
时间:2021-01-02 01:20:31

I want to start writing unit tests for my Python code, and the py.test framework sounds like a better bet than Python's bundled unittest. So I added a "tests" directory to my project, and added test_sample.py to it. Now I want to configure PyCharm to run all the tests in my "tests" directory.


PyCharm allegedly supports py.test in its test runner. You're supposed to be able to create a run/debug configuration to run your tests, and PyCharm allegedly has a "create configuration" dialog box specifically for py.test. But that's the complete extent of their documentation on the subject, and I can't find this alleged dialog box anywhere.


If I right-click the directory in the Project tool window, I'm supposed to see a "Create <name>" menu item, but the only menu item starting with "Create" is "Create Run Configuration". Okay, maybe the documentation is just wrong, and "Create Run Configuration" does sound promising. Unfortunately, the only two items in its submenu are "Unittests in C:\mypath..." and "Doctests in C:\mypath...", neither of which applies -- I'm using neither unittest nor doctest. There is no menu item for py.test.

如果我右键单击Project tool窗口中的目录,我应该会看到一个“Create ”菜单项,但是唯一以“Create”开头的菜单项是“Create Run Configuration”。好吧,也许文档是错误的,“创建运行配置”听起来很有希望。不幸的是,它的子菜单中仅有的两个项目是“C:\mypath中的unittest”和“C:\mypath中的Doctests…”,这两个都不适用,我既没有使用unittest也没有使用doctest。没有py.test的菜单项。

If I open my test_sample.py and right-click in the editor window, I do get the promised "Create <name>" menu items: there's "Create 'Unittests in test_sa...'...", followed by "Run 'Unittests in test_sa...'" and "Debug 'Unittests in test_sa...'". So again, it's all specific to the unittest framework; nothing for py.test.

如果我打开test_sample。在编辑器窗口中单击py,我确实得到了承诺的“创建 ”菜单项:test_sa中有“创建”Unittests……,然后在test_sa中“运行”unittest…'和' Debug 'Unittests in test_sa…'。同样,它都是针对unittest框架的;没有对py . test。

If I do try the menu items that say "unittest", I get a dialog box with options for "Name", "Type", a "Tests" group box with "Folder" and "Pattern" and "Script" and "Class" and "Function", etc. This sounds exactly like what's documented as the dialog to add a configuration for Python Unit Test, and not like the "Name" and "Test to run" and "Keywords" options that are supposed to show up in the configuration for py.test dialog. There's nothing inside the dialog to switch which test framework I'm adding.


I'm using PyCharm 1.5.2 on Windows with Python 3.1.3 and pytest 2.0.3. I can successfully run py.test on my tests from the command line, so it's not something simple like pytest not being installed properly.

在使用Python 3.1.3和pytest 2.0.3的Windows上使用PyCharm 1.5.2。我可以成功运行py。从命令行测试我的测试,所以它不是简单的像pytest没有正确安装。

How do I configure PyCharm to run my py.test tests?


6 个解决方案



Please go to File | Settings | Tools | Python Integrated Tools and change the default test runner to py.test. Then you'll get the py.test option to create tests instead of the unittest one.

请访问|设置|工具| Python集成工具,并将默认测试运行器更改为py.test。然后你会得到py。创建测试的测试选项,而不是unittest。



I think you need to use the Run/Debug Configuration item on the toolbar. Click it and 'Edit Configurations' (or alternatively use the menu item Run->Edit Configurations). In the 'Defaults' section in the left pane there is a 'py.test' item which I think is what you want.


I also found that the manual didn't match up to the UI for this. Hope I've understood the problem correctly and that helps.




PyCharm 2017.3

PyCharm 2017.3

  1. Preference -> Tools -> Python integrated Tools - Choose py.test as Default test runner.
  2. 首选项->工具-> Python集成工具-选择py。作为默认测试运行器进行测试。
  3. If you use Django Preference -> Languages&Frameworks -> Django - Set tick on Do not use Django Test runner
  4. 如果您使用Django首选项—>语言和框架—> Django—设置勾,则不要使用Django测试运行器
  5. Clear all previous runned tests from Run/Debug configuration, otherwise tests will be runned with that configurations.
  6. 从运行/调试配置中清除所有以前运行的测试,否则将使用该配置运行测试。
  7. To set some default additional arguments update py.test default configuration. Run/Debug Configuration -> Defaults -> Python tests -> py.test -> Additional Arguments
  8. 要设置一些默认的附加参数,请更新py。测试默认配置。运行/调试配置->默认值-> Python测试-> py。测试- >附加参数



It's poorly documented to be sure. Once you get add a new configuration from defaults, you will be in the realm of running the "/Applications/PyCharm CE.app/Contents/helpers/pycharm/pytestrunner.py" script. It's not documented and has its own ideas of command line arguments.

确切地说,它的文档记录很糟糕。一旦您从默认设置中添加了新的配置,您就可以运行“/ application /PyCharm .app/Contents/helper /PyCharm /pytestrunner”了。py脚本”。它没有文档记录,并且有自己的命令行参数思想。

You can:


  1. Try to play around, reverse the script, and see if you can somehow get py.test to accept arguments. It might work; it didn't in the first half hour for me.
  2. 试着修改一下脚本,看看能不能找到py。测试接受参数。它可能工作;对我来说,前半个小时还没有。
  3. Just run "py.test *.py" from a console.
  4. py只运行”。测试*。py”从一个控制台。

Oddly, you will find it hard to find any discussion as JetBrains does a good job of bombing Google algorithms with its own pages.




find this thread when I hit the same question and found the solution pycharm version:2017.1.2 go to "Preferences" -> "Tools" -> "Python Integrated Tools" and set the default test runner from right side panel as py.test solve my problem

当我遇到同样的问题并找到解决方案pycharm版本:2017.1.2进入“Preferences”->“Tools”->“Python integration Tools”时,并将右侧面板的默认测试运行器设置为py。测试解决我的问题



With a special Conda python setup which included the pip install for py.test plus usage of the Specs addin (option --spec) (for Rspec like nice test summary language), I had to do ;

使用一个特殊的Conda python设置,其中包括为py安装pip。测试加上spec插件(选项—spec)的使用(对于Rspec,比如不错的测试总结语言),我必须做;

1.Edit the default py.test to include option= --spec , which means use the plugin: https://github.com/pchomik/pytest-spec


2.Create new test configuration, using py.test. Change its python interpreter to use ~/anaconda/envs/ your choice of interpreters, eg py27 for my namings.


3.Delete the 'unittests' test configuration.


4.Now the default test config is py.test with my lovely Rspec style outputs. I love it! Thank you everyone!


p.s. Jetbrains' doc on run/debug configs is here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/run-debug-configuration-py-test.html?search=py.test

Jetbrains的doc运行/调试配置如下:https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/rundebug -py-test.html?



Please go to File | Settings | Tools | Python Integrated Tools and change the default test runner to py.test. Then you'll get the py.test option to create tests instead of the unittest one.

请访问|设置|工具| Python集成工具,并将默认测试运行器更改为py.test。然后你会得到py。创建测试的测试选项,而不是unittest。



I think you need to use the Run/Debug Configuration item on the toolbar. Click it and 'Edit Configurations' (or alternatively use the menu item Run->Edit Configurations). In the 'Defaults' section in the left pane there is a 'py.test' item which I think is what you want.


I also found that the manual didn't match up to the UI for this. Hope I've understood the problem correctly and that helps.




PyCharm 2017.3

PyCharm 2017.3

  1. Preference -> Tools -> Python integrated Tools - Choose py.test as Default test runner.
  2. 首选项->工具-> Python集成工具-选择py。作为默认测试运行器进行测试。
  3. If you use Django Preference -> Languages&Frameworks -> Django - Set tick on Do not use Django Test runner
  4. 如果您使用Django首选项—>语言和框架—> Django—设置勾,则不要使用Django测试运行器
  5. Clear all previous runned tests from Run/Debug configuration, otherwise tests will be runned with that configurations.
  6. 从运行/调试配置中清除所有以前运行的测试,否则将使用该配置运行测试。
  7. To set some default additional arguments update py.test default configuration. Run/Debug Configuration -> Defaults -> Python tests -> py.test -> Additional Arguments
  8. 要设置一些默认的附加参数,请更新py。测试默认配置。运行/调试配置->默认值-> Python测试-> py。测试- >附加参数



It's poorly documented to be sure. Once you get add a new configuration from defaults, you will be in the realm of running the "/Applications/PyCharm CE.app/Contents/helpers/pycharm/pytestrunner.py" script. It's not documented and has its own ideas of command line arguments.

确切地说,它的文档记录很糟糕。一旦您从默认设置中添加了新的配置,您就可以运行“/ application /PyCharm .app/Contents/helper /PyCharm /pytestrunner”了。py脚本”。它没有文档记录,并且有自己的命令行参数思想。

You can:


  1. Try to play around, reverse the script, and see if you can somehow get py.test to accept arguments. It might work; it didn't in the first half hour for me.
  2. 试着修改一下脚本,看看能不能找到py。测试接受参数。它可能工作;对我来说,前半个小时还没有。
  3. Just run "py.test *.py" from a console.
  4. py只运行”。测试*。py”从一个控制台。

Oddly, you will find it hard to find any discussion as JetBrains does a good job of bombing Google algorithms with its own pages.




find this thread when I hit the same question and found the solution pycharm version:2017.1.2 go to "Preferences" -> "Tools" -> "Python Integrated Tools" and set the default test runner from right side panel as py.test solve my problem

当我遇到同样的问题并找到解决方案pycharm版本:2017.1.2进入“Preferences”->“Tools”->“Python integration Tools”时,并将右侧面板的默认测试运行器设置为py。测试解决我的问题



With a special Conda python setup which included the pip install for py.test plus usage of the Specs addin (option --spec) (for Rspec like nice test summary language), I had to do ;

使用一个特殊的Conda python设置,其中包括为py安装pip。测试加上spec插件(选项—spec)的使用(对于Rspec,比如不错的测试总结语言),我必须做;

1.Edit the default py.test to include option= --spec , which means use the plugin: https://github.com/pchomik/pytest-spec


2.Create new test configuration, using py.test. Change its python interpreter to use ~/anaconda/envs/ your choice of interpreters, eg py27 for my namings.


3.Delete the 'unittests' test configuration.


4.Now the default test config is py.test with my lovely Rspec style outputs. I love it! Thank you everyone!


p.s. Jetbrains' doc on run/debug configs is here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/run-debug-configuration-py-test.html?search=py.test

Jetbrains的doc运行/调试配置如下:https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/rundebug -py-test.html?