jQuery AJAX简单的PHP Post无法正常工作

时间:2021-02-28 01:25:31

I've got a very basic one today! I'm trying to post from jQuery to a PHP file hosted on localhost.


My JS:

$("#searchNameButton").click(function() {
var name = $("#searchNameText").val();
        type: 'POST',
        url: 'localhost:8080/getNameInfo.php', // -> this works fine from the browser
        // data: { name: name }, -> commented out
        success: function(){
            alert('request successful');
        error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
            alert('request failed');

My PHP file (getNameInfo.php), a very basic one for testing:


  echo 'TEST';

In jQuery, it will always bring me to error, saying 'Internal Server Error'. I am using Ripple Emulator and this is what appears in the console:

在jQuery中,它总是会让我犯错误,说“内部服务器错误”。我正在使用Ripple Emulator,这是控制台中出现的内容:

POST https://rippleapi.herokuapp.com/xhr_proxy?tinyhippos_apikey=ABC&tinyhippos_rurl=localhost%3A8080/getNameInfo.php 500 (Internal Server Error)

POST https://rippleapi.herokuapp.com/xhr_proxy?tinyhippos_apikey=ABC&tinyhippos_rurl=localhost%3A8080/getNameInfo.php 500(内部服务器错误)

I assume it has to do more with this than with what's written in the files. Any advice? Thanks!


EDIT: Found this: LINK but it won't fix my issue. If I do what it says here, I won't get any error thrown ("" instead) but will still fail.


EDIT 2: If I set Cross-Domain Proxy to Local in Ripple (that's suggested in the link above) I get


OPTIONS http://localhost:4400/ripple/xhr_proxy?tinyhippos_apikey=ABC&tinyhippos_rurl=http%3A//localhost%3A8080/getNameInfo.php net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

选项http:// localhost:4400 / ripple / xhr_proxy?tinyhippos_apikey = ABC&tinyhippos_rurl = http%3A // localhost%3A8080 / getNameInfo.php net :: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

EDIT 3: Changed my URL to local



and it's working now. Have no idea how to make it work on localhost. BUt will go with this now, as it's only a learning app.

它现在正在运作。不知道如何使它在localhost上工作。 BUt现在将继续使用它,因为它只是一个学习应用程序。

2 个解决方案



Add a header access control at top of getNameInfo.php file :


header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');



So, finally I found a solution. Even though it's not a recommended one, running Chrome with



will allow me to call a PHP script hosted on localhost:8080 from localhost:3000 where PhoneGap / Ripple Emulator stays.

将允许我从localhost:3000调用托管在localhost:8080上的PHP脚本,其中PhoneGap / Ripple Emulator保留。



Add a header access control at top of getNameInfo.php file :


header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');



So, finally I found a solution. Even though it's not a recommended one, running Chrome with



will allow me to call a PHP script hosted on localhost:8080 from localhost:3000 where PhoneGap / Ripple Emulator stays.

将允许我从localhost:3000调用托管在localhost:8080上的PHP脚本,其中PhoneGap / Ripple Emulator保留。