent).children().show();
    return false; // Don't follow the link

The parts with the parent stuff above is for the case when you have multiple such results list on the same page and you need to separate them. If you don't need it, here is a simpler variant:


$('.more').click(function() {
    $('#results').children().show(); // Show all other list items
    return false; // Don't follow the link