
时间:2022-04-02 01:18:48

I got a form containing multiple checkboxes. This form shall be sent to the server to receive appropriate results from a server side script.


This is already working.


What I would achieve now:


1) Implementing a timeout: This is already working, but as soon as a timeout occurs, a new request is not working anymore.


2) Implementing a delay in requesting results: A delay shall be implemented so that not every checkbox is resulting in a POST request.


This is what I have right now:


function update_listing() {

    // remove postings from table
    $('.tbl tbody').children('tr').remove();

    // get the results through AJAX
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "http://localhost/hr/index.php/listing/ajax_csv", 
                    data: $("#listing_form").serialize(),
                    timeout: 5000,
                    success: function(data) {
                                    $(".tbl tbody").append(data);
                    error: function(objAJAXRequest, strError) {
                                    $(".tbl tbody").append("<tr><td>failed " + strError + "</td></tr>");

    return true;


Results are for now passed as HTML table rows - I will transform them to CSV/JSON in the next step.

结果现在作为HTML表行传递 - 我将在下一步将它们转换为CSV / JSON。

Thanks so much for your advice.


1 个解决方案



For the delay:


(function () {

var timeout;

function update_listing() {

    // remove postings from table
    timeout = setTimeout(function () {

    $('.tbl tbody').children('tr').remove();

    // get the results through AJAX
        type: "POST",
        url: "http://localhost/hr/index.php/listing/ajax_csv", 
        data: $("#listing_form").serialize(),
        timeout: 5000,
        success: function(data) {
            $(".tbl tbody").append(data);
        error: function(objAJAXRequest, strError) {
           $(".tbl tbody").append("<tr><td>failed " + strError + "</td></tr>");

    }, 1000); // 1 second?    

    return true;


This will wait a second until making the AJAX request. What do you mean with regards to "as soon as a timeout occurs, a new request is not working anymore.". If you want to trigger another request if one fails, just call update_list() again (but note that the 1-second delay will be in effect).




For the delay:


(function () {

var timeout;

function update_listing() {

    // remove postings from table
    timeout = setTimeout(function () {

    $('.tbl tbody').children('tr').remove();

    // get the results through AJAX
        type: "POST",
        url: "http://localhost/hr/index.php/listing/ajax_csv", 
        data: $("#listing_form").serialize(),
        timeout: 5000,
        success: function(data) {
            $(".tbl tbody").append(data);
        error: function(objAJAXRequest, strError) {
           $(".tbl tbody").append("<tr><td>failed " + strError + "</td></tr>");

    }, 1000); // 1 second?    

    return true;


This will wait a second until making the AJAX request. What do you mean with regards to "as soon as a timeout occurs, a new request is not working anymore.". If you want to trigger another request if one fails, just call update_list() again (but note that the 1-second delay will be in effect).
