
时间:2021-08-31 01:27:22

How can i open the URL in new window or tab when written the code in spring controller class. Below is the code:


@RequestMapping(value = "/showPage", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public ModelAndView openDataLink(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, BindException errors) throws Exception {  

    //logic to get or construct the URL 
    return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("http://www.google.com"));  

From my application when i access the contoller, google.com is getting opened in the same window from where i'am accessing the application. How can i make google.com open in new window or tab when accessing controller form my application. Please suggest.


2 个解决方案



Opening a new window will have to be done by the browser via html (<a target="blank_">) or javascript. Java and/or Spring have nothing to do with this.

打开一个新窗口必须由浏览器通过html()或javascript完成。 Java和/或Spring与此无关。



Refer to this solution if you want to achieve this from the jsp where you are submitting form to the controller:


How to open new tab of same browser while submit jsp form




Opening a new window will have to be done by the browser via html (<a target="blank_">) or javascript. Java and/or Spring have nothing to do with this.

打开一个新窗口必须由浏览器通过html()或javascript完成。 Java和/或Spring与此无关。



Refer to this solution if you want to achieve this from the jsp where you are submitting form to the controller:


How to open new tab of same browser while submit jsp form
