后台位置服务在iOS 7中不起作用

时间:2022-07-02 01:27:11

I've recently upgraded my iOS devices to use iOS 7. One of the apps that we're developing uses background location services to track device location and all of our testers have reported that the app no longer appears to track in the background under iOS 7.

我最近升级了我的iOS设备以使用iOS 7.我们正在开发的其中一个应用程序使用后台位置服务来跟踪设备位置,我们所有测试人员都报告该应用程序似乎不再在iOS下的后台跟踪7。

We have verified that backgrounding for the app is enabled in the settings on the device and the previous build worked flawlessly under iOS 6. Even if the device were cycled, the app would restart after a location update.

我们已经确认在设备上的设置中启用了应用程序的后台处理,并且之前的版本在iOS 6下运行良好。即使设备已循环播放,应用程序也会在位置更新后重新启动。

Is there something else that needs to be done to make this work under iOS 7?

还有什么需要做才能在iOS 7下完成这项工作吗?

6 个解决方案



I apologise for delay in posting the solution. I have been busy in the last few months and got caught up with my personal life until I forgot about this thread. Here is the solution that I used to get continuous location from iOS 7 devices no matter it is in foreground or background.

对于发布解决方案的延迟,我深表歉意。在过去的几个月里我一直很忙,并且在我忘记这个帖子之前就被我的个人生活所困扰。这是我用来从iOS 7设备获得连续位置的解决方案,无论它是在前景还是后台。

You may find the full solution and explanation from blog and also github:-

您可以从博客和github找到完整的解决方案和解释: -

  1. Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 and 8

    iOS 7和8的后台位置更新编程

  2. Github Project: Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 and 8

    Github项目:iOS 7和8的后台位置更新编程

Methods and Explanation:-

方法和说明: -

  1. I restart the location manager every 1 minute in function didUpdateLocations


  2. I allow the location manager to get the locations from the device for 10 seconds before shut it down (to save battery).


Partial Code Below:-

以下部分代码: -

-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations{

for(int i=0;i<locations.count;i++){
    CLLocation * newLocation = [locations objectAtIndex:i];
    CLLocationCoordinate2D theLocation = newLocation.coordinate;
    CLLocationAccuracy theAccuracy = newLocation.horizontalAccuracy;
    NSTimeInterval locationAge = -[newLocation.timestamp timeIntervalSinceNow];

    if (locationAge > 30.0)

    //Select only valid location and also location with good accuracy
        self.myLastLocation = theLocation;
        self.myLastLocationAccuracy= theAccuracy;
        NSMutableDictionary * dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
        [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:theLocation.latitude] forKey:@"latitude"];
        [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:theLocation.longitude] forKey:@"longitude"];
        [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:theAccuracy] forKey:@"theAccuracy"];
        //Add the vallid location with good accuracy into an array
        //Every 1 minute, I will select the best location based on accuracy and send to server
        [self.shareModel.myLocationArray addObject:dict];

//If the timer still valid, return it (Will not run the code below)
if (self.shareModel.timer)

self.shareModel.bgTask = [BackgroundTaskManager sharedBackgroundTaskManager];
[self.shareModel.bgTask beginNewBackgroundTask];

//Restart the locationMaanger after 1 minute
self.shareModel.timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:60 target:self

//Will only stop the locationManager after 10 seconds, so that we can get some accurate locations
//The location manager will only operate for 10 seconds to save battery
NSTimer * delay10Seconds;
delay10Seconds = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:10 target:self

Update on May 2014: I got a few requests for adding sample codes on sending the location to server for a certain time interval. I have added the sample codes and also combined a fix for BackgroundTaskManager to solve a glitch for background running over an extended period of time. If you have any questions, you are welcomed to join us for a discussion here: Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 with Location Update to Server Discussion


Update on January 2015: If you want to get the location update even when the app is suspended, please see: How to Get Location Updates for iOS 7 and 8 Even when the App is Suspended

2015年1月更新:如果您想要在应用程序暂停时获取位置更新,请参阅:如何获取iOS 7和8的位置更新即使应用程序暂停



If you look at WWDC 2013 Session video #204 - What's new with multitasking pdf, page number 15 clearly mentions that apps wont launch in the background if user kills it from the app switcher. Please see the image,

如果你看一下WWDC 2013 Session视频#204 - 多任务处理的新功能pdf,第15页清楚地提到,如果用户从应用程序切换器中杀死应用程序,应用程序将无法在后台启动。请看图片,

后台位置服务在iOS 7中不起作用



I think they made an optimization (probably using motion sensors), to detect "relatively" stationary positioning of the phone and they stop the location updates. This is only a speculation, but my tests currently show:


  1. Starting location updates; (tested with accuracy of 10 and 100 meters, 3 times each)
  2. 开始位置更新; (测试精度为10和100米,每次3次)
  3. Turn device's screen off to put the app in the background;
  4. 关闭设备屏幕,将应用程序置于后台;
  5. Leave the device stationary (e.g. on a desk) for 30 min.
  6. 将设备静止(例如放在桌子上)30分钟。

The data I log shows the geo-updates stop coming after ~ 15m and 30s. With that all other background processing you do is also terminated.


My device is iPhone 5 with iOS 7.

我的设备是带有iOS 7的iPhone 5。

I am 95% sure, this wasn't the case on iOS 6/6.1. Where getting geo updates with 100m accuracy used to give you pretty much continuous running in background.

我95%肯定,这不是iOS 6 / 6.1的情况。如果获得100米精度的地理更新,可以让您在后台持续运行。



If you restart the location manager every 8 minutes, it should run continuously.


Update #2


I haven't tested this in latest, but this is how I restarted it when I wrote the post. I hope this is helpful.


- (void)tryRestartLocationManager
    NSTimeInterval now = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];

    int seconds = round(floor(now - locationManagerStartTimestamp));

    if ( seconds > (60 * 8) ) {
        [locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
        [locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
        locationManagerStartTimestamp = now;



One of my iOS app needs to send location update to server at regular intervals and following approach worked for us....


Starting in iOS 7:

从iOS 7开始:

  • an app must have already been using location services (startUpdatingLocation) BEFORE having been backgrounded in order for the eligible for background run time
  • 应用程序必须已经使用位置服务(startUpdatingLocation)之前已经背景化以便符合条件的后台运行时间
  • the background grace period timeout was reduced from 10 minutes to 3 minutes
  • 后台宽限期超时从10分钟减少到3分钟
  • stopping location updates (via stopUpdatingLocation) will start the 3 minute backgroundTimeRemaining count down
  • 停止位置更新(通过stopUpdatingLocation)将启动3分钟backgroundTimeRemaining倒计时
  • starting location updates while already in the background will not reset the backgroundTimeRemaining
  • 已经在后台启动位置更新将不会重置backgroundTimeRemaining

So, DO NOT STOP the location updates anytime...Instead, prefer to use the necessary accuracy (fine location vs coarse location). Coarse location does not consume much battery...so this solution solves your problem.


After much searching online, found a link which provide a viable solution for iOS 7. The solution is as follows:

经过多次在线搜索,找到了一个为iOS 7提供可行解决方案的链接。解决方案如下:

  • While the app is still in the foreground, start location updates (startUpdatingLocation) but set the accuracy and distance filters to very course-grained (e.g. 3 km) updates. It is important to do this in the foreground (in applicationDidEnterBackground is too late).
  • 当应用程序仍处于前台时,启动位置更新(startUpdatingLocation),但将精度和距离过滤器设置为非常粗粒度(例如3 km)的更新。在前台执行此操作非常重要(在applicationDidEnterBackground中为时已晚)。
  • When a fine-grained resolution is required, temporarily set the accuracy and distance filters to get the best possible location, and then revert them back to the course-grained values – but never stop location updates.
  • 当需要细粒度分辨率时,临时设置精度和距离过滤器以获得最佳位置,然后将它们还原为粗粒度值 - 但永远不要停止位置更新。
  • Because location updates are always enabled, the app will not get suspended when it goes to the background.
  • 由于始终启用位置更新,因此应用程序在进入后台时不会被暂停。

And make sure you add the following to your application’s Info.plist “location” to the UIBackgroundModes key “location-services” and “gps” to the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key


Credits: http://gooddevbaddev.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/ios-7-running-location-based-apps-in-the-background/




I found another thread Start Location Manager in iOS 7 from background task Sash mentioned that

我在后台任务Sash中提到了另一个在iOS 7中启动位置管理器的线程

I found the problem/solution. When it is time to start location service and stop background task, background task should be stopped with a delay (I set 1 second). Otherwise location service wont start.


Can anyone try that and verify?


Nikolay, can you paste your code here? I tried to restart the location manager every 8 minutes but it does not run continuously.




After searching High and Low, I found the Solution from Apple Forum!

在搜索了High and Low之后,我从Apple Forum找到了解决方案!

In iOS 7, you can not start the location service in background. If you want the location service to keep running in the background, you have to start it in foreground and it will continue to run in the background.

在iOS 7中,您无法在后台启动位置服务。如果您希望位置服务在后台继续运行,则必须在前台启动它,它将继续在后台运行。

If you were like me, stop the location service and use timer to re-start it in the background, it will NOT work.


For more detailed information, you can watch the first 8 minutes of video 307 from WWDC 2013: https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/videos/

有关更多详细信息,您可以观看WWDC 2013中视频307的前8分钟:https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/videos/

Feb 2014 Update: I can get the location continuously from device using iOS 7 after several months of trying. You may see the full answer here: Background Location Services not working in iOS 7

2014年2月更新:经过几个月的尝试,我可以在使用iOS 7的设备上连续获取该位置。您可以在此处看到完整的答案:后台位置服务在iOS 7中不起作用



Is the icon on the status bar turned on? It's a strange behaviour I had too. Check my question: startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges but after some time didUpdateLocations is not called anymore


I discovered that the significant location changes was on but simply stopping and restarting the service (for significant changes) was not firing new locations.




I apologise for delay in posting the solution. I have been busy in the last few months and got caught up with my personal life until I forgot about this thread. Here is the solution that I used to get continuous location from iOS 7 devices no matter it is in foreground or background.

对于发布解决方案的延迟,我深表歉意。在过去的几个月里我一直很忙,并且在我忘记这个帖子之前就被我的个人生活所困扰。这是我用来从iOS 7设备获得连续位置的解决方案,无论它是在前景还是后台。

You may find the full solution and explanation from blog and also github:-

您可以从博客和github找到完整的解决方案和解释: -

  1. Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 and 8

    iOS 7和8的后台位置更新编程

  2. Github Project: Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 and 8

    Github项目:iOS 7和8的后台位置更新编程

Methods and Explanation:-

方法和说明: -

  1. I restart the location manager every 1 minute in function didUpdateLocations


  2. I allow the location manager to get the locations from the device for 10 seconds before shut it down (to save battery).


Partial Code Below:-

以下部分代码: -

-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations{

for(int i=0;i<locations.count;i++){
    CLLocation * newLocation = [locations objectAtIndex:i];
    CLLocationCoordinate2D theLocation = newLocation.coordinate;
    CLLocationAccuracy theAccuracy = newLocation.horizontalAccuracy;
    NSTimeInterval locationAge = -[newLocation.timestamp timeIntervalSinceNow];

    if (locationAge > 30.0)

    //Select only valid location and also location with good accuracy
        self.myLastLocation = theLocation;
        self.myLastLocationAccuracy= theAccuracy;
        NSMutableDictionary * dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
        [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:theLocation.latitude] forKey:@"latitude"];
        [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:theLocation.longitude] forKey:@"longitude"];
        [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:theAccuracy] forKey:@"theAccuracy"];
        //Add the vallid location with good accuracy into an array
        //Every 1 minute, I will select the best location based on accuracy and send to server
        [self.shareModel.myLocationArray addObject:dict];

//If the timer still valid, return it (Will not run the code below)
if (self.shareModel.timer)

self.shareModel.bgTask = [BackgroundTaskManager sharedBackgroundTaskManager];
[self.shareModel.bgTask beginNewBackgroundTask];

//Restart the locationMaanger after 1 minute
self.shareModel.timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:60 target:self

//Will only stop the locationManager after 10 seconds, so that we can get some accurate locations
//The location manager will only operate for 10 seconds to save battery
NSTimer * delay10Seconds;
delay10Seconds = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:10 target:self

Update on May 2014: I got a few requests for adding sample codes on sending the location to server for a certain time interval. I have added the sample codes and also combined a fix for BackgroundTaskManager to solve a glitch for background running over an extended period of time. If you have any questions, you are welcomed to join us for a discussion here: Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 with Location Update to Server Discussion


Update on January 2015: If you want to get the location update even when the app is suspended, please see: How to Get Location Updates for iOS 7 and 8 Even when the App is Suspended

2015年1月更新:如果您想要在应用程序暂停时获取位置更新,请参阅:如何获取iOS 7和8的位置更新即使应用程序暂停



If you look at WWDC 2013 Session video #204 - What's new with multitasking pdf, page number 15 clearly mentions that apps wont launch in the background if user kills it from the app switcher. Please see the image,

如果你看一下WWDC 2013 Session视频#204 - 多任务处理的新功能pdf,第15页清楚地提到,如果用户从应用程序切换器中杀死应用程序,应用程序将无法在后台启动。请看图片,

后台位置服务在iOS 7中不起作用



I think they made an optimization (probably using motion sensors), to detect "relatively" stationary positioning of the phone and they stop the location updates. This is only a speculation, but my tests currently show:


  1. Starting location updates; (tested with accuracy of 10 and 100 meters, 3 times each)
  2. 开始位置更新; (测试精度为10和100米,每次3次)
  3. Turn device's screen off to put the app in the background;
  4. 关闭设备屏幕,将应用程序置于后台;
  5. Leave the device stationary (e.g. on a desk) for 30 min.
  6. 将设备静止(例如放在桌子上)30分钟。

The data I log shows the geo-updates stop coming after ~ 15m and 30s. With that all other background processing you do is also terminated.


My device is iPhone 5 with iOS 7.

我的设备是带有iOS 7的iPhone 5。

I am 95% sure, this wasn't the case on iOS 6/6.1. Where getting geo updates with 100m accuracy used to give you pretty much continuous running in background.

我95%肯定,这不是iOS 6 / 6.1的情况。如果获得100米精度的地理更新,可以让您在后台持续运行。



If you restart the location manager every 8 minutes, it should run continuously.


Update #2


I haven't tested this in latest, but this is how I restarted it when I wrote the post. I hope this is helpful.


- (void)tryRestartLocationManager
    NSTimeInterval now = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];

    int seconds = round(floor(now - locationManagerStartTimestamp));

    if ( seconds > (60 * 8) ) {
        [locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
        [locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
        locationManagerStartTimestamp = now;



One of my iOS app needs to send location update to server at regular intervals and following approach worked for us....


Starting in iOS 7:

从iOS 7开始:

  • an app must have already been using location services (startUpdatingLocation) BEFORE having been backgrounded in order for the eligible for background run time
  • 应用程序必须已经使用位置服务(startUpdatingLocation)之前已经背景化以便符合条件的后台运行时间
  • the background grace period timeout was reduced from 10 minutes to 3 minutes
  • 后台宽限期超时从10分钟减少到3分钟
  • stopping location updates (via stopUpdatingLocation) will start the 3 minute backgroundTimeRemaining count down
  • 停止位置更新(通过stopUpdatingLocation)将启动3分钟backgroundTimeRemaining倒计时
  • starting location updates while already in the background will not reset the backgroundTimeRemaining
  • 已经在后台启动位置更新将不会重置backgroundTimeRemaining

So, DO NOT STOP the location updates anytime...Instead, prefer to use the necessary accuracy (fine location vs coarse location). Coarse location does not consume much battery...so this solution solves your problem.


After much searching online, found a link which provide a viable solution for iOS 7. The solution is as follows:

经过多次在线搜索,找到了一个为iOS 7提供可行解决方案的链接。解决方案如下:

  • While the app is still in the foreground, start location updates (startUpdatingLocation) but set the accuracy and distance filters to very course-grained (e.g. 3 km) updates. It is important to do this in the foreground (in applicationDidEnterBackground is too late).
  • 当应用程序仍处于前台时,启动位置更新(startUpdatingLocation),但将精度和距离过滤器设置为非常粗粒度(例如3 km)的更新。在前台执行此操作非常重要(在applicationDidEnterBackground中为时已晚)。
  • When a fine-grained resolution is required, temporarily set the accuracy and distance filters to get the best possible location, and then revert them back to the course-grained values – but never stop location updates.
  • 当需要细粒度分辨率时,临时设置精度和距离过滤器以获得最佳位置,然后将它们还原为粗粒度值 - 但永远不要停止位置更新。
  • Because location updates are always enabled, the app will not get suspended when it goes to the background.
  • 由于始终启用位置更新,因此应用程序在进入后台时不会被暂停。

And make sure you add the following to your application’s Info.plist “location” to the UIBackgroundModes key “location-services” and “gps” to the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key


Credits: http://gooddevbaddev.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/ios-7-running-location-based-apps-in-the-background/




I found another thread Start Location Manager in iOS 7 from background task Sash mentioned that

我在后台任务Sash中提到了另一个在iOS 7中启动位置管理器的线程

I found the problem/solution. When it is time to start location service and stop background task, background task should be stopped with a delay (I set 1 second). Otherwise location service wont start.


Can anyone try that and verify?


Nikolay, can you paste your code here? I tried to restart the location manager every 8 minutes but it does not run continuously.




After searching High and Low, I found the Solution from Apple Forum!

在搜索了High and Low之后,我从Apple Forum找到了解决方案!

In iOS 7, you can not start the location service in background. If you want the location service to keep running in the background, you have to start it in foreground and it will continue to run in the background.

在iOS 7中,您无法在后台启动位置服务。如果您希望位置服务在后台继续运行,则必须在前台启动它,它将继续在后台运行。

If you were like me, stop the location service and use timer to re-start it in the background, it will NOT work.


For more detailed information, you can watch the first 8 minutes of video 307 from WWDC 2013: https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/videos/

有关更多详细信息,您可以观看WWDC 2013中视频307的前8分钟:https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/videos/

Feb 2014 Update: I can get the location continuously from device using iOS 7 after several months of trying. You may see the full answer here: Background Location Services not working in iOS 7

2014年2月更新:经过几个月的尝试,我可以在使用iOS 7的设备上连续获取该位置。您可以在此处看到完整的答案:后台位置服务在iOS 7中不起作用



Is the icon on the status bar turned on? It's a strange behaviour I had too. Check my question: startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges but after some time didUpdateLocations is not called anymore


I discovered that the significant location changes was on but simply stopping and restarting the service (for significant changes) was not firing new locations.
