
时间:2021-12-10 01:27:30

I've started working with web development, specifically working with JavaScript and node.js, and created a web scraper. Currently, it takes data from http://www.dotamax.com (stats page for the video game DOTA 2) and creates an object which contains win rate, pick rate, and an arbitrary score that the code assigns to each hero. The JavaScript works, but now I'm lost in using the code inside a webpage. I created a local web server on my machine so I could use the JavaScript file within an html file but I'm not sure what is the best to go about creating a table inside html using the object in the JavaScript. Any sort of direction would be really helpful! Here's the code for my JavaScript file, the object I want to put in a table is heroObjs.

我已经开始使用Web开发,特别是使用JavaScript和node.js,并创建了一个Web scraper。目前,它从http://www.dotamax.com(视频游戏DOTA 2的统计页面)获取数据,并创建一个对象,其中包含赢率,挑选率和代码分配给每个英雄的任意分数。 JavaScript可以工作,但现在我迷失了使用网页内的代码。我在我的机器上创建了一个本地Web服务器,因此我可以在html文件中使用JavaScript文件,但我不确定使用JavaScript中的对象在html中创建表格的最佳方法是什么。任何方向都会非常有用!这是我的JavaScript文件的代码,我想放在表中的对象是heroObjs。

var request = require('request');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');

// list that will iterate through every skill level. used in the url
skillLevels = {
  'Very high': 'vh',
  'High': 'h',
  'Normal': 'n'

heroes = ['pudge', 'windrunner', 'nevermore', 'earthshaker', 'lina','pudge',
   'queenofpain', 'invoker', 'antimage', 'juggernaut', 'alchemist',
   'doom_bringer', 'tusk', 'rubick', 'bounty_hunter', 'slark',
   'storm_spirit', 'ember_spirit', 'spectre', 'spirit_breaker', 'silencer',
   'legion_commander', 'lion', 'phantom_assassin', 'mirana', 'zuus',
   'undying', 'rattletrap', 'templar_assassin', 'bloodseeker',
   'witch_doctor', 'crystal_maiden', 'gyrocopter', 'dazzle','winter_wyvern',
   'necrolyte', 'ancient_apparition', 'ogre_magi', 'skeleton_king',
   'phantom_lancer', 'axe', 'magnataur', 'tiny', 'riki', 'slardar',
   'earth_spirit', 'leshrac', 'furion', 'sand_king', 'omniknight',
   'huskar', 'disruptor', 'tinker', 'ursa', 'bristleback', 'sniper',
   'venomancer', 'nyx_assassin', 'life_stealer', 'clinkz', 'vengefulspirit',
   'skywrath_mage', 'kunkka', 'lich', 'faceless_void', 'dark_seer', 'techies',
   'jakiro', 'abaddon', 'phoenix', 'sven', 'shadow_shaman', 'luna', 'viper',
   'enigma', 'shredder', 'weaver', 'tidehunter', 'night_stalker', 'medusa',
   'chaos_knight', 'puck', 'drow_ranger', 'centaur', 'keeper_of_the_light',
   'pugna', 'dragon_knight', 'warlock', 'morphling', 'broodmother','meepo', 'terrorblade', 'treant', 'razor', 'bane', 'batrider',
   'death_prophet', 'troll_warlord', 'wisp', 'shadow_demon', 'naga_siren',
   'obsidian_destroyer', 'enchantress', 'lone_druid', 'beastmaster',
   'lycan', 'oracle', 'brewmaster', 'elder_titan', 'visage', 'chen'

// creates a multidimensional object that holds hero stats
var heroObjs = {};
for (var i = 0; i < heroes.length; i++) {
   var hero = heroes[i];
   if (hero in heroObjs == false) {
     heroObjs[hero] = {
       "Very high": {
         "Pick Rate": null,
         "Win Rate": null,
         "Score": null
       "High": {
         "Pick Rate": null,
         "Win Rate": null,
         "Score": null
       "Normal": {
         "Pick Rate": null,
         "Win Rate": null,
         "Score": null

for (skills in skillLevels) {
   var url = "http://www.dotamax.com/hero/played/?skill=" + skillLevels[skills];
   request(url, (function (skills) {
     return function (err, resp, body) {
       if (err)
         throw err;
        $ = cheerio.load(body);
       //creates the score and gets win rate and pick rate from dotamax.com
       //currently only fills score for very high skill bracket
       $("tbody tr").each(function (hero) {
         $(this).find('td div:contains("%")').each(function () {

           var containsPickRate = $(this).parent().parent().find("td").eq(1).toString();
      var containsHeroName = $(this).parent().parent().toString();
      var pickRateIndex = containsPickRate.indexOf('10px">') + 6;
      var endPickRateIndex = containsPickRate.indexOf('</div>');
      var heroNameIndex = containsHeroName.indexOf("detail/") + 7;
      var endHeroNameIndex = containsHeroName.indexOf('&apos;)" style');
      var heroName = containsHeroName.substring(heroNameIndex, endHeroNameIndex);
      var pickRate = containsPickRate.substring(pickRateIndex, endPickRateIndex);
      pickRate = pickRate.split(',').join("");
      var winRate = parseFloat($(this).text());
      pickRate = parseFloat(pickRate);
      if (heroName in heroObjs == true) {
        heroObjs[heroName][skills]["Pick Rate"] = pickRate;
        heroObjs[heroName][skills]["Win Rate"] = winRate;
        if (skills === "Very high") {
          var winRateCont = 1.4 * .01 * Math.pow(winRate, 2)
          var pickRateCont = .8 * ((10775 / (100 + 1090 * Math.pow(Math.E, -.000005 * pickRate))) - 8.3)
          heroObjs[heroName][skills]["Score"] = (pickRateCont + winRateCont)

 //waits 10 seconds to display heroObjs which is approximate time 
 //it takes for the previous function to fill heroObjs
 setTimeout(function () {
  }, 10000);

1 个解决方案



First off, your best choice is to use an established Javascript framework that does this for you. For instance, jQuery and/or angular.js.


For instance, with angular.js, you would simply do something like:


  <tr data-ng-repeat="hero in heroObjs">

Angular will take care of the rest. It will parse your data, and build the html for you. It takes a while to understand a framework like angular or jQuery, but the time is well spent. Maintaining your own library of functions to do anything similar is a big waste of time, and you will spend more time debugging than building.




First off, your best choice is to use an established Javascript framework that does this for you. For instance, jQuery and/or angular.js.


For instance, with angular.js, you would simply do something like:


  <tr data-ng-repeat="hero in heroObjs">

Angular will take care of the rest. It will parse your data, and build the html for you. It takes a while to understand a framework like angular or jQuery, but the time is well spent. Maintaining your own library of functions to do anything similar is a big waste of time, and you will spend more time debugging than building.
